Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 493: Those who defeat the Realm Lord can be passed down as their own!

The two people who came out of the blue were a middle-aged man in blue shirt with a deep and domineering temperament, and the other was a young man in his twenties dressed in brocade.

"World Master, who was that person just now? He actually took Zhao Wushen away?"

The young man asked in surprise.

Hear the words!

Realm Lord Xiao Gaitian frowned.

"That's the celebrity next to Immortal Qinglan. His name seems to be Xiao Baiyi. The Immortal seems to favor him unusually."

"He took Zhao Wushen away, and he must have gone to the great world of Tiancang..."

Xiao Baiyi?

The young man became more and more curious.

"World Master, could this be the decree of Immortal Qinglan?"

"Eight hundred years ago, Zhao Wushen was the eternal first god king in our Lingxiao world. In the past, he could defeat three saints without defeat just by relying on his cultivation as a tenth-level god king."

"As someone close to Immortal Qinglan, Xiao Baiyi must have recommended Zhao Wushen. With his presence, do we still need to continue looking for someone?"

"In addition, Immortal Qinglan has been cultivating in Penglai Immortal Island for these years. He doesn't care about worldly affairs. Why is he suddenly searching for the strongest God King all over the world?"

"What makes Immortal Qinglan so interested in me is that the matter is not trivial."

"World Master, I think this is an opportunity for our Lingxiao world to rise. How about being a favor?"

The man in brocade clothes said thoughtfully.

Hear this!

Xiao Gaitian's deep eyes looked over instantly.

"You mean, lift the seal on Zhao Wushen?"


"World Master, I know that you always have a grudge because of that incident, but it is undeniable that Zhao Wushen does have unparalleled talents."

"If he gets the favor of Immortal Qinglan this time, his future prospects will be limitless."

"Instead of deepening the conflict then, why not give him a chance now? If he is really a talent, it will be good for our Lingxiao world."

"Realm Master, Zhao Wushen doesn't talk about other aspects. In terms of strength, in the realm of God King, I'm afraid no one can compare with him."

"If he goes to Penglai Immortal Island, Immortal Qinglan will definitely lift the seal on him. When the time comes..."

The man in brocade persuaded softly.


Although Xiao Gaitian looked cold and inhumane on the surface, the movements of his hands were not slow.


He raised his big hand and thrust it directly into the endless void. When he stretched his hand back, Xiao Baiyi and Zhao Wushen had already appeared in front of them.


"Jie...jie lord?"

Seeing Xiao Gaitian's figure, both Xiao Baiyi and Zhao Wushen's expressions changed drastically.

"Meet the Realm Lord!"

Xiao Baiyi fell to the ground in fear.

Lingxiao Great World is one of the ten high-level great worlds under the Penglai Immortal Clan.

As the Lord of the Great World, Xiao Gaitian's cultivation has reached the ninth level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Looking at the entire Penglai Immortal Clan, he is also among the top experts.

Xuanyuan World is a lower world under Lingxiao World. Xiao Baiyi's actions naturally cannot be hidden from Xiao Gaitian's discernment.

"Boundary Lord, we..."

"Did Immortal Qinglan ask you to come?"

"This... no... no, it's the boy who made his own decision. He couldn't bear Zhao Wushen to waste his strength, so..."

Xiao Baiyi replied tremblingly.

"You are so brave!"

"Boundary Lord, please forgive me. In fact, the stakes this time are very important, and it must be Zhao Wushen. If we cannot find the invincible God King, then our Penglai Immortal Clan will also face annihilation."



As soon as these words came out, Xiao Gaitian's face darkened.

"What on earth is going on?"

"This...I...I can't say..."

Xiao Baiyi shook his head.


"Aren't you afraid of my soul search?"

Xiao Gaitian narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be afraid!"

"If the Realm Master is not afraid of the Emperor's blame, then let's do it."


As soon as these two words came out, even Xiao Gaitian couldn't help but change his expression.

"World Master, Zhao Wushen is the God King of Lingxiao World. Why not give him a chance and let him try it?"

"At that time, once you have entered the eyes of the Immortal Lord and the Emperor, World Lord, you will also have a bright face..."

Xiao Baiyi continued.

His words resolved the awkward atmosphere.


"Since it is a major event for our Penglai Immortal Clan, I will give him a chance."

Say it.

Xiao Gaitian pointed out, and the seal placed on Zhao Wushen disappeared instantly.


The seal was broken, and surging and majestic divine power flowed out from the muscles, bones, flesh and blood, like huge dragons.

In just an instant, Zhao Wushen returned to the level of a tenth-level god king.

"Thank you, Lord, for your help!"

Seeing Zhao Wushen recover his cultivation, Xiao Baiyi immediately showed a look of surprise.


There were bursts of excitement in Zhao Wushen's eyes.

Under the wash of the mighty divine power, the divine fire, divine bones, divinity, etc. in his body began to revive crazily.

The aura of the God King spans millions of miles, and the whole person is like a god or a demon!

at the same time!

His face has returned to its youthful appearance eight hundred years ago...

"Let's go~"

Seeing that Zhao Wushen had returned to the cultivation and strength he had eight hundred years ago, Xiao Gaitian said nothing.


The big sleeves rolled up the crowd and directly tore the void apart.

Penglai Fairy Island!

It had only been half a day since Xiao Qinglan's decree was issued, but a large number of figures had already gathered in the square in front of the Immortal Palace.

Twenty people in total!

The ten world masters, including Tiancang Great World, and the ten strongest god kings.


When Xiao Baiyi and the others arrived at the Immortal Palace, a series of surprised glances fell on Zhao Wushen.

"Zhao Wushen? He actually reappeared?"

Everyone looked curious.


There was great pressure in their hearts.

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!

They had all heard of Zhao Wushen's deeds eight hundred years ago.

At first!

Known as the first divine king in eternity!

As a god king, he is a ruthless character who can defeat three saints...

None of them expected that this god of death would reappear.

All of a sudden!

Many of the god kings present were quite afraid of Zhao Wushen.


What’s more, it’s the fighting spirit!

No one who can come here is a good person, they are all born from fighting among countless god kings.

They also want to know who is the number one god king of the Penglai Immortal Clan!


Just as they were secretly competing, Xiao Qinglan's figure walked out of the Immortal Palace as a ray of fairy light descended.

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

Everyone present knelt down and worshiped with great respect.

Xiao Qinglan is recognized as the number one person under the Immortal Emperor!

"Everyone, get up."

"Is this the most powerful god king in your respective worlds?"

While talking.

Xiao Qinglan glanced at everyone and said calmly.

To this!

All the realm masters nodded.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"Next, you eleven world masters will suppress your respective cultivations to the early stage of saints, and then fight against them in the physical body."

"Whoever can defeat you with the cultivation of the God King is the strongest."

"Those who defeat the Realm Master can become my personal disciples!"

A calm voice came out slowly.


Fighting against the world lords?

Hearing these words suddenly, both the eleven world masters including Xiao Gaitian and the eleven god kings including Zhao Wushen were shocked in their hearts.

The eleven current world masters are all powerful beings at the ninth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. If they can reach this stage, each of them can be called an eternal monster.

Even if his cultivation is suppressed to the realm of a saint, how can the God King be able to resist?

Not to mention, defeated!

Even Zhao Wushen, who is known as the eternal first god king in the Lingxiao world, couldn't help but take a breath after hearing Xiao Qinglan's words.

this moment!

He felt unprecedented pressure!

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