Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: First level true god

Luck value: 525 trillion

Looking at the luck value on the panel, Lin Wudao smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

This trip to Lishan Divine Kingdom was indeed a big profit!

And with this fortune value in his account, he can also ease the embarrassing situation...


After carving up all the divine treasures, the mad Taoist and Qin Daofu on the side also showed satisfied expressions.

"Now that we have harvested the nine major protoss, it's time to go to the Lishan Protoss."

"If possible, find a way to squeeze out some oil and water from the God of Lishan, hehe."

The mad Taoist had a sly smile on his face.

"Old madman, do you really plan to hand over these people from the Nine Divine Clan to the Lishan Divine Clan?"

Qin Daofu asked curiously.

"if not?"

"As the saying goes: take people's money and eliminate disasters with them!"

"Since we have taken money from the Lishan Divine Clan, we have to do things for others. We still have to be trustworthy when doing things."

“However, it would be even more perfect if we could rely on them to make a little money in the process.”

The mad Taoist said somewhat mysteriously.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu both looked curious.

They knew that the crazy Taoist had definitely come up with another bad idea...

"Let's go, let's go to the errand first."


As he spoke, Lin Wudao waved his hand and immediately picked up Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu and disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Luo Sansheng and others.


The mad Taoist raised his arm, and the Golden God's Tomb instantly transformed into an ancient and mysterious tomb, suspended in the void.

A dark passage was revealed...

"Everyone, according to the previous agreement, we have suppressed all the nine major divine clans."

"It's up to you how to deal with it next. Our brothers will never interfere..."

The crazy Taoist said calmly.


He ignored the reaction of Luo Sansheng and others, turned around and walked into the Golden God Tomb with Lin Wudao and others.

Looking at this scene, Luo Sansheng frowned.

"Uncle Thirteen, do we want to go in?"

Luo Qingchen asked aloud.

Hear the words!

Luo Sansheng was silent for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

"But... the righteous trio are extremely vicious. If we step into this tomb of the gods, I'm afraid we will be slaughtered by them."

"Do we have any choice now?"

"With the powerful power displayed by the Justice Trio, even the saint incarnation of the Sky God Clan can be wiped out. What can we fight against?"

"If you want to kill us, it will be easy!"

"At this moment, in the eyes of the Justice Trio, we are just like ants, there is nothing to worry about..."

Luo Sansheng sighed.

The words fell!

He took a deep breath and stepped into the Golden God's Tomb.

See it!

Luo Qingchen and Luo Bingyan looked at each other and followed behind...

"High Priest, what are these evil trio doing?"

"They imprisoned all the people from the nine major divine clans in the golden tomb of the gods. I'm afraid they have some evil intentions again."

"It's a pity that I can't see what they are doing..."

Wu Huan said with emotion.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue's face was dull.

The jade hand brushed through the void, and the picture in front of him disappeared instantly.

"The Lishan Divine Kingdom has come to an end!"

"Next, the most important task is to control the twelve regions of the wilderness and transform a large number of living creatures into the people of the great god."

"Yu Zhentian and Tu Shanguo, you are responsible for commanding the Doomsday Legion and Qingshan Legion under your command, and developing the divine realm."

"We must suppress all the forces in the twelve regions of the wilderness within a month and bring them under the rule of the great god."

"Great Heavenly Master, you are responsible for taking over all resources in the divine domain!"

"Ying Chaotian, you are responsible for registering the creatures in the divine domain, including them in the divine books, and selecting useful talents."

"In addition, in the name of Qingshan Ancestral Temple, a notice is issued to select high priests, divine attendants, envoys and other clergy in the mountain world."

"From now on, a temple will be set up in each of the twelve regions of the Great Wilderness to facilitate the development and management of believers."

Tushan Cangyue issued various orders in an orderly manner.

at the moment!

After taking over the territory of the Twelve Territories of the Great Wilderness, it must be digested and brought under the rule of the Tushan clan.

at the same time!

Let all living beings in the wilderness become the people of Qingshan God in the shortest possible time.

These must be completed as soon as possible.

"Follow the law!"

After receiving the order, everyone immediately dispersed.

"Sister, if all the twelve realms of the Great Wilderness are included in the great god's divine realm, by then you will have become a divine king, right?"

After everyone left, Tushan Ruoruo asked with a smile.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue nodded slightly.


After taking over the spiritual domain and the East Extreme Heavenly Domain of the Zhenwu Shrine, her cultivation level also increased, reaching the level of a third-level god.

If the twelve realms of the Great Wilderness were included, becoming a God King would not be a problem.

By the time!

Even if a saint comes, he can still suppress it!

"You three must also practice diligently. As goddesses of the temple, your cultivation must not be too weak to damage the majesty of the temple."

"I'll give you one year, and you must all cultivate into God Kings!"


One year?

Hearing this, Tushan Ruoruo suddenly turned into a bitter face.

"Sister, how can you become a God King in one year? Ten years is almost enough..."


"With your qualifications, is it difficult to become a God King in one year?"


"When the twelve realms of the Great Wilderness are incorporated into the divine realm, I will conduct a baptism of the gods in the name of the great god."

Say it!

Before Tushan Ruoruo and the others could come to their senses, Tushan Cangyue disappeared in an instant.


"Finally, there will be another baptism of God!"

"Ling'er, Ziyi, let's go play outside the Shanling Realm together..."

Tushan Ruoruo excitedly took the hands of Yu Ling'er and Xiao Ziyi and said.

Hear the words!

Both of them were quite moved.

"Ruoruo, but the high priest told us that we will become a god king within a year."

"Would it be bad if I were lazy?"

Yu Linger hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

"Isn't there still a year left? Let's go out and have fun first. Then when we have enough fun, we can come back and practice slowly."

"Anyway, after a while, eldest sister will undergo a divine baptism. By then, it will save a lot of time in practice."

"Besides, I will guarantee that you will become a God King within a year."

"We have some magical elixirs."

"If it doesn't work, I'll go and ask the gods to open a small stove for us, hehe..."

Tushan Ruoruo said in an eccentric way.


Hearing her words, both Yu Ling'er and Xiao Ziyi's eyes widened.


"Okay, it'll be okay."

Seeing that the two of them seemed to still have scruples, Tushan Ruoruo didn't care so much, and immediately pulled them, and then left the mountain world with a few great beasts in high spirits.

Their every move was watched by Tushan Cangyue...

"Li Zangtian, follow them and don't let anything happen to them."


In the temple, Li Zangtian nodded.


He took one step forward and his figure instantly merged into the void.

the other side!

After Luo Sansheng and others followed the mad Taoist into the Golden God's Tomb, they saw everyone from the nine major divine clans.

"Lishan Divine Clan?"

The moment they saw Luo Sansheng and the others, Gong Wuque, Nie Tianxin, Bei Gongtang and others' expressions instantly changed.

There was strong uneasiness in each of their eyes...

"The nine major divine clans that entered the Lishan Divine Kingdom this time are all here. Next, you decide for yourself how to deal with them."

The mad Taoist crossed his arms, as if watching a good show.

at this time!

Bei Gongtang and others were all imprisoned and became meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

See this scene!

Luo Sansheng's eyes burst out with a bright fierce light.

"Can you give me a knife?"

He looked at the crazy Taoist.

"No problem~"

The crazy Taoist smiled lightly and readily agreed.

call out!

As he pointed out, a simple sword fell at Luo Sansheng's feet...

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