
[You sacrificed many treasures and gained 80 billion luck points! 】

Temple space!

A cold reminder sounded in Lin Wudao's mind.

After returning to the temple, he sacrificed all the treasures collected by the mad Taoist.


Earned 80 billion luck points!

This result was somewhat unsatisfactory to Lin Wudao.


As his strength continues to improve, the luck value he consumes can easily start at hundreds of billions or trillions.

A mere 80 billion is a drop in the bucket!


It’s better than nothing!

Name: Lin Wudao

Luck value: 1.94 trillion

"Nowadays, the expenses are getting bigger and bigger, such as: soul seeds, smelting corpses, twelve mourners, magical powers, etc., all of which require a lot of luck points."

"More than one trillion is not enough!"

"Moreover, once you are promoted to a true god, you will have to start refining new divine weapons and artifacts."

"At that time, it will be another huge expense for luck points."

"These days are getting harder and harder..."

Lin Wudao sighed.

at the moment!

The divine weapons and weapons in his hands are no longer enough.

The artifact War Sword is rarely used on weekdays and can barely be maintained for the time being; but the level of the Great Wild Cauldron must be raised as soon as possible.

With his current strength, only the Great Desolate Cauldron, which is at the level of the God King's Treasure, can help his combat power.


If you want to upgrade the Great Desolate Cauldron from the Treasure of the True God to the Treasure of the God King, the amount of luck you consume must be an extremely huge number.

According to his current luck value, he simply cannot afford it!


There are also twelve mourners including Li Yantian. Their strength should also be improved.

The seed of the soul must also keep up with the rhythm...


All require a lot of luck!

Think of this.

Even Lin Wudao felt a sense of powerlessness deep in his heart.

Making money is difficult!

Earning luck points is even more difficult!

After some sighs and emotions, Lin Wudao put the corpses of Yundingtian and other five gods into the corpse refining furnace.


He began to pinch the secret method and smelted it frantically.

There isn't much luck left now, so what little you can save is worth it.

not to mention!

It won't take long to smelt five corpses of gods...




As the corpse-refining furnace was smelting, waves of majestic essence poured into Lin Wudao's body like a great river.

See this scene!

He clung to his mind, activated the "Immortal Golden Body of the Great Way", and began to cleanse his bones, flesh and blood, and hit the realm of the true god.

that's all.

Time passes by little by little...

at the same time!

When Lin Wudao was in seclusion to attack the true god, Tushan Cangyue also led a group of clergymen out of the mountain world.

"Is this the world outside the Shanling Realm?"

One hundred thousand mountains!

Yu Zhentian and others looked at the scene in ten directions with eyes full of surprise, with longing and excitement floating in their eyes.

The mountain world is still too small!

Only this vast and magnificent divine world is the true stage for the strong.

"Great Heavenly Master, you have been following the great god before. Please tell me about the general situation of this divine world."

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

Hear the words!

Yin Siming nodded.

"The world of the gods is extremely vast!"

"It has ten directions of land, each of which is extremely vast, covering hundreds of millions of miles."

"Now, we are in the Divine Continent, one of the ten major lands in the Divine Desolate World."

"Then, the land of Divine Continent is divided into four seas and eight wastelands. Among them are many ancient holy places, great religions, ancient tribes, aristocratic families, and divine tribes."

"This is the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the Qingtian Domain, one of the twelve domains of the Great Wilderness..."

Yin Si Ming kept introducing the general situation of the world of Shenhuang.

He spoke carefully and everyone listened carefully.

After a long time!

Through his narration, everyone also got a rough outline of the world of Shenhuang.

at the same time!

Yin Siming also described in detail the realm of Kyushu and a series of Lin Wudao's previous deeds.

"Before entering the Mountain Realm, the great god's identity in the human world was the city lord of Sin City. Under his command were the Great Sun Demon Cult, the Dali Dynasty, the Blackwater Ancient City, the Panlong Ancient City and other forces."

"Now, one year has passed in the outside world!"

"There is no great god in charge of the overall situation in Sin City, and I don't know if there will be any changes in the realm of Kyushu..."

Yin Siming said in a condensed voice.

In the final analysis, the territory of Kyushu is still the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty.


Due to Lin Wudao's power, the Great Xia Dynasty might not dare to act rashly, but now a year later, the situation may change.

"Great Heavenly Master, please lead the way. Let's go to Sin City and see it together."


Yin Si Ming responded.


