"Meet the high priest!"

In the main hall.

Li Heishui took Li Qingcheng and bowed respectfully.


Tushan Cangyue responded lightly, and then cast her cold and majestic eyes on Li Qingcheng who was standing aside.

"Your sister's qualifications are very good!"

"The potential is huge~"

Tushan Cangyue said with slight appreciation.

Hear the words!

Li Heishui couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face.

"The high priest is ridiculous!"

"Qingcheng was blessed with the Heaven-Building Divine Water before, which cleansed her own bones and aptitudes, and that's how she achieved today's achievements."

Heaven-Building Divine Water?

A glimmer of light flashed across Yin Siming's eyes.

"Li Heishui, do you still have anything to do with Dongfang Bubai?"

"Uh, no."

"Before, I just made a deal with Dongfang Bubai. I used a few corpses and a saint's shroud to ask him to open the five heavenly gates on the road to heaven."

"Finally, I was given half of the Heaven-Building Divine Water!"

"Dongfang Bubai and I just have a relationship."

"However, the great god and Dongfang Bubai are very familiar with each other and have a very deep connection."

"The reason why Qingcheng was able to worship in the Zhenwu Shrine is because the great god sought the favor of Dongfang Bubai..."

Li Heishui answered truthfully.


Is there any relationship between Lin Wudao and Dongfang Bubai?


Qi Xuanyin couldn't help but look surprised when he heard this.

He had never been very clear about the inside story of Li Qingcheng's entry into the Zhenwu Shrine.


It was actually because of Lin Wudao!

"Li Qingcheng, would you like to continue to practice in Zhenwu Palace, or would you like to go to the temple in Shanling Realm?"

"Ah? This... I, the high priest..."

Facing Tu Shan Cangyue's inquiry, Li Qingcheng suddenly felt panicked and didn't know how to respond.

He could only look at Li Heishui aside.

"High Priest, Qingcheng is used to the life in Zhenwu Palace, why not let her continue to stay in Zhenwu Palace?"

"What's more, it also takes time to get used to."


"Since she is a subject of my Tushan clan, the Shanling Realm is naturally her home, and she can come back at any time."

Tushan Cangyue nodded.

"Thank you, High Priest!"

Hear this.

Li Heishui and Li Qingcheng both looked surprised.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue's expression was calm. After examining Li Qingcheng for a while, she turned her attention to Qi Xuanyin.

"Zhenwu Palace, Supreme Elder Qi Xuanyin?"

"Yes, it is."

"I believe Li Heishui has told you about me, the Tushan clan. I wonder if your Zhenwu Shrine is willing to believe in the God of Qingshan?"


"You don't have to rush to answer. I will give you time to think about it."

"Your cultivation has been at the level of tenth-level demigod for quite some time, right? If you join our Tushan clan, you will become a subject of the great god."

"This seat allows you to break your own shackles and become a true god in the world in an instant."

"At that time, your Zhenwu Palace will no longer have three true gods, but will become four true gods..."


Hearing these words suddenly, Qi Xuanyin was shocked.

He looked closely at Tushan Cangyue with incredible eyes.

His eyes were full of shock!

He couldn't believe that just after meeting for the first time, Tushan Cangyue actually grasped the situation of their Zhenwu Shrine.

How is this done?

"High Priest, this matter is of great importance and cannot be decided by me alone."

"Can you let me go back to Zhenwu Shrine and discuss it with everyone?"

There was a moment of silence.

Qi Xuanyin mustered up his courage and said cautiously.


"I said that I will give you Zhenwu Palace time to consider. However, you only have half a month."

"In half a month, my Tushan clan's army will march into the great territory outside the Qingtian Territory."

"If by then, your Zhenwu Palace has not made a decision, I can only say sorry..."

"In addition, you have protected Sin City this year. On behalf of the Great God, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

While talking.

Tushan Cangyue turned over her hand, took out a golden divine sword, and handed it to Qi Xuanyin.

A mid-level magic weapon?

Qi Xuanyin was shocked!

"Thank you, High Priest!"

After bowing, he immediately took the golden divine sword and left the city of sin.

"Yu Zhentian!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"I order you to immediately lead the Doomsday Legion and start conquering the other eleven realms except the Kyushu realm."

