"Hey, he's not dead?"

While Zhen Wuhui was shocked, Lin Wudao in the darkness also let out a slight cry of surprise.

His brows furrowed secretly!

The Great Desolate Cauldron was blessed with the power of the Five God Kings, but it could not cause much harm to Zhen Wuhui.

From this, it can be seen that Zhen Wuhui's physical body has reached an incredible level.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also sighed in his heart that the level of the Great Wild Cauldron was still too low.

If the Great Desolate Cauldron rises to the level of a false divine weapon, even if Zhen Wuhui survives under this cauldron, he will still be seriously injured.

"After the Ancient Sacred Well is over, we must first find a way to raise the level of the Great Wild Cauldron. Otherwise, we will be too passive."

"At that time, if we meet people from the Justice League again, I'm afraid we will suffer a big loss..."

He was thinking secretly in his heart.

Say it!

Lin Wudao materialized directly from the darkness, continued to activate the Great Desolate Cauldron, and crazily moved towards Zhen Wuhui, suppressing him.


"Who did I think was plotting against me? It turned out to be your evil trio."

"Before, in Panlong Ancient City, you killed my brother Zhen Bufan. Since we met today, go and die..."

Zhen Wuhui's face was full of ferocity.


As his voice of hatred rang out, suddenly, a set of ancient black armor was instantly put on his body, covering his entire body.


Zhen Wuhui stepped out suddenly, carrying a fierce aura, and fought with Lin Wudao.




At this moment, Zhen Wuhui was fully armed.

Although the material of the suit of armor he was wearing was unknown, its defensive power was very amazing.

Originally, Zhen Wuhui's physical body was already very powerful, but with this suit of armor, his defense instantly rose several levels.

Even the power of the God King of the Great Wild Cauldron cannot really harm him...

The two of them were going back and forth, fighting in the second level of the ancient secret realm, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the power of the extreme power in the ten directions was endless.


Seeing this scene, Ying Xuanzhen and others who were watching all widened their eyes.

"Who is that person? He can actually be on par with Fellow Daoist Zhen?"

Tianyangzi showed surprise.

But they knew that Zhen Wuhui's physical strength was already comparable to that of a true god; to be able to fight like crazy with him without falling behind, his physical body must be very terrifying.

"have no idea!"

"Looking at this posture, Zhen Wuhui and that person seem to know each other, and there is a deep hatred between them."

"They shouldn't be from my Shanling Realm!"

Feng Xuanlie, the first deputy sect leader of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, frowned.

"The cauldron in that man's hand is just an ancient spiritual weapon of the Supreme Dao. Why can it show such terrifying power?"

"Didn't you hear Fellow Daoist Zhen say that the great cauldron is blessed with the divine power of the God King?"

"How is this...possible? How can the level of the Ji Dao Ancient Spirit Soldier be able to withstand the power of the God King?"

"The power of the blessed true god is already the limit, right?"

At this time!

The third prince Ying Wuque said in shock.

Hear the words!

Everyone shook their heads.

"It should be that the big cauldron is made of special material, so it can withstand the divine power of the God King."

After examining it for a moment, Ying Xuanzhen said in a deep voice.

"It should be!"

"Well, to be able to carry the divine power of the God King, the material of that cauldron must be extremely extraordinary. It is even more valuable than ordinary divine materials and materials."

"It's such a waste to use it to refine an ancient spiritual weapon."

"People in the outside world are all monsters!"

Everyone talked one after another.

at this time!

Feng Xuanlie, Tian Yangzi, Yun Cangming and others all seemed to be watching the fun, but Ying Xuanzhen's expression was a little heavy.


The battle between Zhen Wuhui and Lin Wudao has reached a fever pitch, and they are still in a stalemate.

It seems that no one can do anything to anyone...

"High Priest, Zhen Wuhui's physical body seems to be more powerful than the average true god."

"According to my estimation, his physical body is at least comparable to that of a fifth-level true god."

the other side!

Yin Siming directed his message to Tushan Cangyue.

"Can the sword of war break through his defenses?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"The Sword of War is a low-grade artifact, and it is only blessed with two divine powers. It can only break through the body of a third-level true god at most."

