"Are these statues valuable?"

Looking at the movements of the God of Lishan, Qin Daofu couldn't help but frown and asked.

The statues in front of them have basically been severely damaged due to the battle between gods. They are either missing arms or legs, or only decayed bodies are left.

What's more, even the head was cut off...

Qin Daofu examined them for a long time and couldn't see anything special about these statues.


Compared to his surprise and confusion, when Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist's eyes fell on those statues, they showed thoughtful expressions.

"It turns out that these statues are the real treasures!"

The crazy Taoist narrowed his eyes.

Looking excited!

"Brother Ren, what secret did you see?"

Qin Daofu couldn't wait to ask.

"It's easy!"

"There is also a mysterious inner space hidden among these statues, which contains the divine treasures accumulated by the Lishan God Clan and the nine major God Clan."

"As long as you use the secret method of the gods, you can open the inner space of the statue and obtain the amazing treasures inside."

Lin Wudao explained.


Is there any treasure inside the statue?

Upon hearing this, Qin Daofu's eyes suddenly widened.

"God of Lishan, is this the wealth you are talking about?"


"Everything is just as he said. These statues are the ancestors of the Lishan God Clan and the nine major God Clan."

"Because they follow this god, they all became gods of incense and fire!"

"The god of incense can create an inner space in his own statue, which is equivalent to the prototype of the Kingdom of God."

"In their inner space, there are a lot of rare treasures."

"This is the real divine treasure that the nine great clans of gods are looking for!"

"The treasures accumulated by each statue are equivalent to at least one-third of the treasure in the hands of this god, or even more."

"As long as you can open the inner space of the statue, you will gain an unimaginable amount of wealth..."

The God of Lishan said in a deep voice.


As soon as he said these words, whether it was Qin Daofu, Crazy Taoist, or Lin Wudao, a bright light burst out from his eyes.

"God of Lishan, can you open the inner space of these statues?"

Qin Daofu asked expectantly.


"As long as you have done things for me, I will naturally open the inner spaces of these statues and take out the divine treasures inside."

"How about it?"

"This is a huge amount of wealth, enough for you to cultivate to the level of God King..."

The god of Lishan is good at tempting.

Hear the words!

Qin Daofu and the other three looked at each other and finally nodded.


"We agreed!"

"However, I can help you get revenge, but we must be rewarded according to the progress of the mission."

"After all, our expenses are huge..."

Lin Wudao added.

To this!

The God of Lishan was silent for a while, and finally agreed readily.

"In that case, just wait and see!"

Say it.

Lin Wudao greeted, and the three of them turned and walked out of the temple.


"Human nature is indeed greedy!"

"I'm not afraid that you will want more, but I'm afraid that you won't want it. Only in this way will you take the bait."

"It's not so easy to get my God's things..."

A mysterious smile appeared on the lips of the God of Lishan.

After a while!

He restrained his divine light, and the statue fell silent again.

"Brother Ren, I feel like there is something wrong with the God of Lishan Mountain."

After leaving the temple.

Qin Daofu approached Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist and whispered.

"How to say?"

Lin Wudao asked with interest.

"I feel like the God of Lishan is trying to trick us."

"If he could really open the space inside those statues, he wouldn't have been betrayed by the nine gods in the past."

"So I guess he's just talking nonsense!"

"Furthermore, if the God of Lishan can really open the space inside the statue, why do the nine major divine races from the outside world still try their best to enter the Lishan Divine Kingdom?"

"Last point, I suspect that the God of Lishan does not have that many treasures and treasures at all. The quarter he has taken out now may be all of them."

"Anyway, he only has the last ray of obsession left. Even if he turns against him when the time comes, it will only be destroyed."

"But if we do this for him, we will suffer a big loss."

"If the speculation is true, the God of Lishan is using us to make a big deal out of us..."

Qin Daofu squinted his eyes and said.

Hear this!

The crazy Taoist immediately gave a thumbs up!


Lin Wudao also cast an appreciative look.

"Scavenger, you are not stupid after all."

"This old guy, the God of Mount Li, how can you completely believe his lies?"

"Just like you said, if he could really control the nine gods, he would not have been abandoned by them in the past."

"What this dog said is 100% trying to make a big pie!"

"However, he is making a lot of calculations. We are not that easy to fool. If we take this quarter of the divine treasure in vain, there is nothing he can do."

"What's more, if we want to obtain the divine treasures in those statues, there are other ways..."

The mad Taoist sneered coldly.

He selectively believed what the God of Lishan said!

At least.

There are indeed a large number of divine treasures in the spaces within those statues.

at this point!

The God of Lishan did not deceive them!

"Old madman, you mean...the nine major divine clans?"


"In a few days, the nine major divine tribes from the outside world will enter the Lishan Divine Kingdom. By then, they will definitely open the sacred treasures in the statues."

"So, we just have to wait and see!"

"As for whether there are other treasures in the hands of the God of Lishan, there is no need to worry about this."

"If there is, then find a way to collect a handful of wool; if not, just smash his statue when the time comes."

"In short, it's impossible to paint a pie for us..."

The mad Taoist snorted.

The God of Lishan wants to use them, why don't they want to harvest the wool of the God of Lishan?

As for the result?

Then it depends on whose method is more clever.

Crazy Taoist is naturally full of confidence in himself and others.

after all!

What tricks can a god of incense and fire play with only the last ray of obsession left?

"By the way, let's divide this quarter of the gods, right?"


While talking.

The crazy Taoist waved his hand and took out all the treasures from the previous temple.

After a while.

After the three people divided the accounts, Lin Wudao took advantage and received relatively more treasures.

After the sacrifice!

In the end, thirty trillion luck points were obtained!

"By the way, where should we go next?"

"According to time calculation, it seems that the nine major divine clans will have to wait seven days before they can enter the Lishan Divine Kingdom." "Are we going to keep guarding here?"

Qin Daofu looked at Lin Wudao.

"Need not!"

"I used a secret treasure to scan the Lishan Divine Kingdom, and found that there are many corpses of god kings in a place called the Endless Abyss."

"There might be a big tomb in that place!"

"Next, let's dig graves and collect corpses first to enhance our own strength..."

Endless abyss?

The corpse of the God King?

Upon hearing this, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu instantly became interested.

"How big is it?"

"It's big!"

"According to my rough estimate, there are at least hundreds of corpses of god kings in the endless abyss."

Lin Wudao replied.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly."

"Hey, this Lishan Divine Kingdom is really a treasure. Now we can make a fortune..."

Qin Daofu rubbed his palms together excitedly.


Under the urging of him and the crazy Taoist, Lin Wudao immediately followed the map on the corpse map and quickly walked towards the endless abyss.

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