
"The evil trio is too powerful!"

Castle Peak Temple.

Seeing Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu suppressing the gods of the Taiyi Divine Clan with a raised hand, Yu Zhentian and others couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Each one of them showed a shocked expression...

The strength displayed by the evil trio far exceeded their expectations.


Not only them, but also Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming were surprised.

"Qin Daofu is only a ninth-level true god, but he can easily suppress a third-level god. This level of combat power is truly a monster."

"That one is even more terrifying if you let me do it!"

"With a raise of his hand, he killed Yundingtian who held the treasure of the God King, and the opponent was also a fifth-level god."

"It's simply more evil than evil!"

"When these terrifying perverts and monsters gather together, whoever encounters them will be in bad luck..."

Yin Siming sighed.

He was also shocked by the power displayed by Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu.

Looking at the vast world of gods, at the level of true gods, those who can defeat the gods are very rare.

However, compared with the evil trio, they are all garbage!

Any genius in the divine world who encounters the evil trio will probably only be suppressed.


The evil trio never do good things!

If you are immoral, you will do it; if you do something immoral, you will do it.

If you encounter them, you will definitely be in bad luck!

"According to the usual style of the evil trio, if these outside gods fall into their hands, even the oil and water in their bones will be squeezed out."

Yin Siming said with a evil smile.

Hear the words!

Everyone's spirits were immediately lifted!

"Great Heavenly Master, do you think there will be a good show?"

"Wouldn't the evil trio not even spare the other gods?"

"They are notoriously evil. They finally seized the opportunity this time, why don't they go to death?"

"Hey, those gods are probably going to shed a layer of their skin this time..."

Everyone gloated.

Talking time!

They concentrated their energy and attention one by one and looked at Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu in the distance.

I want to see what they will do with those people next.

Neither Lin Wudao nor Qin Daofeng paid any attention to the crowds in the temple.


Suddenly, a figure flew through the air and appeared above the temple.

"Qin Daofu, how did you kill Yun Wuji?"

The crazy Taoist screamed.

"It's just a tenth-level true god, and he doesn't have much oil and water in him. Why do you keep him if you don't kill him?"

Qin Daofu snorted.


"I was still thinking of leaving Yun Wuji behind and letting people from the Taiyi Divine Clan come over to pay the ransom."

"After all, he is the son of the Taiyi God Clan!"

"If you kill him now, we will make less money by then. We will lose..."

The mad Taoist shook his head and said.

"Then didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Who knew you could strike so quickly?"

"By the way, although Yun Wuji has been killed, aren't there still four gods here? It's the same with them."

"no the same!"

"The four gods are not as good as the Son of God, Yun Wuji."

"Moreover, if you kill Yun Wuji, even if you use these four gods to threaten you, the Taiyi God Clan will definitely not take the bait."

The crazy Taoist shook his head and said.

Hear this!

Qin Daofu couldn't help but frowned.

"Now what?"

"Since it's useless to keep them, then kill them all?"

he asked tentatively.


"We'll kill them all later. In this way, we will have an explanation with the high priest."

"However, you can't kill other people!"

"They are all big fat sheep, hehe..."

A moment!

The crazy Taoist's evil eyes swept towards the surrounding gods.

See this scene.

The expressions of Wu Qingyu and others changed drastically!

"not good!"

"The evil trio is trying to set their sights on us, so hurry up and leave!"


As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Qingyu activated the secret technique and disappeared in a flash. When she reappeared, she had already escaped into the realm gate.

Behind her, Fu Tianxiong and others followed closely!


"It's not a good place to stay for a long time!"

"Let's go!"

Seeing Wu Qingyu and the others leaving as quickly as possible, the surrounding gods didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, they all used magical powers or secret techniques to escape into the realm gate.

Seeing this scene, Qin Daofu was very anxious!

"Old madman, didn't I ask you to block the boundary gate? Now everyone has run away, and they are still collecting a lot of wool."

He cursed.

With that said, he was preparing to intercept a group of powerful men from the God Clan.


Just as Qin Daofu was about to leave, he was held back by a crazy Taoist.

"Don't worry, they can't escape!"

"Old Taoist, I have already laid a trap outside the realm gate. As long as they leave the mountain realm, they will definitely fall into the trap."

"We just need to wait and see, hehe..."

The mad Taoist said confidently.


Hearing his words, Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu became energetic.

The crazy Taoist is good at setting up traps!

"How did you do it?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

"It's easy!"

"When I was promoted to True God, I obtained a powerful divine treasure from the Burial Book, called: Golden God Tomb."

"As long as you enter the God's Tomb, even the most powerful God King will not be able to escape."

"Before, when you were taking action, I combined the Golden God's Tomb with the "Burial Book" to evolve a void tomb."

"The Golden God's Tomb is hidden in the endless void!"

"As long as those people leave the mountain realm, they will definitely enter my golden tomb. We don't need to do anything at all, hehe..."


Is it so magical?

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu showed surprise in their eyes.

"Crazy Taoist, as expected of you!"

"Old madman, you are indeed quite sinister~"

The two of them admired.

Crazy Taoist is simply a model of insidiousness and cunning!

"Can we go in and have a look?"



The crazy Taoist immediately led the way and entered the gate.


In the Golden God's Tomb!

Wu Qingyu, Fu Tianxiong and others all had extremely heavy expressions on their faces.

After passing through the realm gate, they thought they could leave the mountain realm.

Who knows!

Things are not what they thought at all!

After passing through the gate, they came straight to a mysterious space, surrounded by an extremely empty space.

The ground beneath your feet is an extremely huge square, with no end as far as the eye can see...

There is no way to heaven and no way to earth!

The entire space is like a tomb magnified countless times.

"Goddess, we seem to be on the right track."

Fu Tianxiong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Wu Qingyu nodded, her face looking very ugly.

"We fell into the evil trap of the evil trio!"

"This place was definitely created by them..."

A wicked trio?

Upon hearing this, Ying Changsheng and others nearby immediately gathered around and cast their surprised and suspicious eyes on Wu Qingyu.

"Qingyu, what kind of evil trio?"

Ying Changsheng asked.

"The Evil Trio is three people who specialize in doing evil things. They like to collect corpses, save people, and dig graves."

"They are vicious, treacherous and greedy!"

"As long as you encounter it, you will definitely be in bad luck."

"Now, we have fallen into the trap they set, and I'm afraid we won't end well..."

Wu Qingyu said worriedly.

this moment!

Her mood was extremely heavy!

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