"If you want to break through the physical body of the fifth-level true god, you must at least be blessed with three divine powers."

"Moreover, Zhen Wuhui also has a set of battle armor on him, which further strengthens his defense. In this way, the sword of war cannot hurt him."

Yin Siming shook his head.

Hearing this, Tushan Cangyue nodded thoughtfully, looking at Zhen Wuhui with a strange light in his eyes.

"High Priest, do we want to take action?"


"According to what you said, all the evil trio have mysterious origins and possess unique skills. In this case, they must have a way to deal with Zhen Wuhui."

"Let's just sit back and watch what happens!"

"Take this opportunity to see the strength and heritage of the evil trio..."

Tushan Cangyue responded lightly.


Along with everyone else, she quietly watched the battle between Lin Wudao and Zhen Wuhui.


Lin Wudao dropped the cauldron hard, and the terrifying power of Ji Dao spread out, knocking Zhen Wuhui's body away again.


And cause any harm to him!

"Oh, it's useless. So what if it is blessed with the divine power of the God King?"

"My physical body has long been tempered to the point where it is comparable to the fifth-level true god. Coupled with this Xuantian Treasure Armor, its defense is enough to resist the sixth-level true god."

"So, you can't kill me, hahaha..."

Zhen Wuhui laughed wildly.


After the words fell, he waved his fist again and charged towards Lin Wudao menacingly.

See this.

Lin Wudao also frowned.

Zhen Wuhui's physical body was more powerful than he expected.

If this stalemate continues, we really can't kill him...

How to do it?

Lin Wudao frowned more and more.


And just as he was thinking secretly, he saw the mad Taoist quietly appearing behind Zhen Wugui, holding a strange black wooden stick in his hand.

"Brother Ren, I have a way to kill Zhen Wuhui!"

"You imprison this guy, and I'll give him a blow later. Even a demigod can't handle my soul-destroying stick."

"It has a heaven-defying magical effect on the soul!"

"One blow from the stick will definitely make Zhen Wuhui fall into a deep sleep, hehe..."

The mad Taoist smiled slyly.


Upon hearing his words suddenly, Lin Wudao's eyes instantly glanced at the black wooden stick, and his eyes widened.

Name: Soul-destroying stick

Level: Innate Spiritual Treasure

Introduction: 1. Ignore defense and hit a creature to make it fall into deep sleep. The higher your own cultivation level, the longer the opponent will sleep.

2. For the soul body in the world, it can cause damage more than ten thousand times its own strength. One blow from the stick will make the soul fly away.

3. Hold the soul-killing stick in hand and ignore all soul attacks!

A lot of information came into Lin Lin Wudao's eyes.

Innate spiritual treasure?

Soul-destroying stick?

Looking at the feedback information, Lin Wudao was surprised. Apart from the previous Taiyi Fenshui Bead, this was the second time he saw Lingbao.

I have to say, this soul-destroying stick is indeed terrifying!

"Didn't you take it out earlier?"

"Hey, I didn't think about it at first, there are so many treasures..."

The crazy Taoist laughed awkwardly.

Say it!

The two looked at each other, and Lin Wudao activated the Great Desolate Cauldron, sending Zhen Wuhui flying out.

"The Heaven-fixing Spell!"


In an instant, great power came to the world and imprisoned Zhen Wuhui's body.

"Hmph, you want to imprison me? It's a dream!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Zhen Wuhui snorted coldly.


I saw a mysterious talisman rising from behind him, and then, the imprisoned body instantly regained its freedom.

See this scene!

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help but lament that the League of Justice's foundation was indeed quite strong, and its methods far exceeded ordinary people's imagination.


Even though Zhen Wuhui relied on the League of Justice and had vast magical powers, he still could not escape the evil hands of the crazy Taoist.


The moment he released his confinement, the mad Taoist's soul-destroying stick hit his head hard.

"No, I..."

Being attacked by the soul-killing rod, Zhen Wuhui suddenly felt something bad.

He was just about to resist.


At this moment, a burst of uncontrollable fatigue and sleepiness surged out of my soul like a flood.

After just holding on for one breath, Zhen Wuhui fell to the ground uncontrollably...

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