"Give you half a month to bring the entire Qingtian Territory under the rule of the Great God."

"Similar to the Great Xia Dynasty, let the big forces in the land sign a domination contract and accept their territory, luck, resources, etc."

"The Divine City Department, the Supervision Department, and the Resources Department are here to assist!"

Tushan Cangyue ordered.


She took out many more control contracts and handed them to Yu Zhentian.

"Follow the law!"

Yu Zhentian held the Great Sun Divine Furnace in his left hand and knelt down to worship.

His eyes were full of excitement and excitement!

This is a battle achievement!

Compared with the Qingshan Legion, the conquest of the other eleven realms has much more credit.

By the time.

Their Doomsday Legion will become even more powerful!

"Great Heavenly Master, don't you have a suitable candidate for the Chief of the Divine City Division?"

"not yet."

"However, I think the leader of the ancient Tianlong Kingdom should be facing the sky, and he should be qualified for the position of chief director of the Divine City Department."

"Over the years, the ancient Tianlong Kingdom that should be managed by Chaotian has done very well, both in terms of the beliefs of its people and the development of the ancient country."

Yin Siming said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue nodded.

"You should face the sky, okay!"

"You immediately promulgate a decree in the name of the ancestral temple and appoint the Lord of Tianlong Kingdom, Ying Chaotian, as the Chief of the Divine City Division."

"Others, get familiar with the world of Shenhuang as soon as possible..."


Everyone should be respectful.


Tushan Cangyue explained some things again, and everyone retreated.

Time flies by!

Three days later.

Under the strong suppression of the Qingshan Legion, the arrogant Daxia Dynasty finally could not bear the blow and pressure and signed a domination contract.

Since then!

The Daxia Dynasty became a vassal of the Tushan clan!

Although the Great Xia Dynasty was only intimidated by the powerful force of the Qingshan Legion, it was not a true surrender and belief.

However, Tu Shan Cang Yue wanted this result.

Her intention is simple!

First, the Daxia Dynasty was suppressed and forced to surrender to the Tushan clan. Next, there was plenty of time and means to make them believe in the God of Qingshan.


Tushan Cangyue also urgently needs to gather the power of heaven and earth from the outside world to improve his own cultivation and strength.


As the Great Xia Dynasty came under the rule of the Tushan clan, all the power of heaven and earth in the Kyushu realm was concentrated on Tushan Cangyue.

Her cultivation level also rose rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye...


At noon three days later, Tushan Cangyue ushered in his own divine calamity.

Boom boom boom~

Along with the thunder that shook the sky, and in the horrified eyes of countless people, the originally clear sky in Kyushu suddenly became dim.

Dark clouds cover the sky and thunder rolls across the sky!

The divine calamity covers the entire Kyushu realm...

The momentum and coercion it exuded made countless people tremble.

at the same time!

It also attracted the attention of many powerful people.

"Divine calamity?"

"Is there anyone who wants to become a true god?"

Deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The mad Taoist who had just walked out of the mountain world looked at the dark sky above his head with a surprised look in his eyes.

"Who is going through the tribulation? This power and movement seem a bit big..."

The crazy Taoist said in surprise.

At this moment, Qin Daofu walked out of the mountain world.

"Crazy Taoist, the world of Shanling has changed!"

"There is an aura of divine calamity in both the outside world and the Shanling Realm, which shows that the person who overcomes the calamity must be a creature from the Shanling Realm."

"And looking at the entire Shanling Realm, I am afraid that the only one who can possess such terrifying power is the high priest."

"I guess the high priest is going to become a god!"

Qin Daofu said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist's eyes also burst out with divine light.

"I guess so!"

"Other than the high priest, Brother Ren is probably the only one who can achieve such power."

"Brother Ren has just retreated, so he won't break through so quickly."

"In this case, there is only the high priest!"

"The high priest has overcome the tribulation. This is a rare spectacle. Let's hurry over and have a look..."

The mad Taoist looked excited.

Talking time!

He and Qin Daofu immediately activated the secret method and quickly traced the source of the divine calamity.

at the same time!

Affected by the aura of Tushan Cangyue Divine Tribulation, Lin Wudao, who was in retreat at Qingshan Temple, also opened his eyes.

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