"Qin Daofu, forget it!"

"The treasures on the first floor of the God's Tomb have been taken away by Wei Yuan. It doesn't make much sense to continue holding on."

"Let them go to the second floor..."


Lin Wudao's voice sounded in Qin Daofu's mind.

Hear this!

Qin Daofu didn't waste any time and immediately waved his hand to withdraw from the Dark Realm.

Although the Dark Realm is very powerful, if you give him some more time, he can definitely kill Lu Bingtian by opening the second level of the Dark Realm.

However, the price he paid would be huge...

after all!

This thing is very life-consuming!

If Lin Wudao hadn't given him 300,000 years of life before, he wouldn't have dared to use such a terrifying method.


"back to normal?"

The moment the realm of darkness was removed, Lu Bingtian and Ying Wuque immediately escaped from that strange dark space.

When seeing that familiar light, even Ying Wuque felt a sense of fear of escaping from death...

"Dragon King, what the hell was that just now?"

"I feel that my whole person is plunged into boundless darkness, and there is also endless evil erosion."

"If I stay here for just a moment longer, I'm afraid I'll be wiped out abruptly."

Ying Wuque said with lingering fear.

Hear the words!

Lu Bingtian also showed a solemn expression.

He looked around with cold eyes, and finally shook his head...

"I don't know what that is either."

"This ancient secret realm is so weird. Although it contains many treasures and creations, it also contains great dangers and great horrors."

"Today, if I hadn't brought the Black Sky Cauldron, the ultimate false divine weapon, I might not have been able to escape successfully..."

Lu Bingtian said in a concentrated voice.

Just the first level is so terrifying!

Can you imagine how terrifying the second level of the secret realm must be?

Think of this!

Lu Bingtian frowned, his expression becoming more and more serious.


Looking at the ancient gate in the darkness in the distance, Ying Wuque no longer had the calm demeanor he had before, and his stern face was full of solemnity.

"Dragon King, that should be the door to the second level of the ancient secret realm. Do we... want to go in and have a look?"

He looked at Lu Bingtian.

To this!

Lu Bingtian stared at the huge door, silent for a long time, and finally nodded.


"It took a lot of effort to get through the first level of the secret realm. I have to go and see it no matter what."

"The person before said that there is a magical medicine on the second level of the ancient secret realm. If that is true, there may really be the inheritance of the true god here."

"No matter what, I have to go and see it!"


After Lu Bingtian took a deep breath and suppressed the restlessness in his heart, he held the Black Sky Cauldron in his hand and strode towards the second floor.

See it!

Ying Wuque did not hesitate and followed behind.


When they entered the second level of the secret realm, Lin Wudao and the other three gathered together. They all smiled when they looked at the backs of Lu Bingtian and Ying Wuque.

"Brother Ren, let's just kill them. As long as I open the second level of the Dark Realm, they will definitely die."

"Now, it's up to the old madman to get to the second level of space."

"Old madman, that guy has a pseudo-magical weapon in his hands, and his combat power is also extremely powerful. Can you defend it?"

At this time.

Qin Daofu joked with a smile.

Hear the words!

The mad Taoist snorted.

"You can almost kill them, but I can't?"

"I'm really in a hurry. I'll just use the Heaven Burial Technique to bury them all. It'll be over once and for all..."

In front of Qin Daofu, he couldn't lose his prestige.


"If that's the case, then I'll just sit back and wait for you, old madman, to kill everyone, hehe..."

Qin Daofu continued to tease.

That way!

It seems that he is waiting to see the crazy Taoist's joke.

See it!

The crazy Taoist was immediately ready to continue arguing with him, but was stopped by Lin Wudao who was standing aside.


"Crazy Taoist, in fact, what Qin Daofu said makes sense. Lu Bingtian has a pseudo-magical weapon in his hands, which is very powerful."

"Can the Buried One you refined before blow him up?"



The crazy Taoist sighed and shook his head.

