"Brother Ren, what do you think?"

There was silence for a long time.

The crazy Taoist turned his head and looked at Lin Wudao, as if seeking his opinion.

"That tomb of the God King is extraordinary!"

"I guess there must be a lot of good things inside. If we can dig up the big tomb, we will definitely make a fortune."

"Therefore, we can consider saving Wu Qingyu and the others' lives!"

"In addition, we can also gather the Night Demon Clan and make them a nail in the Taiyin Sect."

"When the time comes, as long as we use it well, we can still get great benefits."

"Just like the family of tomb robbers in Southern Xinjiang before, let the Night Demon Clan become our eyesight in the Taiyin Sect..."

Lin Wudao thought for a while and said in a voice message.

Hear this!

The crazy Taoist’s eyes lit up!


They originally wanted to use Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng to learn every move of the tomb-robber family in southern Xinjiang.

It's a pity that due to the collapse of the Shanling Realm, both Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng are dead.

This makes them very sorry!

If the Night Demon Clan can be placed in the Taiyin Clan, there may be big gains in the future...

"Brother Ren, although your idea is good, I'm afraid the Night Demon Clan will not give in."

"Oh, there will be a chance in the future!"

"Let's temporarily agree to Wu Qingyu. After we find the tomb of the God King, if they refuse to agree, then there is no need to show mercy."

"When the time comes, Tushan will not let them go without us taking action..."

Lin Wudao snorted coldly and said.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist gave a thumbs up.


"In that case, let's do as you say, Brother Ren."


The crazy Taoist turned his head and looked at Wu Qingyu.

"Goddess Wu, we can agree to your conditions."

"Now, can you tell us where the remaining maps are about the tomb of the God King?"

"Not yet, I can't trust you evil trio!"

"Unless you swear in the name of heaven to promise not to harm the seven of us or the Night Demon Clan at all."

Wu Qingyu insisted.

"Wu, please don't push yourself too far!"

"At worst, we don't want the tomb of the God King anymore..."


Qin Daofu couldn't help but jumped up and glared at Wu Qingyu.

It seems that they want to break up!

"Goddess Wu, although the three of us brothers do things a bit shady, we are still very trustworthy." "Since we promised not to hurt you, we will definitely keep our promise."

"If you insist on it, at worst we won't want the tomb of the God King."

The crazy Taoist sighed.


He was preparing to use the Great Burial Technique to forcibly absorb the lifespan and cultivation level of everyone.

See this scene!

Wu Qingyu's expression changed!


"Okay, I will believe you for once."

"However, the tomb of the God King is very important. It is a bit inconvenient to talk here..."

She glanced at Ying Changsheng and others and said calmly.

"It's easy!"


After the words fell, the crazy Taoist waved his hand and directly divided the space in the Golden God's Tomb.

All of a sudden.

Ying Changsheng and others disappeared in an instant.


"Now that they have gone to another dimension, Goddess Wu, you can say it with confidence..."

The mad Taoist made a gesture of listening attentively.

To this!

Wu Qingyu no longer concealed anything, and immediately revealed the remaining information about the tomb of the God King.

"Actually, the remaining one-third of the ancient tomb of the God King is partly in our Night Demon God Clan and part of it is in the Tai Cang God Clan."

"The last third is hidden in Lishan Divine Kingdom!"


Three more?

This answer surprised Lin Wudao and the others.

"The Taicang Divine Clan did not come to the Shanling Realm this time?"


"The Taicang Divine Clan is relatively mysterious. They are basically in a state of seclusion on weekdays."

"Especially since the collapse of the ancient Taicang Kingdom, they have been recuperating and rarely exposed to the outside world."

"However, if the Lishan Divine Kingdom is opened, the Taicang Divine Clan will definitely show up..."

At this time.

Fu Tianxiong on the side answered.

"So troublesome?"

The crazy Taoist frowned.

"Now that I have told you all the information I know, should I keep my promise and let us go?"


"We, the evil trio, are very trustworthy."


The words fell.

The mad Taoist waved his hand, and the void in front of him suddenly collapsed and turned into a mysterious black hole, which Wu Qingyu and others swallowed in an instant.

When they appeared again, they had already left the Tomb of the Golden God...

"This is...the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

Looking at the familiar environment outside, Fu Tianxiong and others were overjoyed.


They all have a feeling of being left behind.

"Goddess, let's leave here quickly. I'm worried that the evil trio will regret it and we won't be able to leave by then."

Fu Tianxiong urged.

Hearing this, Wu Qingyu shook her head.

"Uncle Tianxiong, we can't go back now!"

"According to the style of the evil trio, they will definitely blackmail a group of gods and ask them to come and redeem their people."

"If we return to the Night Demon God Clan, we will definitely encounter criticism from other God Clan."

"At that time, it will bring disaster!"

"Therefore, not only can we not go back, but we must stay in Shanling Realm."

"Shanling Realm is the Tushan clan's territory. Even the evil trio would not dare to do anything blatantly."

"This is the safest place!"

She sighed and said.

"Goddess, isn't this too risky?"

"You do take some risks!"

"However, compared to going back and being criticized by other gods, it is relatively safer to stay in the mountain world."

"By the way, Uncle Tianxiong, someone needs to go back and inform the gods and the high priest of our situation."

"If we return to the Night Demon Clan, we will be detained elsewhere by the evil trio. We must not admit that we were released by them."

"Otherwise, if other gods find out about this, they will definitely make a big fuss..."

Wu Qingyu continued.

Hear the words!

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Goddess, I am most familiar with the situation here. Let me go back to the God Clan and inform the high priest and others of the situation."

Fu Tianjiang took a step forward and said.


"By the way, Uncle Fu Liu, when you come back, remember to bring the Treasure of the God and the Treasure of the God King."

"Before, we promised the high priest..."


Fu Tianjiang responded respectfully.

Say it.

He immediately controlled a ray of divine light and left Shiwan Mountain at the fastest speed.

After he left, Wu Qingyu and others also returned to the Shanling Realm.

"Brother Ren, just sit back and wait for those gods to come and redeem your people."

"Tell me, what price should we offer that is more suitable?"

Tomb of the Golden God!

The crazy Taoist asked Lin Wudao for his opinion.

"You and Qin Daofu can figure this out."

"Next, I will find a place to retreat and attack the realm of true God with all my strength."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

As soon as these words came out!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu suddenly became energetic.

"Brother Ren, are you sure you can attack the true god?"


"I'm only just one step away. As long as I smelt Yundingtian and the other gods, I should be able to become a true god."

"This process may take ten days and a half."

"Therefore, you and Qin Daofu should discuss matters regarding the outside world..."


The crazy Taoist nodded.

Say it.

He handed all the treasures he had collected to Lin Wudao, allowing him to attack the realm of true gods.


The mad Taoist raised his hand and pointed again, and a black hole instantly appeared from the void.

See it!

Lin Wudao dodged and disappeared directly.


When he appeared again, he had returned to Qingshan Temple...

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