"Why are you looking for me?"

Facing the crazy Taoist's fiery eyes, Lin Wudao's expression was as calm as ever, and his words did not reveal any fluctuations.

To this!

The smile on the crazy Taoist's face became even stronger...

"Doesn't this feel like I'm in love with you?"

"Your Excellency likes to collect other people's ancestors, and I like to dig other people's ancestors out of their graves. We are born to be like-minded."

"I feel that by cooperating with you, we will have a bright future!"

"Finally, digging graves is hard work, and it is also a technical job, which requires strong support."

"Therefore, your strength and my skills are a perfect match..."

The crazy Taoist praised it without hesitation.

After hearing this, Lin Wudao remained unmoved!

"I never do anything that doesn't do any good."

A cold voice came from under the cloak.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist immediately gave a thumbs up!

"Heroes see the same thing!"

"I never do anything that is not beneficial. However, this Dayan Sect is different. Since its collapse eight thousand years ago, the Dayan Sect has been buried deep underground."

"Your Excellency, you know that in the ancestral land of Dayan City, there are not only the tombs of the ancestors of the Dayan Sect, but also the existence of Ji Dao spiritual soldiers..."

Yakuza weapon?

Lin Wudao was slightly moved!

"you sure?"


"The Dayan Sect has been in dust for eight thousand years and has never been discovered by the outside world. Its ultimate weapon of eight thousand years ago, the Dayan Sword, is definitely still in the ancestral land."

The crazy Taoist replied with absolute certainty.

"If that's the case, I'm a little interested..."

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.


Hearing this, the mad Taoist also had a bright smile on his face.

He knew that Lin Wudao would definitely be moved!

"The Dayan Sect has been buried deep underground for eight thousand years. Its sect's land is hidden in an ancient secret realm. If you want to open it, you need the Dayan Sect's inheritance token."

"That is an Emperor's Sword. It was given by the Emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty who ruled the Qingtian Territory eight thousand years ago. Later, due to a great disaster, the Dayan Sect was destroyed."

"His token, the Imperial Sword of Heaven, was also broken into pieces and scattered across the borders of the Nine Provinces."

"Later, after various major forces fought for it, most of the Emperor's Sword fragments were finally collected. Xuantian Sect, Great Sun Demon Sect, and Tianxin Sword School each controlled one-third."

"However, although the three major forces have gathered all the fragments of the Emperor's Sword, they are still unable to open the Dayan Sect's ancestral land..."


Can't open it?

Lin Wudao showed curiosity.

"Is there anything else missing?"


The crazy Taoist smiled proudly.

"Everyone in the world knows that the Emperor's Sword is the key to the Dayan Sect's ancestral land, but they don't know that the Emperor's essence in the Emperor's Sword is the most important thing."

"The Emperor's Sword without the essence of the Emperor's Dao has no soul, and thus loses the meaning of the key."

I see!

After the mad Taoist's narration, Lin Wudao finally understood the secret.


His heart moved, and a pair of deep eyes fell on the crazy Taoist...

"The imperial spirit should be in your hands, right?"


The crazy Taoist laughed and said nothing.

Seeing his expression, Lin Wudao already knew the answer.

"Are you going to invite the Xuantian Sect, the Great Sun Demon Sect, and the Tianxin Sword Studio to open the Dayan Ancestral Land together?"


"If you want to open Dayan's ancestral land, you can't do it without the Emperor's Sword itself or the vital Emperor's Essence. Only when they are all gathered can you enter the ancestral land."

"We need to rely on the help of the three major forces. Similarly, they also need the imperial soul. We have common interests."

"In addition, if the Xuantian Sect and other forces enter the Dayan ancestral land by then, as long as we plan carefully, are we afraid that there will be no big gains?"

"Don't you like to collect other people's ancestors? Now is the opportunity. When the three major forces of Xuantian Sect arrive, you can collect enough..."

The crazy Taoist said with a smile.

His smile was full of murderous intent!


Lin Wudao likes it very much!


"It seems that the ancestral land of Dayan Sect is a blessed place..."

"What are you going to do?"

"Hehe, of course I invite you to enter the urn!"

