"Xiao Qinglan, I want to ask you, what's the matter with the aura of the copper coffin in your body?"


A supreme voice reached Xiao Qinglan's ears.


Upon hearing this, Xiao Qinglan immediately knelt down outside the gate with full of fear and uneasiness.

"Bronze coffin for burial in the sky?"

"It's the ominous aura in the deepest part of your fairy spirit. It's the aura of the copper coffin."

Is it it?

Xiao Qinglan was shocked!

Mentioning this, boundless bitterness arose in his heart.

That ray of ominous aura caused him a lot of harm!


He originally had the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor, and had already embarked on the path of the Immortal Emperor. When he was about to become an Immortal Emperor, he encountered a taboo.

As a result, he was forcibly knocked down from the realm of the Immortal Emperor!

this matter.

It has always been the pain in Xiao Qinglan’s heart...

"Reporting to the Supreme Being, when I became the Immortal Emperor before, through my own cultivation of the "Three Worlds Immortal Sutra", by chance, I caught a glimpse of the past scene."

"It's just that, unfortunately, when I was becoming an Immortal Emperor, I happened to see an ancient and vast black copper coffin."

"As a result, the immortal spirits were polluted by the unknown aura, and thus were unable to realize the realm of the Immortal Emperor."

Xiao Qinglan answered truthfully.


Hearing this, Lin Wudao was greatly surprised!

"You are saying that in the past years, just because you saw the copper coffin of burial in the sky, the fairy spirit was polluted?"

"Yes, it is!"

"That was three epochs ago. I just took one look at the copper coffin and encountered something unknown."

"That copper coffin is a taboo!"

Speaking of which.

Xiao Qinglan seemed to be reminded of the painful memories of the past, and there was a trace of sadness and helplessness in her eyes.

He really just took a look!

"Haha, it seems that your luck is indeed not very good. You unexpectedly encountered the bronze coffin of the Heavenly Burial Emperor at such a critical moment when he became the Immortal Emperor."

"It's no wonder that your cultivation has been unable to make any progress in the past three epochs..."

Lin Wudao sighed.

Between words!

Showing a hint of sympathy.

Xiao Qinglan is a bit unlucky!

Lin Wudao didn't know much about the mystery and horror of the Sky Burying Bronze Coffin, but he knew that even if the Immortal Emperor was contaminated, he would die without a burial place.

This is definitely something on the same level as the Supreme!

Perhaps, it is also an eternal treasure...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao cast his gaze on Xiao Qinglan outside. After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand and made a slight move.

All of a sudden!

I saw that the strange aura that existed in the deepest part of Xiao Qinglan's fairy spirit instantly returned to his hand like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Immediately afterwards, it was absorbed by the Burial Heaven Bronze Coffin.


"my body……"

The strange aura disappeared completely, and Xiao Qinglan instantly felt it. After carefully examining the immortal body and immortal spirit, his eyes suddenly widened.


The strange substance that was rooted in the depths of his fairy spirit and could never be saved actually disappeared.

"Thank you, Supreme!"

Feeling the huge changes in the fairy spirit, Xiao Qinglan immediately kowtowed with an extremely respectful and pious attitude.

His eyes were full of surprise and gratitude!

That strange substance had troubled him for three full epochs. During this period, even the Immortal Emperor of the Penglai Immortal Clan could not remove it.


When I came to this city of the heavens today, I received the favor of the Supreme Being.

The surprise came too suddenly!

For a moment, Xiao Qinglan didn't even react...

"Xiao Qinglan, I will help you get rid of the forbidden aura of the fairy. You also need to do something for me."

"But according to the command of the Supreme Being!"

Xiao Qinglan listened intently.

Being able to serve the Supreme Being is a supreme opportunity and good fortune, an opportunity that no one else can even dream of.

Of course he has to take advantage of it!

"Tomorrow will be a cosmic tide that occurs once in an era. At that time, I will bring a junior to come and have a long experience."

"When the time comes, you take him to the place where the tide of the universe breaks out and let him hone his skills."

"Remember, you are only allowed to take him there, and you are not allowed to help him obtain any items. It's all up to him."

"do you understand?"

The loud sound shook the immortals.

“Follow the Supreme Law’s decree!”

Xiao Qinglan responded respectfully.


He was already looking forward to meeting the supreme junior.

"The supreme descendants are absolutely extraordinary!"

“I don’t know which immortal clan’s descendants can actually win the favor of the Supreme…”

He was envious.

Lin Wudao ignored Xiao Qinglan's reaction.

After explaining the matter, he immediately disappeared from Jiutian Tower.

