"The evil trio, you guys don't keep your word!"

"You promised before that as long as we hand over all the divine treasures, you would not harm our lives, and now you are going back on your promise?"

"You three bastards, can you be a little more immoral?"

Seeing Luo Sansheng's murderous intent revealed, Wu Yuanjun finally couldn't bear the anger and hatred in his heart and roared loudly.

His expression was extremely ferocious!

Looking like that, I wish I could eat Lin Wudao and the other three alive...

To this!

The crazy Taoist didn't care at all.

"We said we won't harm your lives!"

"In fact, we did not take action."

"Now, the ones who want your lives are the Lishan Divine Clan. We brothers are just using money to do things."

"We have no right to ask what they want to do with you..."

He spread his hands and replied.


Upon hearing this, everyone was immediately furious!

If looks could kill, Lin Wudao and the others would have been cut to pieces long ago.

"Don't you just want to extort the treasure?"

"As long as you are willing to let us go, when we return to the God Clan, we will definitely give you the treasures you need, how about it?"

Bei Gongtang said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Crazy Taoist, Lin Wudao and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.


"We do things based on principles!"

"Now you are at the disposal of the Lishan God Clan, we will not care about it..."

The crazy Taoist old god is here.

The treasures of the nine divine clans are certainly attractive.

However, that was not the result that their wicked trio wanted at all.


The crazy Taoist did not agree to them.

"You guys are talking like dogs, I curse you to a bad death!"

Seeing that Lin Wudao and the others were indifferent, Bei Gongtang could no longer bear the anger in his heart and started to curse.

Others also cast extremely resentful looks.


Crazy Taoist, Lin Wudao, and Qin Daofu all ignored their hatred and chose to watch indifferently.

at the same time!

Luo Sansheng also seized the opportunity, picked up the sword on the ground, and rushed into the crowd crazily.

"Those who rebel against God should die!"


Accompanied by bursts of shrill screams, Luo Sansheng raised his knife and fell, one after another being mercilessly killed.

See it!

The crazy Taoist secretly took out the Divine Book of the World and recorded all the scenes of Luo Sansheng massacring the nine gods.

Looking at his actions, Lin Wudao immediately understood his plan.

"Crazy Taoist, do you want to harm the Lishan Divine Clan again?"


"Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted."

"The Lishan God Clan is a great God Clan. If the news about the massacre of the nine God Clan spreads, it will definitely offend the interests of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom, the Motian God Clan, and the Beidou God Clan."

"At that time, there may be a war between several major divine races!"

"Don't take advantage of me, bastard!"

"In short, a dead Taoist friend is better than a poor Taoist..."

The crazy Taoist said with a treacherous look.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

When it comes to intrigues, the Mad Taoist is definitely the best among them.

"However, the Son of God of the Motian God Clan and the Son of God of the Beidou God Clan have extraordinary identities and cannot be killed by Luo Sansheng."

"Keep them, we can still make another fortune from the Motian God Clan and the Beidou God Clan."

"Don't worry, Brother Ren, I have already planned it..."

The crazy Taoist responded with a smile.


With a wave of his hand, he directly isolated Gong Wuque and Nie Tianxin from the crowd.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing the crazy Taoist's actions, Luo Sansheng, who had already killed all the nine great gods, suddenly frowned.

In his mind, as the sons of God, Gong Wuque and Nie Tianxin must not be let go.

This time is the best opportunity to kill them!


Judging from this sign, it seems that the evil trio is planning to change their minds again.

This made Luo Sansheng very unhappy!

"We just promised you to help suppress the nine major divine tribes, but this does not include the Motian God Clan and the Beidou God Clan."

"If you want to kill them, you have to pay more!"


Want more money?

Hearing the crazy Taoist's shameless request, Luo Sansheng was filled with hatred and his face became extremely gloomy.


Where can he get the money?

"In that case, forget it!"

"This time, being able to kill these rebellious officials and traitors from the nine major divine clans can also be regarded as recovering some interest from the great god."

"I'll report the rest someday!"


Luo Sansheng clenched his fists and sighed helplessly.

To this!

The crazy Taoist looked calm and did not respond.

"We have completed what you asked us to do."

"Next, if there is nothing else to do, you can leave..."


The words fell.

The crazy Taoist waved his hand and opened the passage to the Golden God's Tomb.

See it!

Although Luo Sansheng was somewhat suspicious of the crazy Taoist's motives, he did not hesitate too much. When the Golden God Tomb was opened, he immediately left with Luo Qingchen and Luo Bingyan.


