In seven years, everyone has changed tremendously!


As the high priest of the temple and Lin Wudao's spokesperson in the human world, Tushan Cangyue spent more time and energy on absorbing the origin of the world.


Her cultivation level has not improved too much!


Seven years have passed, and she has only reached the tenth level of demigods with the help of the world origin of Shenhuang World.

If you want to become a true god, I'm afraid you have to leave the mountain world...

Compared to her, Yin Siming's cultivation level is much higher.


He has cultivated to the eighth level of True God!

He is the person with the highest cultivation level and the strongest strength among the Tushan clan and the hundreds of millions of people in the Divine Realm.

The third one is Tushan Ruoruo!

After ten years of not seeing her, she has become an adult, with a stunning appearance, and her whole body is filled with boundless spiritual wisdom.


Tushan Ruoruo has been lively and active since she was a child, like an elf on earth. When she grew up, her personality did not change much.

Among the people in the temple, he is the liveliest and most eccentric person.

In ten years, with the help of the "Natural Code", she also successfully cultivated into a true god.

Although not as good as Yin Si Ming, he still surpassed everyone.

Achieved, fifth level true god!

And under Tushan Ruoruo, the most outstanding ones in the temple belong to Yu Ling'er and Xiao Ziyi.

As the goddesses of the temple, they are more powerful than others in terms of qualifications and strength.

Yu Ling'er was originally born with a divine body. After receiving divine power for ten years, her qualifications and potential were improving every moment.

Xiao Ziyi is the same!

With the help of Lin Wudao, the blood of the Penglai God Clan in her body was completely revived, giving her extremely outstanding qualifications.

Moreover, Xiao Ziyi can also absorb luck and strengthen himself.


After ten years of practice and accumulation, both of them have become first-level true gods!


There are already four true gods in the huge Qingshan Temple!

for this result.

Lin Wudao was still very satisfied!

As for the other people in the temple, although their cultivation levels have increased greatly, they have not broken through to the true gods.

Yu Zhentian, tenth level demigod!

Tu Shansuo, the tenth level demigod!

Yu Kui, the tenth level demigod!

Wu Huan, ninth level demigod!

Jie Wuyou, ninth level demigod!

Li Heishui, eighth level demigod!

"If another baptism of God is performed on them, all the clergy in the temple will become true gods."

Lin Wudao was calculating in his mind.

[System, to upgrade the Baptism of God and Initiation to the God of God method, each requires 100 billion luck points, right? 】

【Yes! 】

[Then how much luck do you need to get started? 】

[Introduction to the baptism of God, three hundred billion! 】

[Introduction to the initiation of Dafa, 300 billion! 】


Upgrading to the divine method requires 200 billion, and starting the divine method requires 600 billion.

A total of 800 billion!

Seeing the price, Lin Wudao glanced at the system panel.

Luck value: 2.76 trillion

[The system upgrades the divine baptism and initiation methods to the divine method, and elevates it to the 'entry' level! 】


【update successed! 】

[You spent 600 billion luck points to practice the baptism of God and the initiation method to the 'entry' level respectively. 】




As the system's prompt sounded, a large amount of insights about God's baptism and initiation were engraved into the soul.

Name: Baptism of God

Level: God's Law

Realm: entry

Introduction: After being used, the qualifications and foundation of devout believers under the realm of gods can be improved tenfold on the original basis.

Remarks: 1. Cannot be used if you are not in the realm of gods!

2. Only valid for the first time!

Name: Initiation Dafa

Level: God's Law

Realm: entry

Introduction: After being used, devout believers under the realm of gods can be forcibly empowered with 1,500 years of cultivation!

Remarks: 1. Cannot be used if you are not in the realm of gods!

2. Only valid for the first time!

Information about the two gods' methods was presented in front of them.

After reading.

Lin Wudao nodded secretly.

The divine method at the entry level did not exceed his expectations.


It requires the divine level of the Great Demon God of Qingshan to reach the level of God before it can be used.

at this point.