"Congratulations to the Immortal Lord!"

On the eighth floor of Jiutian Tower, looking at the high-spirited Xiao Qinglan, Ji Ruyue immediately came to the front and congratulated with a smile.

Everyone can see from his appearance that he has received great blessings.

"What do you call a fairy?"

Facing Ji Ruyue's greeting, Xiao Qinglan also put away his identity and majesty as a quasi-immortal emperor, and was very polite instead.

"Qingcang Great World, Ji Ruyue!"

Ji Ruyue replied with a smile.

The big green world?

Xiao Qinglan muttered something in her heart and secretly remembered the name.

"Immortal Lord, tomorrow is the day when the cosmic tide explodes. At that time, there will be many amazing opportunities and great fortunes coming."

"I wonder if Immortal Lord is interested in entering the universe tide to hunt for treasure?"


"Tomorrow, I will accompany one of the Supreme's descendants..."

Xiao Qinglan replied with a smile.


The supreme descendant?

Hearing this suddenly, Ji Ruyue was shocked!


Ji Wuya once speculated that the reason why the Supreme Lord appeared in the City of All Heavens might be to sharpen a certain junior and guide him in his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true!

If we can establish a good relationship with the Supreme's junior, then their Ji family will be completely on the Supreme's line.

By the time!

Even if they face the catastrophe of the times, they will definitely be preserved...

Think of this.

Ji Ruyue couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Thank you Xianjun, the Ji family is deeply grateful!"

"Oh, it's just a small matter~"

Xiao Qinglan waved his hand nonchalantly. He also wanted to have a good relationship with Ji Ruyue.

It will also be of great benefit to the Penglai Immortal Clan in the future!

"That's right~"

"The Immortal Lord took the risk of being punished by the Supreme to inform me of such an important matter. This kindness must be repaid by our Ji family."

"It just so happens that I also know a piece of news that I think will be of great help to the Penglai Immortal Clan where the Immortal Lord belongs."


Hearing this, Xiao Qinglan couldn't help but look like she was listening.

Ji Ruyue followed the Supreme, and the information she revealed must be unknown to outsiders.

not to mention!

It must be great news that is beneficial to the entire Penglai Immortal Clan.

Thinking of this.

Xiao Qinglan became more and more curious.

"Does the Immortal Lord know that this time there will not only be a great catastrophe of the era, but also a great catastrophe of the times?"

"This era is the last era of this era."

"Within one thousand years from now, Immortal Emperor Tai Cang will have exhausted his destiny, and a new era will begin..."


Immortal Emperor Tai Cang is about to fall?

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Qinglan's expression suddenly changed, and there was even more waves in his heart.

This news is not only important, it is simply a chance of fate!

Just this sentence is enough to change the fate of an immortal clan, allowing them to prepare in advance and plan for major events.

"Thank you Fairy Ji!"

"This matter is too important. I have to go back to the Penglai Immortal Clan first..."

Say it.

Xiao Qinglan left the City of All Heavens as quickly as possible without any hesitation.

call out!

After he left, Ji Wuya's figure suddenly appeared in front of Ji Ruyue.

"Elder of the clan, if we tell Immortal Qinglan this news, will it cause changes in the universe?"

"Although the Penglai Immortal Clan only has one Immortal Emperor in charge, it is still barely qualified to compete for the destiny. If there is a big mess by then..."

Ji Ruyue looked worried.

She was afraid that the Penglai Immortal Clan would move too much and cause an accident.

By the time!

The Ji family cannot escape the blame!

"Do not worry!"

"The Penglai Immortal Clan is also a great Immortal Clan after all. There is an Immortal Emperor in the clan, so it is impossible not to think carefully."

"When it comes to destiny, they are more cautious than anyone else."

"They know what's appropriate..."

Ji Wuya said in a deep voice.

When it comes to the game of destiny, every step contains great terror, and it is impossible for the Penglai Immortal Clan to mess around.

Moreover, they don’t dare to mess around!

"Okay, no need to worry about this anymore."

"The strength of our Immortal Clan is too weak. We cannot participate in games at the level of the Penglai Immortal Clan, and we cannot participate."

"Next, we only need to obey the instructions and will of the Supreme, and ignore the rest."

"Tomorrow's cosmic tide, the descendant of the Supreme will appear. This is our opportunity, we must seize it."

Ji Wuya said extremely seriously.

Hear the words!

Ji Ruyue nodded heavily.

"I will go to the city gate to guard now, waiting for the arrival of the noble..."

Say it.

Ji Ruyue immediately controlled the fairy light and left Jiutian Tower.

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