Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 417 Mu Jiutian has the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor!

Mu Jiutian!

Is he going to become an immortal?

Looking at the familiar figure in the distance, Lin Wudao had a look of surprise in his eyes.


After Mu Jiutian returned from the Xuanhuang World, he had already cultivated the ultimate realm of Heavenly Dao. Now he has gone one step further and condensed the Golden Body of Heavenly Dao.

"Mu Jiutian's qualifications are quite good!"

"Moreover, he just happened to encounter the cosmic tide that occurs once in an epoch, and the avenue of heaven and earth manifested. Obviously, he gained huge benefits from it."

"Enlightening this time will at least save tens of thousands of years of hard work..."

Lin Wudao's eyes showed appreciation.


He immediately walked towards the crowd in the distance.

When he came outside the crowd, Lin Wudao found that many great emperors, heavenly emperors, and true immortals had already surrounded him within ten directions.

at this time!

They all focused their attention on Mu Jiutian.

And not far from Mu Jiutian, there was Ji Ruyue guarding...

See this scene!

Lin Wudao also paid attention with interest.

Becoming an immortal is a very crucial step!

Since ancient times, countless talented and beautiful emperors have been trapped in the realm of the emperor, unable to touch the threshold of the fairyland throughout their lives.

After cultivating the Heavenly Emperor, if you want to become an immortal on the right path, you must build on the Heavenly Emperor's foundation and then cultivate the Human Golden Body, the Imperial Golden Body, and the Heavenly Golden Body.


Only by uniting the three bodies into one can we complete the first step to becoming an immortal!


After the three bodies are unified, they then go through the test of the heart tribulation, cleanse and understand their Tao mind, and then go through the thunder tribulation.

Only after the three tribulations of physical body, state of mind, and heaven have been passed can the immortal spirit be derived from the body, thereby attracting the immortal light and illuminating the whole body.

Only after achieving all of these can you attain enlightenment and become an immortal!


at this time.

Affected by the tide of the universe, Mu Jiutian understood the principles of heaven and understood his own body.

Behind him, there is an unparalleled golden body that is ten thousand feet high, standing between heaven and earth, exuding majesty and grandeur.

Within ten directions, there is a sound of Tao permeating...

at the same time!

Wisps of Taoist rhyme were also forcibly drawn by Ji Ruyue from the void of the universe outside the City of All Heavens, and blessed Mu Jiutian.


The golden body of Heavenly Dao behind him became more and more condensed, and it was still growing.

The more condensed and tall the golden body is, the stronger it represents one's own foundation, heritage, potential, etc.

For ordinary geniuses, if they have a golden body that reaches ten thousand feet, they are already extremely lucky and blessed, and they have an unparalleled appearance.


In the city of the heavens, a golden body is just the beginning!

However, any monk in the Immortal Realm whose golden body does not exceed 30,000 feet is not qualified to enter here...

In particular, Ji Ruyue, an unparalleled talent with the qualifications of an Immortal King, had a condensed golden body that reached a height of ninety thousand feet when she became an immortal.

"I wonder how far Mu Jiutian can condense his golden body?"

Lin Wudao's eyes showed anticipation.

Mu Jiutian didn't care about the attention from the outside world.

At this moment, his mind was completely absorbed in the condensed golden body of heaven. Taking advantage of this cosmic tidal explosion, he wanted to merge the three bodies into one.

Thus taking the first step towards becoming an immortal!




He kept running his own skills, and with Ji Ruyue's cooperation, he began to frantically absorb the Taoist charms between heaven and earth to bless himself.

As time went by, under the gaze of everyone, the golden body of Heavenly Dao behind Mu Jiutian began to grow.

Ten thousand feet!

Twenty thousand feet!

Thirty thousand feet!

After a long time, when the Tiandao Golden Body reached 50,000 feet, the growth rate suddenly stopped.


With Mu Jiutian's own potential, being able to cultivate a 50,000-foot golden body is already his limit.