It was a pity for Lin Wudao!

[System, how many luck points are needed to deduce the "Great Way of Gods and Demons" to the level of true gods? 】


"The Great Way of Gods and Demons" is only the third volume for mortals. They can only cultivate to the tenth level of demigods. The subsequent methods must be perfected.

["The Great Dao Shen Demon Sutra: True God Scroll", 100 billion luck value! 】

[Well, let’s deduce it! 】


With the help of the power of the system, the cultivation methods at the true god level in the "Great Way of Gods and Demons" were deduced.

Can be cultivated to the tenth level of true god!

"The exercises are now available, as are the divine baptism and initiation methods. Next, we will wait for the great demon Qingshan to rise to the level of a god."

"According to the current strength and foundation, if we go to the outside world, we can almost conquer the twelve regions of the wilderness."

"When the time comes, controlling the entire wilderness will be enough for me to be promoted to the rank of God..."

Lin Wudao kept thinking in his mind.

The so-called ancient forces in the Twelve Territories of the Wilderness, even outstanding geniuses like Yan Huihuang, are only in the realm of supernatural powers.

It can be seen that they are not powerful!

According to Lin Wudao's estimation, at most it is just a true god.


If Tushan goes to the outside world, he will definitely be invincible!

Debut is the peak!

Think of this.

Lin Wudao immediately thought in his heart, secretly thinking about the future development route of himself and the Tushan clan...

Others don't know what he is thinking.


Tushan Cangyue and others also cast their surprised eyes on Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu.


"Seventh level true god? Ninth level true god?"

"It seems that you have changed a lot over the years..."

Tushan Cangyue said with a hint of surprise.

In the eyes!

Revealing a hint of surprise!

Ten years ago, the two of them were not even demigods.


Ten years later, they all became powerful true gods.

This cultivation speed is even faster than the Yin Si Ming in their temple.

"Hehe, just good luck!"

The mad Taoist waved his hand.

Although his words were calm and indifferent, his face showed an extremely proud look.


In front of Tushan Cangyue, she straightened her chest involuntarily.

To this.

Tushan Cangyue just glanced at it lightly and then lost interest in paying attention.

"What are you doing in my temple today?"

"Well, that's it. Our brothers want to ask the high priest, when can the Mountain Realm be reopened and go to the outside world?"

"After all, this mountain world is still too small!"

"The outside world of the gods is a broader stage..."

The crazy Taoist said truthfully.

In the past ten years, the strength of their evil trio has increased significantly, and it's time to go out and cause trouble.

"Three days later, the mountain realm will be reopened!"

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

Three days?

Everyone’s spirits were lifted!

After hearing the news, whether it was Mad Taoist or Yin Siming and others, their eyes showed infinite excitement and expectation.

"Thank you, High Priest, for informing me!"

"In this case, we brothers will say goodbye first..."

Say it.

The crazy Taoist said hello, and immediately left the temple with Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu.

Everyone looked at their departing figures thoughtfully.

"The three evil men are not simple!"

"Now that they have become true gods, once they go out to the outside world, I don't know how many people will suffer."

Yin Siming sighed with a smile.

These three people are a disaster!

Wherever they go, there's basically death and disaster.

It’s simply an ominous symbol!

"Yu Kui!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"Immediately issue an announcement in the name of the ancestral temple, and reopen the mountain realm in three days!"


Yu Kui bowed, turned around and exited the temple.

"Yu Zhentian, Tu Shanguo, you must restrain the legions under your respective command and do not act rashly after they go to the outside world."

"Everything, obey my decree!"

"Others, be prepared to go to the outside world, and at the same time maintain order in the divine city and the mountain world."


As the decrees were issued one after another, the originally silent Shanling Realm became restless again.

Everyone is waiting for the reopening in three days!

at the same time!

There are also many people gathered in Shiwandashan outside the Shanling boundary.

They have been waiting here for a year...

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