Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 418 Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo, you are in big trouble!




After implanting a wisp of the origin of the universe, in an instant, waves of mighty Tao rhymes suddenly surged into the void of the universe beyond the heavens.

They turned into majestic torrents and merged crazily into Mu Jiutian's body.

Under Lin Wudao's supreme will, all those Taoist rhymes were refined in an instant, becoming the foundation and heritage of Mu Jiutian himself.


Under the horrified gazes of everyone, the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind Mu Jiutian, which had almost stagnated, suddenly swelled.

In just an instant, he broke through the limit of fifty thousand feet.

It’s reached, sixty thousand feet!


After breaking through 60,000 feet, the Golden Body of Heavenly Dao still did not stop...

Seventy thousand feet!

Eighty thousand feet!

Ninety thousand feet!

Not long after, the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind Mu Jiutian grew like a broken bamboo to a terrifying height of ninety thousand feet.

Moreover, it is extremely concise!


Seeing this sudden scene, the onlookers present all widened their eyes with expressions of disbelief.

Not only them, but even Xiao Qinglan, who had become a quasi-immortal emperor, had a flash of surprise in his eyes when he saw the ninety thousand feet of gold behind Mu Jiutian.

"Immortal Lord, why did Mu Jiutian's golden body of heaven grow so much all of a sudden?"

Xiao Baiyi said in shock.

"Well, that's a little strange!"

"Before this, this son's foundation could only support his condensed 50,000-foot Heavenly Dao Golden Body. Why did it suddenly increase so much?"

"It's really weird..."

Xiao Qinglan shook her head.


He was also confused.

As a powerful quasi-immortal emperor, Mu Jiutian's qualifications and heritage cannot escape his discernment.

With just one glance, Xiao Qinglan understood Mu Jiutian's foundation and heritage.


It is true that there is only a golden body of 50,000 feet, but now in the blink of an eye, the golden body of heaven has been condensed to 90,000 feet.

Even he couldn't see the slightest clue...


Compared with Xiao Qinglan's surprise, Xiao Baiyi had some guesses in his heart.

"The Supreme One must have taken action!"

"As the Supreme's retinue, Mu Jiutian is now at the critical moment of taking the first step to becoming an immortal. The Supreme is naturally not satisfied with the mere 50,000-foot golden body of heaven."

"So, Mu Jiutian's foundation and heritage were forcibly elevated?"

The more I think about it!

The more Xiao Baiyi thinks it is possible!

Looking at this city of heavens, there is no one else but the Supreme who possesses such supreme means.

Thinking of this, Xiao Baiyi felt envious again.

"Mu Jiutian is really lucky to be able to win the favor of the Supreme Being. His future achievements will surely be limitless."

"I'm afraid that it will be easy to prove the Immortal Emperor..."

He sighed secretly in his heart.


Xiao Baiyi took a deep breath, forced down the envy and yearning in his heart, and continued to pay attention on the spot.




At this moment, as Mu Jiutian circulates his skills, there is still endless Dao Yun pulling in, causing the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind him to continue to grow.


The golden body of Heavenly Dao behind Mu Jiutian reaches ninety-nine thousand feet...

"Ninety-nine thousand feet, this has surpassed the Immortal King."

"Moreover, he is continuing to condense the golden body of heaven. If the golden body can break through the shackles and reach more than 100,000 feet, he will have the qualifications of the Immortal Emperor."

Xiao Qinglan narrowed her eyes.

at this time!

There was also a hint of shock on his everlasting face.

Immortal Emperor!

That is a level that is beyond the reach of all living beings!

Throughout the ages, there have been many quasi-immortal emperors, but those who were able to cross the boundaries and attain enlightenment to become immortal emperors were rare.

Such people are all geniuses, and each one of them is an unparalleled monster in the universe and an eternal hero.

Even Xiao Qinglan does not dare to expect the realm of the Immortal Emperor.


When he first came to this city of the heavens, he met a genius who probably had the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor.

This shocked him!

"Which fairy clan is this descendant of?"

"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, this is..."

Just as Xiao Baiyi was about to answer, suddenly, bursts of great sounds suddenly rang out.

Take a closer look!

But the gate of the avenue, which had been silent for a long time, started to move again.

"Hahaha, I finally passed the test and came to the City of All Heavens."

"Today, those who chant my true name, Milo, will receive great blessings..."


An arrogant and domineering voice suddenly resounded in all directions.


