"The mark of the God of Disaster!"

Looking at the black mark revealed between Shi Hao's eyebrows, Yu Shan's pupils suddenly tightened.


Just when he was shocked, the rock tower in Shi Hao's hand was smashed out, and the terrifying Ji Dao power spread out, directly blasting Yu Shan away.

His body hit the mountain thousands of feet away, and there was blood spraying in the air...

"Elder of the clan!"

Everything happens in an instant.

Seeing Yu Shan being blown away by Shi Hao with a rock tower, both Yu Kui who was fighting and Yu Feng and others behind were all shocked.

Yushan is the backbone of their Sunset Ancient Clan!

If anything goes wrong, it will definitely be a huge disaster for the Sunset Ancient Clan.


"That bitch Shi Hao actually fell into the arms of the God of Disaster. Why doesn't he die?"

On the boat on the other side.

Yu Jie clenched his fists and shouted loudly.


The faces of other members of the Sunset Ancient Clan were also full of anger and ferocity.


Shi Hao ignored everyone's shock.

"Yushan, go to hell!"


A loud roar sounded, and Shi Hao directly urged the rock tower in his hand, carrying the vast power of the extreme power, and suppressed it towards Yushan.

That way!

Obviously, he wants to completely wipe him out...


Seeing this scene, Yu Shan, regardless of his injuries, frantically sacrificed the Great Sun Divine Furnace, hoping to fight to the death with Shi Hao.


With the blessing of the divine power of the Disaster Mark, Shi Hao's cultivation has reached the extreme level of the gods. Together with the Rock Tower, the power displayed is too powerful.

It’s not something Yu Shan can resist!


Even if Yushan had the Great Sun Divine Furnace, the ultimate divine weapon, he could not compete with it, and his body began to crack.

Scarlet blood gurgled out like spring water...

Seeing his tenacious will to fight bloody battles and refuse to surrender, Tushan Cangyue on the boat on the other side nodded appreciatively.

"The Sunset Ancient Clan should not be defeated by evil."


A cold voice slowly came out.


When the words fell, Tushan waved his Cang Yue jade hand gently, and a ray of divine light instantly cut through the void, turned into an ancient sword, and landed in front of Yushan.

"Yushan, pick up the sword of war in front of you and kill Shi Hao!"


The majestic voice shook his soul.

Hear the words!

There was a bright light in Yushan's eyes.

He held the sword of war on the ground in his hand without hesitation.


When his palm touched the sword of war, in an instant, a stream of majestic power poured into his body like a vast river of water.


In an instant, with the divine power of the Sword of War, his cultivation directly broke the shackles of the Divine Profound Realm.

Entering the realm of the gods!

Not only that.

Drawn by the divinity of the Sword of War, the mark of God that had been silent in the deepest part of his blood suddenly came to life.


Along with the sky-shaking roar, thousands of divine lights bloomed from Yushan's body, illuminating the void in all directions.


He raised his hand and slapped the Great Sun God Furnace hard, and a mighty divine power suddenly burst out, colliding hard with the rock tower that was coming.




The power of the extreme power swept across the Doomsday Canyon, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles.

The surrounding mountains were forcibly destroyed by the power of the Jida, and the earth was lifted layer after layer...


Under this terrifying Ji Dao power, Shi Hao, who was behind him, also received a huge impact. After grunting, he retreated violently.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth~

"That's...an artifact!"

far away.

Looking at the sword of war held by Yu Shan, Shi Hao, who was half-kneeling on the ground, showed an expression of extreme shock.

"How could the Sunset Ancient Clan have a divine weapon?"

"Moreover, the mark of God on Yu Shan's body has also revived? How... is this possible?"

"The God of War has fallen for countless years. The bloodline mark of the Sunset Ancient Clan has been completely sealed and silenced. How could it suddenly wake up?"

"By the way, that sword is..."

At this time!

Shi Hao seemed to have thought of something, his eyes fixed on the ancient sword in Yu Shan's hand.

Eyes full of disbelief!


He had already seen the origin of the sword.

That is, the sword of war!

"Why did the Sword of War suddenly appear in the Sunset Ancient Clan?"


In an instant, Shi Hao's gloomy eyes swept through the void and landed tightly on Tushan Cangyue and others in the distance.

this moment!

He felt the powerful divinity from Tushan Cangyue.

"who is she?"

"Why does he have such pure and powerful divinity in his body? Why can he master the sword of war?"

"Is it possible that the God of War... didn't fall?"


A terrible guess flashed through Shi Hao's mind.

He gasped instantly!


Not only was he shocked, but even the figure in the bronze palace in the distance changed his expression when he saw the sword of war in Yu Shan's hand.


"Is that...a sword of war?"

Figure through-hole compression.

As the messenger of the Temple of Disaster, he naturally knows more than ordinary people.

The old days!

He had been lucky enough to see the pattern of this sword in the temple.

The high priest told him that these were the divine weapons of the God of War long ago, symbolizing the power and will of the God of War.

"Hasn't the God of War fallen long ago? Why is his sword of war still so powerful?"

"Could it be that the former God of War did not perish, but re-established himself as the God of Incense somewhere else?"

Tu was shocked!

He can be sure that it is an artifact!

Sacred weapons can only be cast by gods. They represent the divine power and will of the incense gods, which cannot be possessed by human gods.

If the God of War had not died, he must have become the god of incense and fire.

Think of this!

There was a huge wave of panic in Tu's heart.

The God of War has revived. This is extremely important news. He must rush back to the Temple of Disaster as soon as possible to inform the God of Disaster.

"Tide of Disaster!"


Tu pinched the magic formula in the bronze palace.

All of a sudden!

The dark matter surging around, as if it had been stimulated by something, turned into a terrifying black storm, raging crazily towards the Doomsday Canyon.

"Shi Hao, let's go!"

A cold voice reached Shi Hao's ears

Hear this.

Shi Hao glanced at Yushan in the distance fiercely, and immediately turned around and left Doomsday Canyon.


God's wish is not fulfilled!


Just when Shi Hao turned around, suddenly, a strange and mysterious dark barrier appeared out of thin air.

Cover his entire body!

Within the barrier, there was terrible sin and evil, which crazily eroded into his body.


Shi Hao also discovered that being in the dark barrier, his six senses seemed to be greatly affected, and there were signs of being deceived.

"Who dares to sneak attack me?"

The angry roar shook the heaven and earth!

The words fell.

Without any hesitation, Shi Hao immediately raised the rock tower in his hand and directly destroyed the darkness in front of him.

"Hey, want to go?"

"The incarnation of Burial Heaven!"

"The Great Burial Technique!"

Shi Hao had just shattered the realm of darkness when suddenly, a cold and treacherous voice came into his ears.

Immediately afterwards.

He just felt that a terrifying tomb suddenly fell from the sky and buried him inside...

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