"Some difficulties!"

"The level of the Buried One I refined is still a bit low. Even if it causes 10,000 times the damage in the grave, I'm afraid it won't be able to kill Lu Bingtian, who has the ultimate pseudo-magical weapon."

He replied thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

"In that case, I will help you secretly later!"

"Brother Ren, are you going to kill Lu Bingtian directly this time? Or are you going to keep him alive for the time being?"

"Well, don't kill them in a hurry. Keep them for now so that the situation on the second floor of the God's Tomb can be spread."

"After three days have passed and other major forces from the Eastern Region arrive, we will catch them all in one fell swoop."

"This time, just take the treasure from their hands."

"Let's see if Tianlong Ancient Kingdom will send more powerful people here..."

Lin Wudao rubbed his chin and said.

Qin Daofu had no objection to this arrangement.

The mad Taoist had an evil smile on his face.

"In that case, let's do it like this!"

"This time, let's close the door and beat the dog, hehe..."


The crazy Taoist immediately took the lead and headed towards the second level of the secret realm.

Looking at his lewd smile, Qin Daofu always had a bad feeling.

"Brother Ren, do you think this old madman has come up with any bad ideas?"

"Oh, if he wasn't bad, he wouldn't be a crazy Taoist."

"Let's go and have a look..."


The two of them followed the mad Taoist quietly.

The second level of the secret realm!

After crossing the ancient gate, neither Lu Bingtian nor Ying Wuque was in a hurry to step in. They stood at the door and looked cautiously into the distance.

See you!

The second level of the ancient secret realm is slightly smaller than the first level, and the atmosphere is more vast and ancient.

at the same time!

The divine power exuded here is also purer and more intense.

"Dragon King, look there!"

"Is that... a miracle medicine?"


There was a sound of response and surprise in the space.

Hear the words!

Lu Bingtian immediately followed the sound, and sure enough, in the deepest part of the second level of the secret realm, he saw a magical medicine that was red all over and wrapped in divine light.

Even from a distance, he could clearly smell the rich aroma and divinity emitted by the magic medicine.

Just after taking a sip, Lu Bingtian felt that his energy and blood had strengthened a lot...

"Is this the legendary miracle medicine?"

"Compared to the elixir, there is indeed a world of difference..."

he exclaimed.


After seeing the magic medicine, even the calm Lu Bingtian felt strong excitement and desire in his heart.

This is a miracle medicine!

It is a treasure that only the ancient true gods can enjoy!

For monks like them, a magical medicine is enough to kill human flesh and bones, which is equivalent to adding several lives.

Throughout the entire Eastern Territory, there has been no news of magical medicine since the Great Change of Heaven and Earth...


It appeared in the ancient secret realm!

This thing is absolutely not available even in their ancient Tianlong Kingdom or even other major forces in the Eastern Region.

It’s a real divine thing!

If you can get it, maybe you can break the limitations of heaven and earth and advance to the magical realm?

Think of this.

Lu Bingtian's eyes suddenly became intense.


He didn't take action immediately...

"Now it can be confirmed that this ancient secret realm definitely has the inheritance of the true god."

"On the second level, a magic medicine appeared. So what kind of opportunities and fortunes are there on the third level?"

"The first level of the ancient secret realm almost caused us to die. The second level may contain even greater horrors."

"Even if I had the ultimate pseudo-divine weapon, I probably wouldn't be able to break through..."

Lu Bingtian said in a deep voice.

To this!

Ying Wuque on the side also clenched his fists and nodded secretly.

He would definitely not believe in such a magical medicine without any means of protection.

"Dragon King, why don't we leave first? Are we planning for the long term?"

Ying Wuque said.


"I'll give it a try first to see what's going on here. You can act according to your circumstances later. Once a big terror strikes, leave immediately."

Lu Bingtian warned.


He immediately took out the Black Sky Cauldron in his hand and attacked the Buried Man in the distance fiercely.

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