After they left, the crazy Taoist pulled Gong Wuque and Nie Tianxin in front of them.

"Thank you three for not killing me!"

"After returning to the God Clan, Gong Wuque will definitely repay him a hundredfold..."

Gong Wuque took the lead in saluting.

He kept his posture very low and behaved very respectfully.

"I am willing to repay the kindness of the three of you a hundredfold!"

After Gong Wuque, Nie Tianxin quickly spoke.


"We are very happy that you two sons of God are so aware of current affairs."

"Actually, we brothers are very principled in doing things. We only take what we should take, and we won't take anything we shouldn't take."

"Both of you are the outstanding talents of the Motian Divine Clan and the Beidou Divine Clan. It would be a pity if you died here."

"So, the three of us brothers also want to make friends with the two sons of God."

"Maybe there will be many places for cooperation in the future..."

The crazy Taoist said with a faint smile.

"Yes, yes, your Excellency said so."

"Being able to make friends with the three of you is a blessing that I will cultivate in the next few lives."

"After returning to the God Clan, I will report to the Ming Ancestor and take out three treasures of the saints to express my feelings..."

Gong Wuque hurriedly expressed his position.

There was also an expression of extreme surprise and gratitude on his face.

"Me too!"

"I would also like to take out three treasures of saints and thank you for your kindness..."

Nie Tianxin followed closely behind.

Hearing this, the three crazy Taoists looked at each other and showed appreciative smiles.

"Well, we are all friends, just be casual."

"What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours..."

"Uh, yes, yes, yes~"

Gong Wuque and Nie Tianxin smiled awkwardly.

I don’t dare to have any disobedience or refutation at all!

after all!

Their lives are in the hands of the evil trio.


"The treasures of Lishan Divine Kingdom have been dug out. It's time for you to leave here. Let our brothers give you a ride."

"This...thank you very much."

Gong Wuque and Nie Tianxin were flattered.


None of them could guess the crazy Taoist's intentions.

As for their reactions, the three crazy Taoists ignored them.


At that moment, Lin Wudao waved his hand and moved them directly to Lishan Divine Kingdom.


After crossing the gate of the Kingdom of God, Gong Wuque and Nie Tianxin left the Shanling Realm as quickly as possible.

Go straight to their respective gods...

Different from them, Luo Sansheng and others from the Lishan Divine Clan returned towards the endless abyss.

See it!

Lin Wudao pondered for a while, and directly used the power of the system to bring them to the broken bridge where they had fought Nie Qing madly.

"How did you come to the Endless Abyss?"

Endless abyss?

Luo Sansheng's eyes were surprised.

"Are you talking about this space fault?"


Lin Wudao nodded.

"This... we were guided by Nanhuang Tianji Pavilion, and then we deployed a teleportation array outside this space fault."

"Through the teleportation array, we finally found this place..."

Luo Sansheng didn't dare to hide it and answered honestly.

"Then behind this space fault, where is the land of Shenzhou?"

"It's the vast and wild territory of Nantian Divine Continent!"

"There are five continents in the Divine Continent, namely: Eastern Divine Continent, Southern Divine Continent, Western Divine Continent, Northern Divine Continent, and Central Divine Continent."

"Nantian Divine Continent is divided into nine areas..."

Luo Sansheng told everything he knew.

Through his narration, Lin Wudao and the others had a rough outline of the geographical location of the Divine Continent.


The land of Shenzhou is very big!

Even the Great Wilderness Territory under the jurisdiction of Nantian Divine Continent is thousands of times larger than the entire twelve Great Wilderness Territories.

Each Divine Continent covers an extremely vast area, containing many ancient and powerful sects, holy places, and aristocratic families.

A saint can only reach the limit of being a strong person...

Above the saints, there are also saint kings, ancient saints, great saints, quasi-emperors, etc.


Lin Wudao and the others were fascinated by those ancient and powerful ancient families, inherited imperial clans, and great emperors.

"Let's go."

"If we are destined to meet again in the future, we might meet again."

The mad Taoist waved his hand.

Hear the words!

Luo Sansheng did not hesitate and immediately took Luo Qingchen and Luo Bingyan to the back of the broken bridge.

Immediately afterwards.

Through an ancient teleportation array, he left the endless abyss.

Watching their departing figures, Lin Wudao turned his attention to the majestic world behind the space fault...

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