The great world of Xuanyuan!

It is a low-level big world under the command of the Penglai Immortal Clan. Because the world is rich in origin, there are creatures at the level of the Emperor of Heaven in the big world.

call out!

After passing through the world barrier, Xiao Baiyi directly used his powerful force to move through the void and cross hundreds of millions of miles.

After a while!

He came to a remote town in the northernmost part of Xuanyuan World, and stopped at a place called Qingshan Academy.

at this time!

In the academy, a tall, elegant, middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was teaching a group of seven or eight-year-old children.

Waves of loud reading sounds slowly came out from the ancient academy...

Everything around is arranged very simply!


It is a mortal city!

Stopping outside the academy, feeling the sound of children reading and the smell of fireworks in the world, a light of reminiscence flashed across Xiao Baiyi's eyes.

Once upon a time, he came here like this!

"Zhao Wushen, come out and meet him~"

He moved his lips slightly.


Upon hearing this, the man in green clothes in the academy instantly looked out the window.

When he saw Xiao Baiyi's figure, he couldn't help but be startled.


He frowned and pondered for a while, holding a volume of ancient books in his hand, opened the door and walked out.

"How did you find yourself here?"

Zhao Wushen said lightly.

His expression was calm and there was no wavering in his words.

That way!

It seems that he has no interest in the entire human world.

"Zhao Wushen, we haven't seen each other for eight hundred years, right?"

"I think back then, you were the most talented person in our Lingxiao world since ancient times. If you were here, I'm afraid you would have become an immortal by now."

"All the opportunities I have now should have been yours..."

Xiao Baiyi recalled and said.

Between words!

Revealing a sigh.

But after hearing his words, Zhao Wushen shook his head.

"You are the number one genius in the Lingxiao world. Everything in the past is already a thing of the past to me."

"Now, I'm just a mortal!"

"Since Qingyi died, my heart also died..."

He responded calmly.

Xiao Qingyi?

Hearing this name, Xiao Baiyi sighed again.

"Zhao Wushen, you and Qingyi met, knew each other, and fell in love. It's a pity that the identity gap between you is too big and you can't get together."

"Qingyi is the apple of the eye of the Lord of the Great World of Lingxiao. She is also the fairy of my Penglai Immortal Clan and has the qualifications to be a quasi-immortal emperor."

"At first, I didn't think highly of you!"

"The final outcome is indeed what I expected. Qingyi was taken away, and you had all your cultivations sealed by the Realm Lord."

"If you had listened to my advice..."

"Xiao Baiyi, are you here to expose my scars today and then spread salt on me?"

Zhao Wushen's face turned cold.

Hear the words!

Xiao Baiyi curled his lips.

"I have nothing to do, so I went from the great world of Tiancang to the great world of Xuanyuan to expose your scars?"

The big world of heaven?

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Wushen was obviously startled.

"I haven't seen you for eight hundred years, and you actually got the qualification to go to the great world of heaven?"

The Great World of Tiancang is the original great world controlled by the Penglai Immortal Clan. Only the most orthodox and proud clan members can go there.

once Upon a time!

There is also the place that Zhao Wushen longs for!

He did not expect that after eight hundred years of not seeing each other, Xiao Baiyi had achieved achievements that even he could not imagine.

"Hehe, it's just good luck. I'm lucky enough to be favored by Immortal Qinglan."

Immortal Lord Qinglan?

Zhao Wushen was shocked!

This person was so powerful that he almost became the Immortal Emperor.

Xiao Baiyi actually has something to do with him?

" came here to show off to me this time?"

"Not really!"

"Actually, the main reason why I came to you this time is because I have a great opportunity to give you."

"If you can grasp it, when the time comes, you will surely be favored by Immortal Qinglan and reach the sky in one step."

Xiao Baiyi said extremely seriously.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wushen suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"What chance?"

"Well, it's like this. Immortal Lord Qinglan is looking for an invincible god-king, and a god-king who can kill saints."

"Nowadays, all the world masters in the Great World of Ten Directions and the Great Origin World are frantically looking for people."

"I remember that you possess the divine and demonic body of heaven. Back then, with the cultivation level of a tenth-level divine king, you defeated three saints without defeat."

"As long as you fall into the eyes of Immortal Qinglan, you will reach the sky in one step and become famous throughout the Penglai Immortal Clan."

"This is an opportunity that countless people can't ask for. You have to cherish it."

Xiao Baiyi said in a deep voice.

Back then, Zhao Wushen was known as the most ancient divine king in the Lingxiao world. When he was still an eighth-level divine king, he could overpower all the divine kings.

Killed those tenth-level god kings and left corpses everywhere!

