
Looking at the phantom that appeared from the statue, the mad Taoist could not help but narrow his eyes.

His true eyes discerned a lot of information!

"God of Mount Li, I heard that there is a world-shattering divine treasure in your kingdom of God. Is it true?"

he asked straight to the point.

Hear this!

The God of Lishan showed a hint of gloom.

"You must have heard what those anti-god tribes from the outside world said?"

A clan against the gods?

Lin Wudao and the three of them looked at each other with surprised expressions.

"Are you referring to the Taicang Divine Clan and other nine major divine clans?"


The God of Lishan nodded.

"In the past, this god and the God of Beidou launched a shocking divine battle. All the ten major divine races in the Kingdom of God participated in it."

"It's just that at the last moment of the divine war, the Taicang Clan and other nine major protoss abandoned the faith of this god."

"So much so that I was defeated by the God of Beidou!"

"Therefore, in the eyes of this God, the Taicang God Clan and other nine major God Clan are all rebellious officials and traitors..."

Speaking of which!

The God of Lishan revealed strong resentment in his tone.

His expression also became extremely gloomy!

at the same time!

After hearing what the God of Lishan said, Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist also showed surprised expressions.

None of them thought that there would be such incredible grievances between the God of Mount Li and the nine great clans of gods.

"Is the God of Beidou also a great god?"


"The God of Beidou is the incense god enshrined by the Beidou Clan and belongs to another great clan of the Taiyin Clan."

"I rule many gods under my command!"

"Back then, the God of Beidou led the seven major clans of gods led by the Beidou God Clan to attack our Lishan Kingdom."

"That battle lasted ten days and ten nights!"

"When it comes to background and divine rank, the strength and power of this god and the God of Beidou are on par."

"He can't kill me, and I can't kill him!"

"It's just that what I didn't expect is that the nine major gods have already abandoned their faith."

"It was precisely because of their betrayal that this god was completely destroyed..."

The God of Lishan keeps telling the past events.

Through his narration, Lin Wudao and the others also had a general understanding of the past divine wars.

"Tsk tsk~"

"You are a great god after all, but you don't even know that your own people have turned their backs?"

"This shows that your death was not unjust at all..."

The crazy Taoist joked.

To this!

The God of Lishan sighed and shook his head.

"The most unpredictable thing in the world is the human heart!"

"The nine major gods have been unswervingly following this god since their first generation ancestors, and they have always been vassals of the Lishan God Clan."

"I have never doubted their loyalty and piety, how could I know..."

Speaking of which.

The sadness in the words of the God of Lishan became even more intense.

"Is the divine treasure mentioned by the nine great gods true?"

"Half truth and half lie!"

"Before, in my divine kingdom, there were indeed many divine treasures, which were accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years."

"There were originally ten great hidden treasures!"

"It's just that with the collapse of the Kingdom of God, the nine sacred places among them have all been wiped out."

"There is one last divine treasure left, which is hidden in my own divine kingdom."

"As long as you agree to two things, I will hand over all the sacred treasures to you..."

"In addition, this god can also make you a fortune."


Is there really a hidden treasure?

After hearing the words of the God of Lishan, whether it was Lin Wudao, Mad Taoist, or Qin Daofu, they all showed excited expressions.

"You have only the last trace of obsession left, and you still dare to negotiate terms with us?"

"Believe it or not, we just smashed your statue?"

The mad Taoist threatened fiercely.


"But in that case, you won't get anything."

"Only this god can open the natal divine kingdom. If this god dies, the natal divine kingdom will also be wiped out."

"Actually, this god's requirements are not high!"

"For the three of you, it can be done easily..."

The God of Lishan said calmly.


"What do you want the three of us to do for you? Also, what do you mean by making a fortune?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

Hear the words!

The God of Lishan was silent for a long time, and then took a deep look at the three of them.

"The first thing is to take revenge for me, of course!"

"In the past, the nine great clans of gods abandoned their faith and led to the destruction of their own god. Therefore, this god also asked them to sacrifice their lives to destroy their clan."

