"Tu Shan Cang Yue is going to become a god?"


Lin Wudao's eyes penetrated the void and swept towards the vast realm of Kyushu.


Gathered in Sin City!

In an instant, all the things and scenes about Sin City appeared clearly in his mind.

"After a year, Sin City has changed a lot."

Lin Wudao's eyes showed relief.

Due to the contract between heaven and earth, as his divine domain enveloped the entire Kyushu realm, this area was completely controlled by him.


He could clearly feel that the majestic origin of the world was spreading like a flood between heaven and earth.

at the same time!

A series of cold system prompts also sounded in my mind...


[Congratulations, the Qingshan Legion under your command has suppressed the Great Xia Dynasty and brought the entire Nine Provinces under the rule of the gods, making it your divine domain. 】

[You have gained 800 billion luck points! 】

[Congratulations, you have taken control of the Kyushu territory and become the only ruler of this area! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully been promoted to the sixth level of true god! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully been promoted to the seventh level of true god! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully been promoted to the eighth level True God! 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the divine power of life! 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the power of death! 】


Along with the system's beeps, the natal divine fire in Lin Wudao's body began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, he condensed eight natal divine fires.

Divine status, reaching the eighth level of true god!


Lin Wudao obtained two more divine powers, one in charge of life and death respectively!

"In the past ten years, under the Tushan clan's sacrifice, I have accumulated countless incense and billions of people."

"The only difference is the divine realm!"

"Now, with the conquest of the Kyushu realm, it has just made up for the last shortcoming in the promotion to the divine position."

"Therefore, promotion to the eighth level true god is a matter of course."

"If the entire Qingtian Territory is turned into a divine realm, I will definitely be able to be promoted to a god in one fell swoop..."

Lin Wudao's eyes were shining brightly.

Tu Shanshi did not disappoint him!

The huge investment in the past is finally beginning to pay off and reap rewards.


As time goes by, future benefits will become larger and larger.

Thinking about this!

Lin Wudao also felt excited in his heart.

He is looking forward to where the Tushan clan can go in the future under his leadership...

[Oracle: The high priest has become a true god, and everyone in the divine domain is celebrating! 】

[All the people of Shanling Realm will improve their cultivation by three small realms! 】

[All the people in the Kyushu Realm will improve their cultivation by a small level! 】

[From now on, this god will be promoted to the eighth level True God of Incense. All people who devoutly believe in this god will receive divine grace. 】

[Tushan clan, everyone is like a dragon! 】


A majestic and majestic voice came from the ancestral temple on the top of Daqing Mountain, resounding throughout the entire mountain world.


It spread throughout the entire Kyushu region!


Is the high priest going to become a god?

Has the great god been promoted to the eighth level of true god?

Hearing this suddenly, the hundreds of millions of people in the Shanling Realm were all excited.

Everyone's eyes showed strong surprise and excitement...

"Congratulations to the great master for being promoted to the eighth level of true god!"

"Congratulations to the high priest for becoming a god!"

"Congratulations to the great master for being promoted to the eighth level of true god!"

"Congratulations to the high priest for becoming a god!"

Boom, boom, boom!

In the world of mountains and mausoleums, hundreds of millions of people knelt down on the ground in unison, kowtowing with incomparable respect and piety.




As they kowtowed, in an instant, immeasurable divine light bloomed from the ancestral temple in Daqingshan, sweeping across the entire mountain world.

this moment!

All those who devoutly believe in the God of Qingshan will be illuminated by divine grace.

A citizen's cultivation level began to soar at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Someone has become a true god!

Someone has become a tenth-level demigod!

Someone became a demigod!

All of a sudden!

Above the sky in the Shanling Realm, thunder and light are majestic, and the power of the sky is filled.

Centered on Daqing Mountain, the original five major tribes and the people of the Sunset Ancient Clan have all received huge improvements due to this divine grace.

The weakest ones are all fifth-level demigods!


The Sunset Ancient Clan, which was favored by Lin Wudao, had all reached the tenth level of demigods under this divine grace, with the original eight thousand members of the clan.

The outstanding ones among them directly broke the shackles of mortals and became true gods in one fell swoop.

That’s it!

The Sunset God Clan lives up to its name!

Compared with these ordinary people, the clergy of the temple have made even greater progress in their cultivation.

Everyone has become a true god!

Yin Si Ming was originally an eighth-level true god. This time, with the blessing of divine grace, his cultivation level was directly promoted to the realm of a god.

Although he is only a first-level god, he is the only god in the temple.


Tushan Ruoruo has reached the eighth level of true god!

Yu Ling'er and Xiao Ziyi have also reached the fourth level of True God!

As for Wu Huan, Jie Wuyou, and Tu Shanyao, their respective cultivation levels have also improved to three small realms based on the original ones.

"Congratulations to the Great God! Congratulations to the High Priest!"

"Congratulations to the Great God! Congratulations to the High Priest!"

Sin City.

With excitement and excitement in their eyes, everyone knelt down and worshiped.

In addition to them, countless creatures in the Jiuzhou realm were also raised to a small level by Lin Wudao based on the origin of the world.

"My cultivation...has broken through? What's going on?"

Some people were shocked.

"What kind of existence is the God of Qingshan? One word can actually improve the cultivation level of all living beings in the Kyushu realm?"

"Hiss, what kind of heaven-defying method is this, what kind of terrifying power is it?"

"Is this the power of God? It's too terrifying!"

The land of Kyushu caused huge waves.

A moment!

The name Green Mountain God is known to countless living beings.


A large number of creatures began to move towards the Mountain Realm, all seeming to want to find out the origin of the God of Green Mountain.

Or maybe, you want to admire the majesty of Qingshan God.

Lin Wudao ignored the huge reaction from the outside world.


All his eyes fell on Tushan Cangyue.

I saw.

At this time, Tushan Cangyue stood tall in the void, bathing in the baptism of divine calamity with a calm and calm attitude.




A series of chaotic divine thunders broke through the sky, carrying the supreme power of heaven, and landed on Tushan Cangyue one after another.


What was shocking was that Tushan Cangyue did not resist at all when faced with the divine calamity that had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Instead, let those divine thunders bombard you...


Seeing this scene, the Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu who came from the Shanling Realm opened their eyes wide.

"Chaos God Thunder!"

"The high priest is really extraordinary. He just survived the true divine tribulation, but he can actually attract the thunder of chaos."

"This is the origin of heaven!"

"Moreover, the high priest actually resisted by himself without dodging or dodging?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible..."

The mad Taoist looked amazed.

He originally thought that the scene before Qin Daofu's tribulation was already very grand and spectacular.

Who knows!

Tushan Cangyue is actually even stronger!

"The high priest deserves to be the high priest. I can't accept it..."

Qin Daofu praised.

The more powerful the divine calamity is, the more terrifying it represents the individual's qualifications and potential.

Tu Shan Cang Yue is even stronger than them!

Divine calamity!

It lasted for half a day, with a total of eighty-one Chaos Divine Thunder.

After being cleansed by the divine calamity, Tushan Cangyue's whole person also underwent unprecedented changes.

The majesty on her body became stronger and stronger, and every move revealed vast divine power.

The whole person is becoming more and more indifferent!

A pair of eyes, looking down at all living beings in the world!

She just stood in the air, and the majesty and magnanimity exuded from her body overwhelmed everyone present and made them breathless.

Even Yin Si Ming, who has become a god, still feels great pressure...

"Tushan Cangyue is even more powerful after becoming a god!"

Castle Peak Temple.

Lin Wudao murmured softly.

Say it!

He glanced at it, and a lot of information about Tushan Cangyue immediately appeared in front of him.

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