
Zhen Wuhui actually lost?

Everything happens in an instant!

Seeing this sudden change, Ying Xuanzhen and others' expressions instantly changed, with strong disbelief in their eyes.


The expressions of Ying Xuanzhen, Feng Xuanlie, Tianyangzi, Yun Cangming and others immediately darkened.

They were all counting on Zhen Wuhui to break through the second level of the ancient secret realm and get the magic medicine.

For this reason, they also paid for a Ji Dao pseudo-magical weapon!


The result now is that all the efforts are in vain!

This makes them extremely uncomfortable...


Just when Ying Xuanzhen and others were shocked, they saw the crazy Taoist suddenly disappear from the place, and then tightly held the magic medicine in his hand.

"Brother Ren, we got the magic medicine!"


Lin Wudao said hello, and then winked at the crazy Taoist. The two of them grabbed Zhen Wuhui on the ground and disappeared instantly.

See this scene!

Ying Xuanzhen and others were immediately furious!


"Thief, keep the magic medicine..."

"Give me back the magic medicine!"

Everyone roared in anger.


They didn't know that Lin Wudao and the others had not left.

"The Dark Realm!"

Just when Ying Xuanzhen and others fell into incompetent rage, Qin Daofu, who had already been ambushing behind them, took the opportunity to unleash the Dark Realm.


In an instant, the void in front of him suddenly twisted and turned into a mysterious dark world, shrouding Tianyangzi and others.

Inside, there is an endless evil aura...

The realm of darkness that Qin Daofu used was very particular!

This time.

He only shrouded Tian Yangzi, Yun Cangming, Feng Xuanlie, Shang Yong and others in the realm of darkness, but isolated Ying Xuanzhen and Ying Wuque alone.

The reason why he did this was not because he had good intentions!

But, for a better calculation!

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

"What a terrible evil spirit, everyone should be careful."

"Hey, who is plotting against me?"

Everyone yelled angrily.

The words were filled with panic and resentment.

"Third Prince, leave quickly!"

at the same time.

Seeing Tian Yangzi, Feng Xuanlie and others trapped in the realm of darkness, Ying Xuanzhen also realized that something was wrong.

So, he immediately wanted to leave the second level of the ancient secret realm as quickly as possible.


What he didn't know was that Mad Taoist and Lin Wudao had been waiting for a long time...

"The Heaven-fixing Spell!"



With the cooperation of Lin Wudao and the crazy Taoist, Ying Xuanzhen and Ying Wuque didn't have time to resist, and were knocked unconscious by the soul-destroying stick.


It was at this time that Qin Daofu's realm of darkness began to collapse and shatter under the attack of Tianyangzi and others.

"Take them all away one by one!"


The words fell.

Lin Wudao was carrying Ying Xuanzhen on his shoulders, Mad Taoist was carrying Zhen Wuhui, and Qin Daofu was carrying Ying Wuque.

The three of them immediately rushed towards the exit of the second level of the secret realm...

When he reached the exit, Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Dragon King, Third Prince, the magic medicine has fallen into our hands. This time the plan is perfect."

"Let's leave quickly before they come to their senses."


Lin Wudao's voice echoed in the secret realm.


He imitated Ying Xuanzhen's voice again and responded.

at last!

Taking advantage of the moment when the Dark Realm collapsed, he, the crazy Taoist, and Qin Daofu quickly left the ancient secret realm.

Before leaving, the crazy Taoist couldn't help but give Lin Wudao a thumbs up.

"Brother Ren, I really belong to you!"

"Now, Ying Xuanzhen and Tianlong Ancient Kingdom may not be able to clear away the suspicion. Those people will definitely suspect that we are in the same group with him, haha..."

The crazy Taoist laughed and said.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao also smiled.

"Those people are not so gullible!"

"However, it's good to make the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom disgusted. If they don't believe it, it's okay; but if they really believe it, there will be a good show."

"When the time comes, when the four major forces besiege the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom, it will surely be very exciting..."

While talking.

The three of them have left the ancient secret realm.


He went directly to the Golden Palace of the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom, controlled it, and left the ancient divine well as if he was running away.


At the same time, in the second level of the ancient secret realm, Tianyangzi and others also broke through the shackles of the dark realm.

Coincidentally, they heard Lin Wudao's words before leaving just now, word for word.

All of a sudden!

The faces of several people became extremely ugly...

"Ying Xuanzhen and Ying Wuque's people are all gone!"

"Damn it, are they in the same group as those people?"

Feng Xuanlie, who had a hot temper, cursed angrily.


"Ying Xuanzhen is not that stupid. He probably wouldn't try to trick us just for a few fake Ji Dao weapons."

"Doing that will not do any good to their ancient Tianlong Kingdom..."

Shang Yong said calmly.

"You mean, these people did this on purpose? Want us to get into trouble?"

"should be!"

"But this also gives us a chance."

"This time, our four major forces have all suffered huge losses, and we must let the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom pay back tenfold compensation."

Yun Cangming twisted his beard and smiled sinisterly.

His face was full of ferocity!

Upon hearing his words, Tian Yangzi, Feng Xuanlie, Shang Yong and others' eyes widened, and they instantly understood the meaning.

"In this case, after the ancient sacred well is over, the four of us will go to the ancient Tianlong Kingdom to seek justice."

Feng Xuanlie clenched his fist and said.

Although he showed anger and hatred on the surface, he was already smiling deep down.


He was already planning how to blackmail the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom.

The same goes for the rest of the people...


They discussed the specific plan with each other, and then each exited the ancient secret realm.

"This evil trio is really talented."

"Not only did this bring huge benefits, but it also defrauded the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom without leaving any trace."

"It is conceivable that when the four major forces go to the Tianlong Ancient Kingdom, the lions will definitely open their mouths. When the time comes, it will be another exciting show."

"Even if the ancient Tianlong Kingdom has a strong foundation, it cannot afford to plunder wool like this..."

Yin Siming shook his head and smiled.

He truly admired the evil trio's deception methods.

Encountering them, the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom was simply unlucky for eight lifetimes!

"We have a share of that miracle medicine!"

"Let's go, let's go out first."

"Tomorrow is the day when the Ancient Divine Well erupts. When the time comes, they will appear again."


Tushan Cangyue immediately led everyone and left the secret realm.

the other side!


Lin Wudao and the others were driving the Golden Palace of the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom, far away from the scope of the Ancient Sacred Well.

at last!

It stopped thousands of miles away from the ancient divine well.

at this time.

In a luxurious room in the Golden Palace, Lin Wudao, Mad Taoist, and Qin Daofu were sitting around the table.

On the table in front of them were various treasures.

Among them, the magical medicine and the Xuantian Treasure Armor worn by Zhen Wuhui were the most precious.

"Wow, Brother Ren, this is actually a magical defensive weapon?"

"Zhen Wuhui, does this bitch still have such good things? The Justice League is so rich..."

The crazy Taoist stroked Xuantian Baojia, and his saliva was about to flow out.


Qin Daofu looked at the treasures on the table with excitement and yearning on his face.

This is their biggest harvest yet!


It’s time to divide the spoils…

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