Later, he cultivated to the tenth level of the God King, and was able to fight three saints without defeat using only the strength of his physical body.

Such glorious achievements, throughout the history of the Penglai Immortal Clan, are extremely dazzling...


When Xiao Baiyi heard that Lin Wudao was looking for the Invincible God King, he immediately thought of Zhao Wushen.

If he takes action, he will definitely defeat all the god kings!

"Zhao Wushen, clean up immediately and come with me."

"Use your strength to write your glory. One day, maybe even I will look up to you."

Xiao Baiyi said with a smile.


After hearing his words, Zhao Wushen was unmoved and his expression was as calm as ever.

"My heart is already dead!"

"Now, I just want to teach here quietly, wait until the end of my life, and then go to accompany Qingyi..."

Say it.

Zhao Wushen ignored the astonished Xiao Baiyi, turned around and walked towards the academy.


"Zhao Wushen, actually Miss Qingyi is not dead, he is still alive."


Xiao Baiyi broke a shocking news.


Qingyi is still alive?

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Wushen's body suddenly trembled, and his whole body turned around instantly.

A pair of eyes were staring at Xiao Baiyi...

"Xiao Baiyi, what did you say?"

"I said that Miss Qingyi is not dead at all. She has been living well in this world." "Over the years, she has been practicing in the world of heaven and worshiped under the disciple of an immortal king and has never left. ”

"But, I clearly saw Qingyi with my own eyes back then..."

"That's just a deception used by the Realm Master to make you give up."

"The original truth was that the Realm Master used a secret method to refine a Dharma Body of Qingyi to replace her original body."

"The Realm Master is also a quasi-immortal emperor. How can a small god king like you be able to see through the methods at that level?"

"Therefore, Miss Qingyi has been living well."

"However, her memory about you was also sealed by the Realm Lord."

"I personally went to Tiancang World to inquire about these things through the relationship with Qinglan Immortal Lord."

"Absolutely true!"

"Let me tell you another secret. In fact, this time Qinglan Immortal Lord is searching for the God King all over the world to help a noble person and kill a saint."

"As long as you handle this matter well, you will definitely be praised and favored by Immortal Qinglan when the time comes."

"It's even favored by that noble man!"

"Once successful, the matter between you and Miss Qingyi will not be a problem..."

Xiao Baiyi said in a deep voice.


Qingyi is really not dead?

Listening to Xiao Baiyi's story, Zhao Wushen's fire of hope, which had been extinguished for eight hundred years, was rekindled.

The blood all over his body was boiling at this moment.

"Xiao Baiyi, you didn't lie to me?"

"Absolutely not!"

"I believe in your strength. As long as you take action, you will be able to suppress all god kings and kill saints."

"When the time comes, it will be a great achievement!"

"Such an opportunity may not come across even in an era. You are lucky..."

Speaking of which.

Xiao Baiyi also cast an envious look.

If Zhao Wushen hadn't been there, he would have wanted to kill the Great Emperor himself and participate in the battle for the God King.

"However, my current cultivation level has been sealed by the Realm Lord, so I am powerless."

Zhao Wushen sighed.

He also knew that this was an unprecedented opportunity.


Now that his cultivation level has been banned, he is just an ordinary useless person.

Even if you have the heart, you don’t have the power!

To this.

Xiao Baiyi looked mysterious.

"Do you dare to go to the great world of Tiancang with me?"

"You're thinking……"

"Of course I'm going to see Immortal Qinglan!"

"The seal on you was placed by the World Lord. Apart from the World Lord, only a being more powerful than him can break it."

"Looking at the Penglai Immortal Clan, apart from the Emperor, there is only Immortal Qinglan."

"Just in time, I can take this opportunity to introduce you to the Immortal Lord."

"The Immortal Lord has a sharp eye, and he will definitely be able to see the infinite potential in you. Then your opportunity will come."

Xiao Baiyi's eyes were burning.

Once Zhao Wushen falls into Xiao Qinglan's eye, he will also have the merit of recommendation.

In the future, whether it is relying on Zhao Wushen's relationship or the appreciation of Qinglan Immortal Lord, he will have a bright future.


Xiao Baiyi tried his best to promote this!

"Do you dare to go?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Zhao Wushen's eyes were firm.

this moment!

He seemed to be a different person...


"Let's leave now. It's best to get ahead of the world leaders."


While talking.

With a wave of his hand, he directly rolled up Zhao Wushen and left the Xuanyuan World as quickly as possible.


Just when their front feet had just left, the void in front of them suddenly set off a ripple.

Immediately afterwards.

Two mysterious figures came out.

With deep eyes, he looked at the backs of Xiao Baiyi and Zhao Wushen, thoughtfully...

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