"This High Priest Qingshan is acting too tyrannically!"

outside the temple.

Wu Yuanjun hummed with a gloomy face.


Although he was very dissatisfied with Tushan Cangyue's domineering style, he was also full of fear in his heart.

Just now, he didn't see clearly how Tushan Cangyue did it.


He and Wu Mo are both tenth-level gods!

Tushan Cangyue had just become a god, yet he and others were powerless to resist in front of her?

This shows that her power far exceeds that of herself and Wu Mo!

Think of this!

Wu Yuanjun couldn't help but feel a sense of awe...

"Clan leader, the high priest Qingshan is too majestic!"

"Looking at the entire Tushan clan and the Divine Domain, no one dares to disobey her decree. As long as it is something she decides, it cannot be changed."

"If you really want to enter the Ling Ruins, you can only hand over three treasures of the God King..."

At this time.

Fu Tianjiang said cautiously.

Hear the words!

Wu Yuanjun glanced at him and sighed helplessly.

"This Tushan clan is really not simple!"

"I really don't know. The high priest has just become a god. Where can he get such powerful power?"

"It seems that this matter really needs to be discussed in the long term."

He shook his head.

I thought that with the powerful strength of myself and the tenth-level god Wu Mo, I would not be afraid of the Tushan clan's oppression.

Who knows!

I was still naive!

The Tushan clan's background and strength were far more terrifying than he imagined.

"Clan leader, what should we do next?"

"Let's take a look first and then talk."

"It is impossible to give up the Lishan Divine Kingdom in Lingxu. Wait until the other divine clans arrive, and then we can discuss countermeasures together..."

Wu Yuanjun was silent for a while and then replied.


They immediately prepared to inquire about Shanling Realm and various information about the Tushan clan.


However, at this moment, the originally clear sky became dim in an instant.

Above the void, there are thousands of lightning flashes.

Waves of mighty heavenly power swept over like a flood...

Just for a moment.

Then the entire Shanling Realm was enveloped!


"Is this...someone becoming a god?"

Seeing this sudden celestial phenomenon, both Wu Yuanjun and Fu Tianjiang looked surprised.

"The divine tribulation has covered the entire Shanling Realm, with an area of ​​at least 180 million miles. Who on earth has overcome the tribulation and has such terrifying power?"

Wu Yuanjun's eyes showed surprise.

With his cultivation as a tenth-level god, he instantly understood the scope of the divine calamity.

"In the world of mountains and mausoleums, the qualifications of the high priest, the great heavenly master, and the three goddesses are the most powerful."

"However, they have all become true gods!"

"Besides them, the only ones who can make such a noise are probably..."


Fu Tianjiang seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Who are you talking about?"

Wu Yuanjun asked.

"The evil trio!"

"Patriarch, I saw it with my own eyes a few years ago. Apart from the high priest and the others, in this mountain world, only the three evil men who survived the tribulation had such terrifying power."

"The evil trio, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu, have all cultivated into true gods."

"Therefore, I guess the one who will survive the tribulation this time is Ren Woxing, the most mysterious of the three..."

Fu Tianjiang said in a deep voice.

A wicked trio?

Let me do it?

Upon hearing this name, Wu Yuanjun's brows instantly wrinkled.

during this time.

Through Fu Tianjiang's narration, he also learned a lot about the deeds of the evil trio.

That is definitely a scum in the cultivation world!

"Haha, you really know how to choose the right time."

"The evil trio kidnapped the sons of gods and tribesmen of the major gods and extorted their treasures. Now they are almost here."

"It just so happened that I met the evil trio who were going through the Divine Tribulation."

"So, there will be a good show later?"

A cold smile appeared on Wu Yuanjun's lips.

The evil trio all have enmity with their nine major divine clans.


Let me go through the divine tribulation, those people will never miss this good opportunity.

According to Wu Yuanjun's understanding, a war will definitely break out later...


Fu Tianjiang also thought of this.

"Clan leader, all of the evil trio are not good at all, and they all possess unique skills, are powerful, and have extraordinary methods."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to surround and kill them while I'm on my way to escape the catastrophe."

"Especially, the evil trio are extremely vindictive!"

"If we can't kill them this time, once we let them recover, they may dig up the ancestral graves of the gods in the future."

"Therefore, the clan leader must act with caution..."

Fu Tianjiang reminded carefully.

He was very familiar with the evil trio.

As long as you can't kill them, you will definitely be killed by them!


According to Fu Tianjiang's observation, the three evil trio seem to have a very good relationship with the Tushan clan.

At that time, if Tu Shan Cang Yue intervenes, things will become even more troublesome.


He did not suggest that Wu Yuanjun take advantage of the situation and rob him!

In response to his advice, Wu Yuanjun just nodded slightly and said nothing more.

"Let's go!"

"Let's watch the fun together..."


The words fell.

Wu Yuanjun immediately harnessed a divine light and rushed straight to the direction of the eighth ancestral land.

See it!

Fu Tianjiang and Wu Mo immediately followed behind.

at the same time!

In addition to them, many powerful people in the divine city, as well as major divine races from the outside world, also rushed towards the eighth ancestral land.

"High Priest, who is going through the tribulation?"

Castle Peak Temple.

Looking at the celestial phenomena outside, Yin Siming's eyes were filled with surprise.

"Let me do it!"

"Almost all the Taiyi God Clan, Tianlong God Clan, Night Demon God Clan and other God Clan have arrived."

"It looks like they are ready to surround and kill me."

"Let's go and see the excitement..."

The gods surrounded and killed the evil trio?

Upon hearing this.

Both Yin Siming and Yu Kui showed strong interest.

"Ren Woxing is the soul of the evil trio, and he is the most mysterious. Even I can't understand his background and origins."

"Before, when Ren Woxing was just a demigod, he could kill fifth-level gods at will."

"If we let him cultivate into a true god, I'm afraid he will be able to resist the God King!"

"Unless those gods can invite the God King, it will be very difficult to surround and kill them."

"When the time comes, not only will it fail, but I'm afraid I will be counterattacked..."

Yin Si Ming clicked his tongue and said with a smile.


A gloating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The protoss in the outside world still have some strength."

"This excitement should be very exciting..."

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

The words fell!

She disappeared in a flash.

See this.

Yin Siming and Yu Kui did not hesitate. They harnessed the divine light and headed straight towards the eighth ancestral land.

The center of the divine city!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu were also alarmed by the sudden celestial phenomenon.

"Divine calamity?"

"In the direction of the eighth ancestral land, it seems that Brother Ren is about to become a god."

The mad Taoist's spirit was greatly boosted.

"Old madman, the big fish from the outside world's protoss seems to be here too."

"Wait a minute, when Brother Ren goes through the tribulation, they won't cause trouble, right?"


"If they dare to take action, I don't mind letting them try the methods of our wicked trio..."

The crazy Taoist's eyes showed a fierce look.


He instantly raised a ray of divine light and soared into the sky.

Qin Daofu, followed closely behind.

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