"The second thing is to protect the Lishan Divine Clan for ten years!"

The majestic and weak voice echoed in the temple.

After listening!

Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist were both deep in thought, while Qin Daofu showed a cold smile.

"God of Lishan, your abacus is too good, isn't it?"

"Do you think that with the power of the three of us, we can destroy the nine major gods?"

"Besides, even if we have that kind of strength, you have to show your sincerity first. You can't let us do it in vain, right?"

"Finally, sheltering the Lishan God Clan for ten years is even more of a joke."

"Our business is very busy. It's too late to make money. How can we have time to protect the bullshit Lishan God Clan?"

He sneered coldly.

This trio of evil-doers are all masters who don't let go of eagles when they see rabbits.

It is simply impossible to fool them!

"Well said!"

"God of Lishan, is this your attitude when asking for help?"

"If you can't show enough sincerity, it will be difficult for us to help you."

"After all, we are taking your money to do your things..."

The mad Taoist answered.

To this!

The God of Lishan looked at the three of them carefully for a moment, and finally nodded with a sigh.

"All right!"

"In this case, I will show you my sincerity..."


As he spoke, the God of Lishan was seen using his magic skills, and a bright divine light bloomed behind him.

After a while.

The outline of an ancient divine kingdom appeared in the divine light.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Along with the bright divine light, many rare divine materials and treasures rushed out like a tide.


In front of Lin Wudao and the others, the pile formed a hundred-foot hill.

The divine light emitted by the treasure illuminated the entire temple!


Seeing the mountains of sacred materials and treasures in front of them, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu suddenly widened their eyes and looked extremely excited.

It’s not just them!

Even Lin Wudao felt refreshed!


In front of him, there were nine sacred mountains.

These sacred mountains are all made of low-grade sacred stones. Each sacred mountain is hundreds of feet high and is worth tens of billions of low-grade sacred stones.


There are also many true god level, god level, god king level treasures of heaven and earth...

They were dazzled!

[System, if you sacrifice all these things in front of you, how much luck will you get? 】

【Thirty-three trillion! 】


Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao's eyes instantly burst into bursts of divine light.

Thirty-three trillion!

Even if they split it equally with the crazy Taoist, they would still be able to get a treasure worth 11 trillion fortune points in the end.


Based on these alone, it is still not enough to use them as thugs.

"God of Lishan, is this your sincerity?"

"Well, part of it!"

"These are only one-tenth of the divine treasure. Just think of it as a deposit for my work for you." "As long as you complete my commission, when the time comes, I will give you all the remaining divine treasure." For you guys."

Just one tenth?

The three of them were shocked!

"Well, barely okay."

"However, your deposit is still too small."

"There are three of us. This is not enough. You have to take out at least half of the divine treasure."

"After all, working for you requires a lot of resources..."

The mad Taoist touched his chin and bargained.

To this!

The God of Lishan smiled coldly.

"Don't even think about half of it!"

"I will give you a quarter at most, otherwise there will be no discussion."

"Okay, then a quarter!"

Seeing the resolute attitude of the God of Lishan, Mad Taoist discussed with Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu.


Agree to his conditions!


After the agreement was reached, the God of Lishan immediately took out many treasures and piled them in front of the three people.

"Aren't you afraid that we will take the money and run away?"

Seeing the God of Lishan so happy, the crazy Taoist couldn't help but wonder.

He can do such a thing as taking money and running away!

"I believe in you!"

"What's more, compared to the vast wealth that I know, this quarter of the divine treasure is just a drop in the bucket."

"The real fortune is yet to come."

"As long as you are not fools, I think you all know how to choose..."

The God of Lishan said calmly.


Big fortune?

His words aroused the curiosity of the three people.

"What exactly do you mean by making a fortune?"

The crazy Taoist asked.

Hear the words!

The God of Lishan didn’t hide anything, he raised his hand and pointed at the ten statues in the temple...

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