
Everything happens in an instant!

Seeing Yun Canglan and other members of the Taiyi Dynasty being killed by a sudden attack, the protoss watching around them all showed expressions of surprise.

"Goddess, what is the origin of this Tushan clan? How dare you ignore the Taiyi Divine Clan and kill their clansmen in front of them?"

far away!

Fu Tianxiong said in surprise.

The Taiyi Divine Clan ranks second among the Nine Meridians of Taiyin. There are many powerful people in the Divine Clan, including several divine kings.

Even their Night Demon Clan is slightly inferior in comparison.


How dare this little-known Tushan clan ignore them?


Kill in front of your face!

This courage alone is enough to make Fu Tianxiong admire him.

It's not just him.

The other gods present also had the same thoughts...

"Uncle Tianxiong, this time the Taiyi God Clan has hit a brick wall."

"I bet that Yun Wuji and the others will never be able to leave this mountain world!"

"According to the character of the high priest of the Tushan clan, none of these people from the Taiyi Divine Clan will survive today."

Wu Qingyu chuckled and said.

Just now!

She deliberately provoked Yun Canglan and the others from the Taiyi Dynasty. As long as they dared to admit that they were from the Taiyi Divine Clan, they would definitely die.

And even if they don't admit it, the Taiyi God Clan will not let them go.

No matter what you choose, you will die!


Her goal has been achieved!

Next up!

Just enjoy the show...

"Goddess, do you think Yun Wuji and the others will die?"

Fu Tianxiong's eyes were shocked.

"One hundred percent will die!"

"But, there is a god king behind the Taiyi Divine Clan. Does it mean that the Tushan clan also has a god king sitting in charge?"


"Ten years ago, I saw with my own eyes that three invincible tenth-level god kings walked out of the Tushan clan's temple and killed a saint."


The king of gods killed the saint?

Upon hearing this suddenly, Fu Tianxiong and others gasped in unison.

"If that's the case, that's terrible!"

"Even if the Taiyi Divine Clan invites all the ancestors of the God Kings, they still won't be able to shake the Tushan clan."

"Hehe, I'm afraid I'm going to trick these bullies from the Taiyi God Clan to death now..."

Everyone laughed evilly.

Fortunately, they knew the inside story, otherwise, if they collided with the Tushan clan, they would not know how they died.

In fact!

Wu Qingyu is indeed trying to trick the Taiyi Divine Clan!


It also worked!

"Tu Shan clan, dare to kill my Taiyi Divine Clan?"

Above the temple.

Yun Wuji's face was extremely gloomy.

One moment, Yun Canglan and others were still worshiping them, but the next moment, they were killed.

He was still killed right under his nose!

provocative! !

This is Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

at this time.

Both Yun Wuji and Yundingtian and the others behind him showed extremely angry expressions.

A pair of fierce eyes instantly looked at the temple on the top of Daqing Mountain in the distance.

"Anyone who offends our divine clan will be punished!"


A low roar suddenly came from Yundingtian's mouth.


He was preparing to use the big black bell in his hand to blast towards the Qingshan Temple in the distance, wanting to test the Tushan clan's strength and background.


Just as Yundingtian left the temple, suddenly, two fierce figures rushed out from the crowd not far away.

One of them, a young man in black with a tall body and a cold face, came to him in the blink of an eye.

"Pure Land of All Heavens!"


A mysterious realm shrouded the sky.

For a moment.

His cultivation was forcibly knocked down a huge level, from the original fifth-level god to the fifth-level true god.

"How can this be?"

"not good!"

Changes happened too quickly.

Seeing that his cultivation had been suppressed to a great level, boundless panic and fear arose in Yundingtian's heart.


He didn't care about anything else and planned to use secret techniques to escape from this place.


How could Lin Wudao give him that chance?


After the Pure Land of All Heavens, a heaven-fixing spell fell, directly imprisoning Yundingtian's body.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao ducked in front of him, and tightly squeezed Yundingtian's neck with his terrifying clutches.



Accompanied by shrill screams and sharp bone cracking sounds, Yundingtian's neck was violently twisted under the gaze of countless people.

The whole process takes less than three breaths!


Yundingtian, dead?

Seeing this sudden and shocking change, everyone present took a breath of air.

Each one of them looked extremely shocked!

"Yundingtian was a fifth-level god. He was killed in just an instant?"

far away.

Fu Qingyan said in shock.

"too fast!"

"With the cultivation level of a fifth-level God from Yundingtian, there is no room for resistance in front of this person."

"Is this the strength of the Tushan clan?"

"Tushan clan, so terrifying!"

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone looked at Lin Wudao with eyes full of strong fear.

Even Fu Tianxiong's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Tushan clan, you are too strong!"

"I feel that even if I face that person, I'm afraid I will end up like Yundingtian..."

Fu Tianxiong said in a concentrated voice.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Fu Qingyan and others beside him became more solemn.


Compared to them, Wu Qingyu's expression was even more shocked.


Her eyes were fixed on Lin Wudao in mid-air.

"This person is not from the Tushan clan!"

"He is the most evil member of the trio!"

Not from Tushan?

Fu Tianxiong and others cast suspicious glances.

"Goddess, what is the evil trio?"

"The so-called immoral trio, as the name suggests, are three people who specialize in doing bad things and doing immoral things."

"They are: Crazy Taoist, Scavenger, and Let Me Do It."

"These three people are simply a cancer in the world of cultivation. One likes to collect corpses, one likes to carry out funerals and salvation, and the other likes to dig graves."

"Basically, wherever they show up, nothing good ever happens."

"The evil trio are not only insidious and cunning, but also greedy. Especially their methods and strength are very terrifying."

"Ten years ago, Uncle Fu Liu and I had the misfortune to encounter them, and they squeezed us and extorted a lot of treasures..."

Wu Qingyu said in a tone of deep hatred.


There was still deep fear in his eyes.

If you encounter the evil trio, you will definitely be in bad luck!


"I wonder what crazy things the evil trio will do this time."

"Uncle Tianxiong, when we find the right time, we will leave Shanling Realm immediately. We must not stay in this place any longer..."


Fu Tianxiong nodded heavily.

Just when they were shocked, Lin Wudao in the distance had already taken out a storage bag and put Yundingtian's body in it.

at the same time!

He reached out with his big hand and grabbed the big black bell in his hand.

"The treasure of an inferior god king?"

His eyes lit up.

This is a good thing!

After looking at it for a few times, Lin Wudao put the big black clock into the system space.


He raised his eyes and looked at Yun Wuji and others above the temple...

"what do you want to do?"

"I am from the Taiyi Divine Clan..."

Seeing Lin Wudao looking at him, Yun Wuji immediately wanted to reveal his identity as the Taiyi God Clan.


Before he finished speaking, a terrifying figure instantly appeared on the temple.

That man is like a wild tyrannosaurus!

I saw the dark underworld energy surging behind him, and in an instant, it condensed into eighteen layers of strange and evil hell.


With one strike of his palm, Yun Wuji's entire body was blown apart and turned into a blood mist that filled the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

The man's big hand blasted out, directly suppressing the attacks of Yun Qingshan and the other four people, and shattered all the sacred bones around them.

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