He immediately pointed in a direction, and then everyone drove the boat on the other side, turned into a ray of divine light, and flew away through the sky.

Sin City!

A year later, great changes have taken place here.

Although Lin Wudao and Yin Siming have entered the Shanling Realm, the Sin City is still being built step by step according to the original plan.


It’s already quite large~

at this time!

On the tower of Sin City, there was an old man in mysterious clothes who was as energetic as the abyss and was sitting cross-legged.

The whole person seems to be integrated with the surrounding space.

There is an aura of tranquility and tranquility all around...

Next to him, there was a woman in white with peerless appearance, dignified and holy temperament, her eyes looking into the distant sky.

There is a hint of worry hidden between his eyebrows!

"Elder, when do you think my eldest brother and the others will come back? The city lord and the others have been in the Mountain Realm for more than a year."

"In the beginning, it was fortunate that the Zhenwu Palace sent you, the Supreme Elder, to come here. Otherwise, this sinful city would have been wiped out by the Infinite Sword City."

"Elder, what exactly did the landlord of the human world tell you back then?"

The woman in white asked curiously.

Hear this!

Qi Xuanyin slowly opened his eyes and smiled mysteriously.

"The host of the human world, there is nothing left out!"

"It is said that nothing in the world can be hidden from his discernment."

"Back then, Qingcheng, you went to the Human World Building in the Central Heaven Territory to ask for information about your brother Li Heishui. He told you that Li Heishui would return in a year."

"Do you still remember that when you went to the Human World Building, you brought back a note?"


"When I left the Human World Building before, the landlord gave me a note and asked me to go back and give it to the Palace Master."

"However, I don't know what is written on it..."

Li Qingcheng shook his head.

At first!

The Mountain Realm was not opened. In order to find out Li Heishui's life and death, she went to the Central Heaven Realm and found Jun Qianmo, the master of the human world.

Learned about Li Heishui’s life and death!


Jun Qianmo also gave her a note, saying that it was related to the fate of Zhenwu Shrine.

To this!

Li Qingcheng was naturally convinced.

Not long after returning to Zhenwu Palace, Supreme Elder Qi Xuanyin took her to the City of Sin.

As for what was written on the note, she didn't know.

"Actually, the human poster only said one sentence."

"Guard the city of sin for a year, and you will gain great prosperity!"

Qi Xuanyin said softly.

"At first, when we saw this sentence, we were also surprised."

"I don't understand why a small city of sin has anything to do with the fate of my Zhenwu Palace."

"In fact, to this day we still don't understand it."

"However, the landlord of the human world never lies. Since he gave us this information about the Zhenwu Palace, there must be a mystery in it."

"It's just that we can't figure it out!"

"Perhaps there are some unknown secrets hidden in this city of sin."

"In short, after guarding the City of Sin for a year, our Zhenwu Palace also helped defeat the Infinite Sword City. It can be considered a complete achievement."

"Qingcheng, when we see your brother Li Heishui, we will go back to Zhenwu Palace..."

He said calmly.

After cleansing his qualifications and roots with Butian Divine Water, Li Qingcheng also underwent earth-shaking changes.

When it comes to qualifications, they are even more outstanding than Yan Huihuang!


She also became the number one true successor of the Zhenwu Shrine.

The future prospects are limitless!

from now on.

Li Qingcheng will be the face of Zhenwu Shrine.

Qi Xuanyin was also extremely satisfied and appreciative of her, and had high hopes for her.

"Ah, elder, please read the Tongtian Baojian. The master of the human world has released new news. The Shanling Realm has reopened today."


Li Qingcheng's voice of surprise suddenly rang out.


Is Shanling Realm reopened?

Upon hearing this, Qi Xuanyin immediately took out a palm-sized jade talisman. A burst of blue light flashed across it, and many important messages were presented in the form of words.

The top piece of news is from the Shanling Realm!

[Breaking News: The Mountain Realm will reopen at a quarter past noon today, at the deepest part of Shiwan Mountain! 】

"Sure enough, it's reopened!"

Qi Xuanyin's expression moved slightly.

The Shanling Realm disappeared for a year, and now it has been reopened. Unknown major changes must have occurred in it.

Although curious, Qi Xuanyin didn't pay too much attention.

"Elder, the Mountain Realm has reopened. Will my elder brother and the city lord be back soon?"

"Well, that's probably it..."

Qi Xuanyin responded with a smile.

call out!

Just as he finished speaking, suddenly, a bright divine light pierced the void.

Just a wink.

We arrived in Sin City!

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