Upon hearing this name, Xiao Qinglan's expression changed.

at the same time!

Xiao Baiyi on the side also had his pupils suddenly tightened.

"Immortal Lord, is Milo the one..."


Xiao Qinglan nodded.


Just as he nodded, suddenly, accompanied by the mighty fairy light, a tall man in red clothes wearing a feather crown walked out of the gate of the avenue.

The whole person exudes a domineering aura!

Quasi-immortal emperor?

Seeing this picture of the domineering man in red, the onlookers were shocked.


This person is also a quasi-immortal emperor!

"Quasi Immortal Emperor Milo?"

far away.

Lin Wudao also saw the man in red. He scanned it with his divine eyes and found that the man was also a quasi-immortal emperor.

From the Daluo Immortal Clan!

Her own foundation and strength are not weaker than Xiao Qinglan...


Lin Wudao also discovered something interesting about the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo.

That is.

This quasi-immortal emperor Milo became enlightened through disaster!

The extremely terrifying power of disaster shrouds the whole body. It is basically a disaster star. Wherever it goes, there will be bad luck.

Every word he said was full of disaster and ominousness, and could bring disaster to others.

Even good things will turn into bad things when they come out of his mouth...

"It's actually a disaster star?"

Lin Wudao looked curious.


He thought 'disaster star' was just a curse word, but unexpectedly, he saw a real person in the city of the heavens today.

This made him feel a little incredible!


Quasi-immortal Emperor Milo ignored the concerns of Lin Wudao and others.

"Where are the descendants of my Daluo Immortal Clan?"

he said loudly.

call out!

As he finished speaking, a bright fairy light descended from the void and turned into a young man, kneeling in front of him.

"Mi Zhen of the Great Luo Immortal Clan, pays homage to the Immortal Lord!"

The man bowed respectfully.


Seeing the person coming, Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo glanced at him and found that he was just a junior who had just become a True Immortal, and he frowned immediately.

"Are you the only one in the city of the heavens?"

"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, in the first heaven of the City of All Heavens, there is only one boy now..."

Mizhen replied fearfully.


"Although your strength is a bit weaker, your qualifications are still quite good. Compared with the descendants of the Penglai Immortal Clan, you are much stronger."

"Didn't embarrass my Daluo Immortal Clan!"

Speaking of which.

Immortal Emperor Milo immediately glanced at Xiao Qinglan with a provocative look.

See it!

Although Xiao Qinglan frowned secretly, she ignored him.

The Penglai Immortal Clan and the Daluo Immortal Clan are both huge Immortal Clan in this universe, and their strength is not much different from each other.


The relationship between the two parties is not good!

In order to compete for resources, the Penglai Immortal Clan and the Daluo Immortal Clan often break out at war.

This situation has lasted for several epochs without any improvement...

not to mention!

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo himself is a famous disaster star and is extremely unpopular.

Basically, except for people from the Daluo Immortal Clan, no one wants to get entangled with him.

Xiao Qinglan is no exception!

Even when faced with the provocative eyes of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo, he ignored it.


Coincidentally, at this moment, Mu Jiutian in the distance, with the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind him, was about to break through the shackles of a hundred thousand feet.




With the infusion of the mighty Dao rhyme, and driven by the origin of the universe, the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind Mu Jiutian has almost condensed into substance.

Moreover, there is boundless Taoist rhyme manifested...


I don't know how much time passed, but when Daoyun reached its peak, with a sound like cracking silk, the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind Mu Jiutian suddenly rose up.

Break through the shackles!

It has reached the level of one hundred thousand feet!

See this scene.

Even Xiao Qinglan, a quasi-immortal emperor, couldn't help but feel shocked.

"This boy has the qualities of an Immortal Emperor!"

He praised with a smile.

"Oh, the qualifications of the Immortal Emperor?"

"Don't speak too soon!"

"From my point of view, this boy definitely does not have the qualifications to be an Immortal Emperor. He will never be able to condense a hundred thousand feet of heavenly golden body..."


Within ten directions, the cold sneer of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo resounded.


As his words fell, the 100,000-foot golden body behind Mu Jiutian, which had been condensed and formed, suddenly collapsed under the horrified eyes of everyone.

All of a sudden, it fell to ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet...


Seeing this sudden scene, Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo was still feeling proud, but Mizhen in front of him was already scared to death.


"Xianjun, you are in trouble..."

Mizhen collapsed on the ground, crying bitterly.

In the eyes.

Full of endless panic and fear...

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