"As soon as the Emperor's Sword's imperial essence appears, Xuantian Sect, Great Sun Demon Sect, and Tianxin Sword Studio will definitely not be able to sit still. We will just wait here in Dayan City with peace of mind."

"I believe they will come to your door soon..."

The mad Taoist looked confident.

"In that case, I'll wait for your good news."

Say it.

Lin Wudao pointed to a teahouse across the street and stepped inside.


"I'm not looking for a master to come back, am I?"

The crazy Taoist curled his lips.


He took a deep look at Lin Wudao, took out a black cloak and put it on himself, and then went out to spread the news.

Natural home!

The name of the teahouse across the street!

He has been staying here for the past two days, patiently waiting for the good news from the crazy Taoist.

as expected!

The crazy Taoist does have some skills. I don’t know what method he used. In the past two days, the streets and alleys of Dayan City were all talking about the Dayan Ancestral Land and the Emperor’s Spirit.

Everyone knows it.

The imperial spirit is in Dayan City!


For a time, the eyes of the entire Kyushu realm were focused here.

Many practitioners took action after hearing the news...


Another day has passed!

At this time, the crazy Taoist came back.

From the smile on his face, Lin Wudao knew that the matter was basically done.

"Everything is under control!"

"The Xuantian Sect, the Great Sun Demon Sect, and the Tianxin Sword School have all sent many powerful people here. If nothing else happens, we will be able to enter the Dayan Ancestral Land soon."

The crazy Taoist took a sip of tea with a smile.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

After a long time.

He seemed to have noticed something, and looked towards the direction outside Dayan City...

call out!

call out!

call out!

Streams of bright light cut through the sky, accompanied by a powerful aura.

Look up.

I saw huge spirit boats coming from the void in the distance. Each of the spirit boats was filled with powerful figures.

"People are already here!"

The mad Taoist took a deep breath and stood up.

at the same time!

Two men and one woman stepped into Tiantian Residence hand in hand.

"The Supreme Elder of Xuantian Sect, Liu Qingming!"

"Deputy leader of the Great Sun Demon Sect, Nan Batian!"

"Master of the Tianxin Sword House, Su Tianxin!"

At a glance, the information of the three people was displayed.

They are all strong men in the heaven-human realm!

"Tongtian, Guizhen, Overcoming Tribulation, Mahayana, Heaven and Man, and Mythology, these are four great realms apart. It seems that all the big people are here."

"If we bury their bodies, I don't know what we will get..."

Lin Wudao was full of expectations.

He was going to set up a trap to trap them all to death!

This Dayan ancestral land is their death place...

To this!

Liu Qingming and the others were completely unaware!

Under the warm greetings of the crazy Taoist, the group came to the private room of Tiantianju to discuss important matters.

"Where is the imperial spirit?"

Nan Batian of the Great Sun Demon Sect has the most violent temper and the most cruel and vicious personality. After sitting down, he went straight to the point.

"Of course it's in my hands!"

The crazy Taoist had a smile on his face.

"The purpose of informing you this time is to open the Dayan ancestral land eight thousand years ago together. You have the Emperor's Sword in your hands, and I have the essence of the Emperor. Without anyone else, I can't survive."

"Once you enter the Dayan ancestral land, life and death will depend on God's will. What do you think?"

"no problem!"


Several people were silent for a while and then answered one after another.

"In that case, let's start taking action!"

"First of all, according to my investigation, the ancestral land of Dayan is hidden under the ancestral tomb of Xuanjian Sect. Xuanjian Sect learned a little bit of information about the ancestral land of Dayan Sect and opened the sect in that place."

"The purpose is to one day find a way to enter the Dayan ancestral land."

"Therefore, if you want to enter the Dayan ancestral land, you must break through the ancestral tomb of Xuanjianmen..."

The crazy Taoist said pretending to be embarrassed.

Hear the words!

Nan Batian laughed coldly.

"Now that we've determined the location, we can just do it!"

"If you don't accept it, I'll kill you~"


The words fell.

He just controlled a rainbow and headed towards the Xuanjian Gate with great momentum...

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