"A fifty-thousand-foot golden body is not bad."

"You can still cultivate to become an Immortal King in the future. If you have chance and good fortune, it is even possible for you to become an Unparalleled Immortal King."

Xiao Qinglan said softly.

Immortal King?

Hearing this, Xiao Baiyi secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.

With the Supreme Being behind his back, is Mu Jiutian more than the Immortal King? In the future, even becoming the Immortal Emperor will probably be a piece of cake.

"Is the Immortal Lord's golden body of fifty thousand feet already his limit?"

A little silence.

Xiao Baiyi summoned up his courage and asked.

Hear the words!

Xiao Qinglan glanced at him and nodded.

"With his background, a golden body of fifty thousand feet is the limit!"

"Unless his foundation is extremely strong, he can raise the golden body of Heavenly Dao again."

"But that's impossible!"

"Even if he gives up everything and starts over, it will be difficult to break through the 50,000-foot golden body. At this level, every step forward is extremely difficult."

A dull voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this, Xiao Baiyi sighed secretly in his heart.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also frowned slightly.

He could see that this was Mu Jiutian's best opportunity. Once he missed it, no matter how much effort he put in in the future, he might not be able to make it up.

"It seems we have to find a way to help him..."

He whispered secretly.

"Fifty thousand feet golden body!"

"With my background, I can only stop here..."

far away.

Mu Jiutian opened his eyes and looked into the void of the outside world, with a hint of regret and sigh in his eyes.


He looked gratefully at Ji Ruyue again.

"Goddess Ji, thank you very much!"

"My foundation can only condense a fifty-thousand-foot golden body. No matter how much Tao Yun you bring to me, it will be of no use."


"Your Heavenly Golden Body has not completely stopped growing, which means there is still hope for everything."

"Maybe there will be a miracle, but it's not necessarily..."

Ji Ruyue said in a condensed voice.


Upon hearing these two words, Mu Jiutian immediately thought of the Supreme, but then shook his head.

"How can I, with my poor talents, be able to enter the eyes of the Supreme Dharma?"

"Presumably, the weakest among those who follow the Supreme Being are those who start with a 90,000-foot golden body. I am still too far behind..."

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.


Mu Jiutian was ready to abandon the distracting thoughts in his heart and try his best to attack again, striving to raise the Heavenly Dao Golden Body higher than 50,000 feet.


However, at this moment, without anyone noticing, a ray of the original power of the universe was extracted.


Under Lin Wudao's control, he integrated into Mu Jiutian's body.

In the city of the heavens, the Supreme is above all else!

With the Supreme Dao Talisman in hand, Lin Wudao has the authority to exercise supreme authority.

Similar to extracting the power of the universe, it is unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people, but for the Supreme, it is just a matter of a thought.


As that wisp of the origin of the universe merged into his body, Mu Jiutian's body and soul began to tremble in an instant.

this moment!

He felt a supreme, vast and eternal aura and will emerge from the deepest part of his body and suddenly sweep across his body.

"This will and power..."

The sudden change shocked Demu Jiutian.

I almost lost my mind!


He clearly felt that it was not his heritage at all.

"Don't panic!"

"I have planted a ray of the origin of the universe in your body, and I have helped you to completely refine it, making your foundation and heritage no weaker than the Immortal Emperor."

"Next, concentrate on condensing the golden body, and strive to take advantage of this cosmic tidal explosion to achieve the unity of the three bodies."

A loud voice resounds in the soul.


Mu Jiutian was shocked when he suddenly heard this!

An uncontrollable surprise and excitement suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Thank you, Supreme!"

He felt grateful from the bottom of his heart, and then continued to condense the Golden Body of Heavenly Dao.


Integrating the power of the origin of the universe, Mu Jiutian's foundation and heritage have been improved countless times, and he already has the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor.

As he operated the method, the color of the world changed in an instant.


A scene that shocked everyone appeared...

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