the next day!

Lin Wudao came to the City of All Heavens very early...


At this time, the cosmic tide is about to explode, and in the void of the universe outside the city of the heavens, infinite Tao Yun appears.

Accompanied by the mighty thunder, the avenues contend for it!


Channels of chaotic fairy light containing infinite principles bloomed from the nine heavens, tearing apart the cold and silent void of the universe.


It has evolved into a mighty long river, in which thousands of rivers are sinking.

I don’t know how high it is, I don’t know how far it is!

Thousands of visions, indescribable...

"The tide of the universe is an unprecedented opportunity, but it also contains huge dangers. Just looking at it, I felt a great terror coming."

"If I didn't have the Supreme Dao Talisman, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to bear it!"

"That place is simply not accessible to mortals..."

Lin Wudao took a deep breath.

The void of the universe, the lowest one has to be the emperor to be qualified to touch it.

Mortals will die if they go!


Even for the Great Emperor, it would take an extremely long time to successfully reach the tidal place of the universe.

Maybe by the time we get there, the cosmic tide will have ended.

"Although this clone of mine can withstand the attacks from the Emperor of Heaven, it will be too difficult to enter the river of the universe."

"I hope I can get some bargains this time..."

Lin Wudao prayed secretly in his heart.


Just as he was thinking about it, several rays of fairy light suddenly landed in front of him.

It was Xiao Qinglan, Ji Ruyue and others!

"Are you the Supreme's descendant?"

Xiao Qinglan asked carefully.

Looking at his cautious look, Lin Wudao couldn't help but smile and nodded.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Xiao Qinglan. I come from the Penglai Immortal Clan. I have been ordered by the Supreme to come to greet you and then take you to the cosmic tide."

"Well, my name is Let Me Go!"

"Oh, then I'll call you Mr. Ren, okay?"

Xiao Qinglan was very polite.

That way, it’s as if I’m being neglected!

"It's okay, just call me by my name."

"When I first came to this city of the heavens, I didn't understand anything. This time I heard that the tide of the universe was erupting, and the Supreme Being asked me to gain knowledge."

"By the way, how far is the cosmic tide from the City of the Heavens?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

" far away!"

"The cosmic tide almost spans the entire universe. Every time it erupts, it extends from the highest point of the universe to the lowest point of the universe."

"So, it's equivalent to a distance spanning a universe!"

Xiao Qinglan replied thoughtfully.


"How far is the distance of a universe? If it were a great emperor, how long would it take to traverse the entire universe?"

" depends on everyone's strength."

"The universe is also divided into levels!"

"Our universe is just a low-level universe. For an ordinary emperor to cross the universe, it would take at least ten thousand years."


The emperor wants ten thousand years?

Hearing this answer, Lin Wudao was shocked.

Although he knew that the universe was very big, Xiao Qinglan's words still made him feel that his knowledge had been subverted.

"What if it's the Immortal Emperor?"

he asked again.

"Well, the Immortal Emperor is already at the pinnacle of this universe. It would take an ordinary Immortal Emperor an hour or three to cross the universe."

"But if the Immortal Emperor masters the origin of the universe and controls the destiny, he can cross the universe in a single thought."

"Therefore, it depends on each person's cultivation and strength..."

Xiao Qinglan replied.

I see!

After hearing this, Lin Wudao finally had a rough understanding of the vastness of the universe here.

"Well... Mr. Ren, it's not far away from the time when the cosmic tide explodes. How about we go there now?"


Lin Wudao nodded.

Even the Immortal Emperor takes an hour and three to cross the universe. Xiao Qinglan is only a quasi-Immortal Emperor now, so it must take more time.

So, you have to prepare in advance!

call out!

After getting Lin Wudao's consent, Xiao Qinglan immediately took out an ancient fairy boat, then turned into a bright fairy light and sailed into the vast void of the universe.


When the immortal boat left the city of the heavens, Xiao Qinglan raised her hand and shot out a burst of immortal light, and the void in front of her was instantly torn apart.

Then, a cold and dark space passage was forcibly opened...


When they crossed the space passage, Lin Wudao was surprised to find that they had left the city of the heavens far away and came to a strange void in the universe.




Without the suppression of the supreme will of the City of All Heavens, the boundless torrents and storms of the universe continue to rage through the void.

Its terrifying power directly shatters the blocking stars and then destroys them.


Seeing this horrific scene, Lin Wudao was also shocked.

If it weren't for Xiao Qinglan's protection, even a true immortal would die when encountering these cosmic storms.

"The void of the universe outside the world is the real place of great danger!"

"Compared to those big worlds, it is simply a safe haven..."

He sighed secretly in his heart.

Xiao Qinglan didn't know Lin Wudao's thoughts.

After a while!

After seeing nine consecutive space jumps, they finally arrived at the edge of the cosmic tide.

at this time!

The cosmic tide has begun...


As Lin Wudao looked up, he saw boundless mist of chaos penetrating the entire universe, forming a mighty cosmic river.


At the same time, accompanied by the majestic sound of the avenue, there is an infinite brilliance that blooms from the origin of the universe and extends rapidly.

At a glance, it seems to span time and space!

Those brilliance are all treasures...

"The cosmic tidal wave has exploded!"

Xiao Qinglan said in a concentrated voice.

call out!

call out!

call out!

As his voice sounded, rays of bright fairy light were seen, carrying a huge force and crossing the void of the universe.

It transformed into many powerful beings and rushed into the long river of the universe.

Scan at a glance!

There are Immortal Kings, Ancient Immortal Kings, Supreme Immortal Kings, Immortal King Ultimate Giants, Quasi Immortal Emperors...

The aura and power they erupted caused the void in all directions to oscillate.


The big hand stretched out, and the stars that were originally blocking the way were either thrown out of several star fields, or directly exploded with a palm.

What's more, they directly use powerful force to clear out a star field.

just now!

Lin Wudao saw with his own eyes that a powerful being at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor directly destroyed the stars in a star field with unparalleled power.

Forcibly opening up a starry sky avenue...

"What are they doing?"

Looking at the violent behavior of those people, Lin Wudao asked curiously.

"Take up your spot!"

"The tide of the universe is a great opportunity that comes once in an era. A good location can effectively obtain opportunities and good fortune."

"The closer you are to the center of the universe, the greater the opportunity!"

"However, this is not necessarily the case. Sometimes it also depends on luck..."

Xiao Qinglan replied.

Take a seat?

Lin Wudao's eyes showed surprise.


Just when he was surprised, he saw Xiao Qinglan suddenly raised his hand and struck out with a palm. The vast power spanned the void and directly cut off the long river of the universe.

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