Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 60 Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!

call out!

call out!

Seeing Nan Batian leave, Liu Qingming of Xuantian Sect and Su Tianxin of Tianxin Sword School also drove a long rainbow and went straight through the sky.

Seeing this scene, an imperceptible sneer appeared on the corner of the crazy Taoist's mouth...

Then, he came to Lin Wudao.

"What is your name?"

"Let me do it!"

An extremely plain voice came from under the cloak.

"It turns out to be Brother Ren!"

"Brother, your name is very domineering. It has the air of a king. Unlike me, the old Taoist, who has always been crazy, so everyone calls me crazy Taoist, or old madman."

He chuckled.

Say it.

He handed a mysterious green jade talisman to Lin Wudao.

"Brother Ren, this is an invisibility jade talisman. I have engraved the invisibility technique in it. As long as it is crushed, it will have the effect of invisibility."

"Under the myth, you can't even detect it!"

"This trip to Dayan's ancestral land is extremely dangerous. Xuantian Sect, Da Sun Demon Sect, and Tianxin Sword Studio are not easy to use. Even though they appear to be friendly and kind on the surface, they are ruthless. But show no mercy.”

"Wait a minute, you still have to be careful!"

The mad Taoist warned in a low voice.

Invisibility jade charm?

Looking at the thing in his hand, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with a light.


He hummed lightly.


The two of them followed closely behind Nan Batian and the others, heading straight towards the Xuanjian Gate...

Xuanjianmen is located due east of Dayan City!

at this time.

Just as the morning sun was rising, thousands of Xuanjian Sect disciples were breathing spiritual energy or practicing various secret techniques and magical powers in the sect's square.

The elders of the Xuanjian Sect on the high platform gave instructions from time to time.

The whole scene looks extremely harmonious...


Suddenly, a terrifying big hand, packed with monstrous power, fell hard on the square, directly smashing the stone tablet that worshiped the ancestors of Xuanjian Sect, and smashed it with one punch.




Near the stone monument, the Xuanjian Sect disciples who had no time to dodge were immediately affected and were directly shocked to death by this powerful force.

Each orifice was bleeding, and some even had their bodies blown apart...

what happened?

Everything happens in an instant!

Faced with this sudden and shocking turn of events, not only the disciples of Xuanjian Sect were panicked, but also terrified; even the elders of Xuanjian Sect were shocked.


They all felt a terrifying aura falling from the sky.

"who is it?"

"Who dares to attack my Xuan Sword..."

An elder who transformed into the Great Perfection wanted to question him sharply.



Just as his voice sounded, another terrifying big hand came, not allowing him to resist at all, and directly suppressed him, and his body was exploded with a punch.

Blood rained down from the sky...

This scene shocked the surrounding Xuanjian Sect disciples!

call out!

call out!

call out!

With the arrival of powerful rainbow lights, under their horrified gaze, Nan Batian's majestic and brutal figure came into view.

Behind him, Liu Qingming and Su Tianxin were still following.

"Hiss, they are..."

"Liu Qingming, the supreme elder of the Xuantian Sect, Nan Batian, the deputy leader of the Great Sun Demon Sect, and Su Tianxin, the master of the Tianxin Sword School."

"Damn it, our Xuanjian Sect has always kept aloof from the world, why are they doing this?"

"Heaven wants to destroy our Xuanjian Sect..."

Many disciples were trembling!

at this time.

Their eyes looked at Nan Batian and others, full of horror and fear.

Compared to the Xuantian Sect, the Great Sun Demon Sect, the Tianxin Sword School and other powerful forces, the Xuanjian Sect is just an ant-like existence that can be destroyed by raising a hand.

"Nan Batian, it's time to temper your temper."

"These are innocent people, why hurt their lives?"

Looking at the miserable scene in front of her, Su Tianxin couldn't help but snorted coldly.

To this!

Nan Batian's mouth was filled with a sinister smile.


"The Xuanjian Sect is nothing more than an ant. What's the point of pity? They are lucky to die in the hands of this leader!"

