Half a month later!

An ancient black divine boat cut through the vast sky of the Blue Sky Domain and sailed straight into the Mountain Realm.

On it, three figures stood...

"Clan leader, this is the Shanling Realm!"

"The sacred mountain in the distance is called Daqingshan. The temple standing on its peak is dedicated to the God of Qingshan believed by the Tushan clan."

"The Tushan clan has an extremely ancient heritage!"

"Among the Tushan clan and the temple, the God of Qingshan is the highest ruler, in charge of everything in the divine domain."

"Below the God of Qingshan, there are the high priest Tu Shan Cang Yue, the great heavenly master Yin Si Ming, and the prophet Li Heishui..."

After entering the mountain realm.

Fu Tianjiang pointed to the Qingshan Temple in the distance and introduced it to a middle-aged man in black clothes with a face like a crown jade and a majestic temperament.

This person!

Astonishingly, it was Wu Yuanjun, the leader of the Night Demon Clan!

His cultivation has reached the ultimate level of a tenth-level god, and he has stepped into the realm of a god king.

As for the other person.

He is an old man in red with a stern face, who is also a tenth-level god.

He is like a monument, guarding Wu Yuanjun closely...

"Tianjiang, where is Qingyu now?"

"Reporting to the patriarch, Miss, they should be in the divine city now, but it is not suitable for us to go find them now."

"Because, the sons and clansmen of the other gods were all kidnapped by the evil trio. Only the young lady and the others escaped."

"If other protoss knew this, they would definitely think that we, the Night Demon Protoss, were in the same group as the Wicked Trio."

"In that case, it would be very detrimental to our God Clan..."

Fu Tianjiang said respectfully.

Hear the words!

Wu Yuanjun pondered for a while, then nodded.

"Then what shall we do next?"

"Patriarch, I promised the high priest of the Tushan clan before that I would exchange ten treasures of the gods and one treasure of the king of gods in exchange for entering the Night Demon City."

"This must be given!"

"How about we go to the temple first and meet the high priest Qingshan?"

"In this mountain world, if we can get the support of the high priest, we won't be afraid even if other gods turn against us."

Fu Tianjiang suggested.

"The God of Qingshan is just a true god of incense. Does he really have such extraordinary means and power?"

"Tushan clan, is there really a tenth-level god king?"

Wu Yuanjun looked surprised.

In his opinion, the Tushan clan's Qingshan God is just a true god of incense. How can he have such world-shattering power?


The God-King who killed the Saint in reverse made him even more unbelievable.

Such an existence, not to mention the Mountain Realm, even if you look at the ancient gods on the Divine Continent, may not have it.

Regarding Wu Yuanjun's doubts, Fu Tianjiang showed a wry smile.

"Clan leader, I know you don't believe it."

"But it's all true!"

"My lady and I witnessed the shocking incident ten years ago with our own eyes."

"This Tushan clan is not that simple..."

He sighed and shook his head.

Between words!

Revealing strong fear!

Seeing his reaction, Wu Yuanjun couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity in his heart.


Just when they were about to leave for the Qingshan Temple, suddenly, a mighty divine power came from the distant sky.


Under the gaze of the three people, an ancient divine boat broke through the sky and sailed toward Daqing Mountain with great force.

There are many powerful figures standing on the Shenzhou.

The leader is a majestic man whose energy is as deep as the abyss and unpredictable.

Just standing on the Shenzhou, he gave people a strange feeling of being upright, as if he could control the fate of all people.

"Clan leader, that person is the Great Heavenly Master of Qingshan Temple, Yin Si Ming."

Fu Tianjiang said softly.

Say it!

He immediately called out with all his strength.

"The Great Heavenly Master stays behind, and the Night Demon Clan asks for an audience!"


As soon as these words came out, Yin Siming on the boat on the other side immediately looked over.


Scanning the three bodies of Wu Yuanjun in turn...

"This man is indeed not simple!"

Wu Yuanjun was shocked when he caught Yin Siming's gaze.


He actually felt like he was being looked down upon by Yin Siming.

That way.

It was as if everything about him was exposed to Yin Siming, and there was no secret at all.

"It turns out that the patriarch of the Night Demon Clan is here!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Yin Siming asked calmly.

"He is such a great heavenly master. We promised the high priest before that as long as we enter the city of Night Demon, he will give us ten treasures of the gods and one treasure of the king of gods."

"Now, we have brought the treasure!"

"I want to ask to see the high priest, please ask the great heavenly master to be accommodating..."

Fu Tianjiang took a step forward and said with a smile.

Hear this!

Yin Siming glanced at them meaningfully and nodded.

"In that case, then come with me."

"Thank you, Great Master!"


Fu Tianjiang immediately activated the black divine boat under his feet and followed closely behind Yin Siming.

After a while!

They walked through the divine road and came to the Nantian Gate.

at this time.

The captain of the guard, Yu Kui, was guarding outside the temple with an ancient sword in his hand.

Door, close tightly!

"Yu Kui, isn't the high priest here?"

Yin Siming glanced at the closed palace door and asked curiously.

"Here I am!"

"The high priest is in retreat, please wait for a moment."


Yin Si Ming's heart moved.

"Yu Zhentian and the others are back?"

"not yet!"

"However, Commander Yu sent back news yesterday that they have suppressed all forces in the Qingtian Territory."

"Successfully brought it under the rule of my Tushan clan!"

"If nothing else happens, the high priest will be promoted to a god soon..."


As soon as Yu Kui's voice fell, suddenly, a huge divine power rushed out from the temple and swept across the entire divine realm in an instant.


The originally closed palace door suddenly opened wide!

See this.

Yin Siming and others immediately walked in.

See you!

Tushan Cangyue sat cross-legged under the altar, her body filled with divine power, and the bright divine light illuminated the entire temple like a bright sun.

No one can peep!

"Congratulations to the high priest for being promoted to god!"

"Congratulations to the high priest for being promoted to god!"

Yin Si Ming and Yu Kui knelt down and worshiped.

"Get up~"

A dull voice sounded slowly.


At this moment, Wu Yuanjun and the others felt a sharp and indifferent gaze falling on them.

The moment he touched Tu Shan Cang Yue's eyes, Wu Yuanjun's heart trembled.


He seemed to be facing an ancient supreme god-king.

Even their ancestors of the Night Demon Clan did not have such terrifying majesty and magnanimity...

"High Priest, we are here this time to fulfill our previous promise."


Wu Yuanjun turned over his hand and took out eleven jade boxes and handed them to Yu Kui beside him.


Tushan Cangyue glanced at it and nodded lightly.


With a wave of her jade hand, she enshrined all the ten treasures of the gods and the treasure of the god king on the altar.

Done it all!

Her cold eyes stayed on Wu Yuanjun for a few moments, and then she took out the map that Wu Qingyu gave her before.

"Take this map back!"

"Ten days later, I will report to the great god to open the spiritual ruins."

"You go back and make preparations, and you can also inform other protoss. When the time comes, each protoss will be qualified to enter the Lingxu with three pieces of the God King's Treasure."


Do you have to pay to enter Lingxu?

Wu Yuanjun frowned slightly.

This was different from what he expected!

"High Priest, the treasure of the God King is very precious. We, the Night Demon Clan..."

"You have no right to bargain!"


The words fell.

A terrifying force suddenly came, not allowing Wu Yuanjun and the others to resist, and directly blasted them away.

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