The deepest part of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

An ancient and magnificent bronze temple is suspended high in the void, and the divine power it exudes is vast and vast.

At a glance!

The entire bronze temple is like a brilliant sun, shining in all directions...

Billions of living beings are pressed down, terrified and uneasy!

This ancient bronze temple is owned by the Night Demon Clan, and they have been waiting here for a long time.

at this time!

Inside the Bronze Temple, five extremely powerful figures were seen sitting upright, each with the cultivation of a god.


The man in mysterious clothes sitting at the top has reached the eighth level of god.

They come from the Cangyuan Ancient Clan!

"Brother, we have been waiting here in the Hundred Thousand Mountains for a year, and you still haven't contacted the goddess?"

"Could it be that there was an accident?"

among five people.

The only woman in blue asked with a frown.

There was deep worry in his eyes...

A year has passed since Wu Qingyu and Fu Tianjiang entered the Shanling Realm. So far, there is still no news.

Under normal circumstances, the time it takes to enter the Mountain Realm is only twenty months at most, which translates to a little more than a year and a half.


Wu Qingyu and the others have been in the mountain world for more than ten years, and the door to the secret realm has not yet been opened.

This is not normal at all!

If Wu Qingyu and Fu Tianjiang's soul lamps had not been lit normally, otherwise, they would have been really worried about something happening.

to this end!

The five brothers and sisters stayed here for a whole year and did not dare to leave for even a moment.

The reason is to wait for Wu Qingyu and others to return!

"Qingyan, please be patient!"

"The soul lamps of the goddess and the sixth brother have always been on normally, which shows that they have not encountered any great danger."

"The reason why we haven't come out for a long time is probably because there is something wrong with the Shanling Realm itself."

"In addition to us, the entire Night Demon Clan, as well as the entire Taiyin Temple, are always paying attention to the news about the goddess and the others."

"As long as there is news, we will be notified as soon as possible."

"So just wait patiently..."

Fu Tianxiong said calmly.

As the leader of the Cangyuan Ancient Clan and the eldest among them all, he is not only the highest in cultivation, but also the strongest and most powerful.

As his voice sounded, everyone fell silent.


There is a trace of heaviness in the depths of each eye.

They don't know how long this situation will last.

If the Shanling Realm is not opened, wouldn't Wu Qingyu and the others be unable to escape for the rest of their lives?

The more they think about it, the more worried everyone becomes...

call out!

Just when Fu Qingyan and others were worried, suddenly, a bright divine light cut through the void and descended on the Bronze Temple.

"Reporting to the patriarch, the high priest has issued a decree!"

A member of the True God Clan said respectfully.

Talking time!

He presented a communication sword talisman to Fu Tianxiong.

High priest's decree?

As soon as these words came out, Fu Qingyan and others became energetic.


Fu Tianxiong also took the sword talisman as quickly as possible, and then read it carefully.

After a while.

His majestic eyes were filled with divine light!

"Brother, is there any good news?"

Fu Qingyan asked impatiently.


"The high priest successfully contacted the goddess in the mountain world through the secret method of blood."

"According to the goddess, the Mountain Realm has suffered a huge change. Nine-tenths of the area has collapsed and will reopen in three days."

"The High Priest decrees that we support the goddess!"


In three days, the Shanling Realm will be reopened?

After hearing the news, everyone clenched their fists and looked excited.

"God favors me, the goddess is finally out of trouble!"

"The Mountain Realm actually collapsed? What happened there?"

"It seems that everything can only be figured out after the goddess and the others come out..."

Everyone was talking about it.


They all want to know urgently what happened in the Shanling Realm.

"There are only three days left, let's get ready!"

"Now that we, the Night Demon Clan, can contact the Goddess, the other Clan of Gods may also receive news of the re-opening of the Mountain Realm."

"At that time, something might happen."

Fu Tianxiong said in a concentrated voice.

Hear the words!

Everyone's expressions became a little heavy, and there was a faint evil light in their eyes.

The relationship between the nine major divine clans is not very good!

The Night Demon Clan also has its sworn enemies...


For Wu Qingyu's safety, they must be fully prepared.


Are they not the only ones preparing and planning?

Shanling Realm, Taiyi Dynasty!

In the ninth level of the ancestral mausoleum, Yun Mantian, the current leader of the dynasty, stood in front of an ancient altar with all the ancestors of the dynasty.

The expressions on everyone's faces were extremely solemn!

There are both infinite expectations and inexplicable fears...

"Ancestor, it's still too late for us to turn back now."

"Once we make an altar here and contact the Taiyi Divine Clan outside the Shanling boundary, if we are discovered, it will definitely be a disaster for the clan."

"Ten years ago, our Taiyi Dynasty had sworn to believe in the God of Qingshan. Doing so now is tantamount to betraying our faith."

"What's more, the Taiyi Divine Clan in the outside world has abandoned us. Do we really need to risk the annihilation of our clan and continue to adhere to the ancestral precepts?"

Yun Mantian persuaded in a deep voice.


The core members of their Taiyi Dynasty all gathered in the ninth level of the ancestral mausoleum, trying to contact the outside world through the altar left by the gods in the past.

Let the Taiyi Divine Clan outside the realm prepare for the reopening of the Mountain Realm...

Thus, gain the upper hand!


Deep down in his heart, Yun Mantian did not agree with this approach.

He believed that this was betraying God!

Once discovered by the temple, their Taiyi Dynasty will definitely be destroyed, and the entire clan will die without a burial place.

In order to abide by the ancestral precepts of the past, it is really not a wise move to put the people of the Taiyi Dynasty on the edge of life and death.


He wanted to use his last bit of strength to persuade his ancestors and others to step back from the brink.


All the ancestors sneered at Yun Mantian's words.


"Yun Mantian, fortunately you are still the head of the dynasty and a descendant of the Taiyi Divine Clan. Are you going to forget your ancestors?"

"Don't forget, our roots are the Taiyi Divine Clan, not the vassals and slaves of the Tushan Clan."

"Previously, the reason why we surrendered and believed in the God of Qingshan was because of their powerful power and power, and we could not bow our heads temporarily."

"Do you really want to believe in that God of the Green Mountain? Be a slave to the Tushan clan for the rest of your life?"

An ancestor in green yelled loudly.

"Ancestor, but the gods outside have abandoned us?"


"That's just an expedient measure by the Gods!"

"This time, as long as we spread the news about the reopening of Shanling Realm, we will definitely achieve great success."

"When the time comes, returning to the God Clan will be just around the corner!"

"What's more, everything we do is not known to outsiders at all."

"For the future of the Taiyi Dynasty, and to get rid of the oppression and enslavement of the Tushan clan, we must fight hard no matter what."

"Now is the best opportunity!"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for cleaning you up..."

The Qingyi Patriarch’s eyes were filled with fierce light.

Say it!

He gave Yun Mantian a warning look, and immediately joined forces with others to start using bloodline techniques to activate the altar.


"Is it really worth doing this..."

Seeing the crazy actions of Patriarch Qingyi and others, Yun Mantian was filled with panic and helplessness, but he was unable to dissuade them.

I could only pray secretly in my heart not to be noticed by the people in the temple.

For his worries, Qingyi Patriarch and others simply ignored him.

at this time!

Their biggest wish is to get rid of the control of the Tushan clan and return to the Taiyi Divine Clan.

to this end.

Even if you take some risks, it's worth it.


After a while, under the influence of everyone's bloodline skills, the originally silent altar began to bloom with a misty light.


An illusory figure appeared from the brilliant light...

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