"Besides, I am a devil, so I don't need to talk about benevolence, justice and morality."

"This is how our Great Sun Devil Sect works. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish..."

The extremely arrogant voice resounded in all directions.


As he spoke, a terrifying aura of the Heavenly Realm swept across the Xuanjian Sect like a violent storm, scaring all the disciples to the point of trembling.

Some people with low cultivation levels were directly shocked to death on the spot...


Seeing this scene, although Su Tianxin was angry, she did not intervene.

at the moment.

The most important thing is, Dayan Ancestral Land!

She couldn't afford to have a big fight with Nan Batian over a trivial matter. That would not be a good thing for either the Great Sun Demon Sect or Tianxin Sword House.

On the contrary, it will be cheaper for others!

Think of this.

Su Tianxin could only suppress her inner dissatisfaction, and with a wave of her hand, she made the nearby Xuanjian Sect disciples stay away from this place.

"False benevolence and righteousness~"

Nan Batian sighed with disdain on his face.

To this.

Su Tianxin simply chose to ignore it!

call out!

At this moment, another rainbow light came down, and a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi with elegant temperament appeared on the square.

Astonishingly, it was the sect leader of Xuanjian Sect, Zhao Changqing.

He took a quick look around, and then focused his gaze on Nan Batian and the others...

"I wonder what happened to the few people who came to my Xuanjian Sect?"

"Dayan Ancestral Land!"

Nan Batian's words are concise and concise.


Upon hearing these words, Zhao Changqing's expression changed drastically.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it anymore..."

He sighed helplessly.

His expression was full of bitterness.

Ever since the Xuanjian Gatekeeper chose to station here, he knew that things about the Dayan Ancestral Land could never be hidden, and people would eventually find out about it.


But he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Since you are here for the Dayan ancestral land, I don't want to say anything more, let alone ask questions. As long as you don't hurt my Xuanjian Sect disciples."


He turned around and looked at the disciples present.

"Everyone, leave!"


"Sect Master, they killed so many of our disciples, why..."

"Everyone, stand down!"

Some disciples made angry noises, but Zhao Changqing sternly stopped them.

See this scene.

Although everyone was full of anger and aggrieved, they did not dare to disobey.


Everyone left the square far away!

After confirming that all the disciples had left, Zhao Changqing breathed a sigh of relief...

"Sect Master, this Dayan ancestral land is a disaster."

"Alas, our Xuanjian Sect once had a chance to gain a foothold from the Dayan Sect, but we never expected that today, it would also bring disaster because of the Dayan Sect."

"Perhaps this is God's will!"

All the elders sighed.

To this!

Zhao Changqing was helpless.

With the strength of him and the entire Xuanjian Sect, compared to Nan Batian and others, they are like ants, and there is no way they can resist at all.


He decisively chose to abandon the Dayan ancestral land and save his disciples.

"Send the order and ask all the disciples to leave Xuanjian Sect immediately. It is best to leave Dayan City and come back after this storm has passed."

"I'm worried that the devil Nan Batian will cause trouble later..."

"Yes, Master!"

Everyone bowed in response.


They dispatched all the disciples of Xuanjian Sect as quickly as possible.

After everyone left, Zhao Changqing also left the Xuanjian Gate with a group of elders without looking back, and then walked out of Dayan City.

He had a premonition that the Xuanjian Sect would suffer a huge disaster next.

To stay there is to wait for death!

"Humph, a bunch of people who are greedy for life and death!"

Looking at Zhao Changqing's actions, Nan Batian sneered.

The words fell.

He raised his hand and punched out, directly smashing the square to pieces, revealing the Xuanjian Sect's ancestral tomb inside, and many old coffins came into view.

“Everyone is dead, why are there still coffins left?”


With a raised hand, all the coffins in the ancestral graves were thrown out by Nan Batian.

See this.

Lin Wudao stretched out his big hand and put all the coffins into the system space...

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