The incarnation of Burial Heaven!

Extremely weird, extremely scary!

It is the supreme method that the crazy Taoist understood from the "Burial Book". It can forcibly increase the strength by consuming one's own lifespan.

The more lifespan you consume, the stronger your combat power becomes!

at this time!

In order to deal with Shi Hao, the crazy Taoist burned his fifty thousand years of life and raised his own cultivation and strength to the perfection of the divine realm.



With the arrival of the mighty evil aura, the terrifying tomb tightly enveloped Shi Hao.


Under the mysterious power of the Great Burial Technique, all the essence of strength, lifespan, soul, etc. in Shi Hao's body were forcibly absorbed.


"What the hell is this? Damn it... no..."

In the big tomb.

Shi Hao's frightened and desperate roar came out.

He wanted to sacrifice the rock tower in his hand and forcefully break the tomb into pieces; however, the crazy Taoist did not give him that chance.




He frantically practiced the Great Burial Technique, turning it into terrifying tombs, and buried Shi Hao in them.


Relying on the powerful power and the magic of the Great Burial Technique, the crazy Taoist forcibly absorbed all of Shi Hao's cultivation, lifespan, and soul essence.

You can't die any more!


The two of them worked together in perfect harmony.

After killing Shi Hao at a heavy price, the mad Taoist's big hand suddenly reached out. Before everyone could recover, he directly rolled up the Rock Tower and Shi Hao's body and disappeared in place.


The crazy Taoist acted too quickly.

Seeing this sudden scene, both Lin Wudao and Yu Shan and others showed expressions of extreme astonishment.

None of them expected that the crazy Taoist could be so cruel...

"High Priest, they actually killed Shi Hao and took away the Rock Tower."

On the boat on the other side.

Yu Jie's eyes widened and he exclaimed in disbelief.


Not only him, but everyone else present also looked shocked.

"Shi Hao is a strong man in the extreme realm of the gods, and he also holds an extreme divine weapon like the Tower of Rocks. He was actually killed by them?"

"That crazy Taoist is too scary, isn't it?"

Jie Wuyou said in shock.

"It's really cruel!"

On the side, Yin Siming also nodded.

"The crazy Taoists and the others should be heading for the Rock Tower in Shi Hao's hands. The methods of the evil trio are indeed extraordinary."


Yin Siming set his sights on Lin Wudao.


Tushan Cangyue also looked over at this moment.

"Uh, this~"

"High Priest, you didn't say you are not allowed to attack the enemy, right?"

Lin Wudao forced out a smile and said.

at this time!

In his heart, he was also extremely surprised by the crazy actions of the crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu.

Especially the crazy Taoist, he is truly a lunatic!

In order to kill Shi Hao and get the rock tower in his hand, he burned fifty thousand years of his life.

It's so cruel!

"I will not care about the things you obtain based on your strength."

"But, only outside the Sunset Ancient Clan..."

Tushan Cangyue stared at Lin Wudao for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.


"With the words of the high priest, I think we will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Lin Wudao responded with a smile.


Although he smiled, he was sighing secretly in his heart.

A piece of Ji Dao magic weapon flew away from under his nose...

It is impossible for him to take out something that falls into the hands of a crazy Taoist.


Not only Lin Wudao was feeling regretful and helpless, but Yin Siming and others were also sighing.

The preciousness of the ultimate divine weapon is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

call out!

Just when they were silent, Yushan in the distance had already driven a rainbow light and came to them.

"Meet the high priest!"

He knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly.

The eyes revealed infinite surprise and excitement.

at this time!

With the help of the divinity of the Sword of War, the dormant mark of the God of War in his body has been revived.

Cultivation has reached the early stage of the Divine Realm!

Both Qi, blood and vitality are more powerful than before.

all of these!

All derived from the Sword of War!

"Get up."

"Yu Shan, after you return to the tribe, you will gather all the people of the Sunset Ancient Clan. I will ask the Great God Qingshan to come and restore your faith."

"In addition, I will help you revive the silent mark of God in your body..."

Tushan Cangyue said majestically.

Hear the words!

Yu Shan was immediately overjoyed and his body was trembling violently.

this day!

The Sunset Ancient Clan has been waiting for tens of thousands of years.


The wait is finally here!


After bowing respectfully, Yu Shan immediately drove a rainbow light and headed towards the Sunset Ancient Clan at the fastest speed.

See it!

Tushan Cangyue followed closely behind...

"High Priest, I discovered that there was a bronze temple hidden in the black mist just now, and there was a man in black robes inside."

"It seems to be the messenger from the Temple of Disaster, and his name is Tu."

"I guess that person seems to have guessed that the God of War has not yet died and has re-cultivated himself as the God of Incense."

"In this case, maybe we have another enemy?"

On the Shenzhou.

Yin Siming said in a deep voice to Tushan Cangyue.

Disaster messenger picture?

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

If Yin Siming hadn't said it, they wouldn't have noticed it at all, the disaster messenger named Tu.

"Ignore him for now!"

"Next, let's talk about the stability of the Sunset Ancient Clan."

"Besides, the sky god of Tushan clan in Nanling is coming soon. We can't stay here long."

"After we deal with the affairs of the Sunset Ancient Clan and open the eighth ancestral land, we must rush back to Daqingshan."

"Temple of Disaster, put it on hold for now."

"I'll deal with it later when I'm free..."

Tushan Cangyue responded.


Yin Siming nodded and stopped talking.

Nanling Tushan clan?

God of the sky?

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yu Jie on the side was filled with surprise and curiosity.

"Brother Wu Huan, is the God of the Sky also a god?"

He asked in a low voice to Wu Huan beside him.

Hear the words!

Wu Huan nodded.


"The God of the Sky is the god of incense and fire believed by the Tushan clan in Nanling. He has a grudge against our Tushan clan in Daqingshan."

"In two days, the God of the Sky will come to Daqingshan..."

Wu Huan said eloquently.

Taking advantage of his free time, he briefly introduced many things about the Tushan clan of the Great Blue Shark to Yu Jie.

Listening to his story, Yu Feng also gained a basic understanding of Daqingshan and the Tushan clan.

Sunset Ancient Clan!

When Lin Wudao and the others returned to the tribe, they saw that Yu Shan had gathered all the tribesmen in an empty square.


With the arrival of Tushan Cangyue and others, the eyes of the eight thousand tribesmen gathered in the square were filled with extremely strong surprise and excitement.

The eyes are full of boundless expectation and yearning...


Yu Shan had already told them about the God of War.

"Is this the high priest from the Tushan clan?"

"Hiss, what a powerful divinity and power!"

"Look, what the high priest is holding is the legendary sword of war? I have seen the pattern in the temple, and it is exactly the same as this one."

"I heard from the elders that the high priest came from the Daqing Mountain on the other side of the River of Forgetfulness, and the God of War did not die, but became the God of Incense."

"Hmm, now it seems that he is called Qingshan Great God..."

Overwhelming discussion came from the crowd.

this moment!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Tushan Cangyue.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wudao also clenched his palms secretly, with a bright look in his eyes.


They are all his people!

Next, his divine domain and people will increase greatly.

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