Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 372 The ultimate false divine weapon, the realm of darkness!


After entering the ancient secret realm, Black Dragon King Lu Bingtian's majestic and cold eyes first glanced at the ancient stone tablet at the entrance.


His gaze was directed toward the depths of the first layer of mystery...




At this time, there are still many cultivators on the first floor of the God's Tomb, fighting crazily, constantly competing for treasures and resources.

Lu Bingtian had no interest in these people. After a brief glance, his cold eyes focused on the undead army.


Lu Bingtian frowned slightly.

After looking at it coldly for a moment, he immediately took Ying Wuque and strode over.


Seeing that a new strong man has arrived, and his identity seems to be extraordinary, Qin Daofu, who is hidden in the darkness, shines fiercely.


Accompanied by a slight sound of horns, the undead army on the first floor of the God's Tomb surged over like a tidal wave.

I want to kill Lu Bingtian and the two of them!

See this scene!

Lu Bingtian's eyes were cold and cold, and his expression was as cold as ever.


Just as those ferocious and murderous undead were rushing over like crazy, Lu Bingtian stretched out his big hand, and an ancient black cauldron was suspended in his palm.

Exuding overwhelming power!

As soon as the black cauldron appeared, a terrifying Ji Dao aura swept across all directions, overwhelming everyone present and kneeling to the ground in unison.

Not only that!

Even the undead army that rushed towards them became sluggish in their movements under this terrifying power.

The undead aura surrounding him is constantly collapsing...

"The ultimate false divine weapon!"

Looking at the black cauldron suspended above Lu Bingtian's palm, Qin Daofu's expression changed slightly as he was hidden in the darkness.

at the same time!

Deep in his eyes, there was also a touch of fiery color.

This was the first time he had seen the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapon since he entered the Shanling Realm.

It's not just him!

Even Lin Wudao, a crazy Taoist, is like this!

"Black Sky Cauldron!"

"Brother Ren, it is said that there are five dragon kings in the ancient Tianlong Kingdom, who are the pillars of the ancient country."

"Each of them is very powerful!"

"Also, everyone has a pseudo-magical weapon in their hands!"

"The person in front of me is Lu Bingtian, the Black Dragon King, one of the five dragon kings of the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom. This is his ultimate weapon, the Black Sky Cauldron."

"Heitian Baoding is an extremely powerful weapon made from Heitian divine gold as the main material and mixed with thirty-six other divine materials."

"On it, the power of the sixty-four true gods is blessed!"

"Such a treasure is top-notch even among the extreme pseudo-divine weapons..."

in the dark.

The crazy Taoist introduced Lin Wudao.

"Originally, I thought that the power of the Imperial Pseudo Divine Weapons was already powerful enough. Only after seeing the Extreme Pseudo Divine Weapons today did I realize the difference between them."

"It's like the sky and the earth!"

"Ten thousand imperial pseudo-divine weapons are not as good as one of the lowest extreme pseudo-divine weapons. Now Qin Daofu has met his opponent."

"I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on..."

Speaking of which.

The crazy Taoist could not help but frown.

He still underestimated the heritage of Tianlong Ancient Kingdom!

"Brother Ren, do we want to take action later?"

"Look first and then talk!"

"Qin Daofu is not that simple, and he is not as weak as you think..."

The old god Lin Wudao is here.

Hear the words!

A flash of light flashed across the eyes of the mad Taoist, and he immediately looked in the direction of Qin Daofu.

at this time!

The two sides have already turned over...


Seeing that the undead army was already charging towards him, Lu Bingtian's eyes widened and he slapped the Black Sky Cauldron with his palm.

In an instant, the terrifying Ji Dao power surged out like a flood, turning into a vast river and hitting the undead army.


The black light is mighty, and the extreme path sweeps across all directions!

Under Lu Bingtian's control, with just a slight blow, the black river evolved from the Black Sky Cauldron penetrated the undead army.

Wherever they passed, all the undead souls were turned into ashes...


A huge ravine was plowed out of the ground, and at a glance, it looked like an abyss.

Under the suppression of such a powerful force, some of the weaker cultivators on the first floor of the God's Tomb were directly killed by the earthquake.

The body exploded and died!

Even those with strong cultivation levels can feel the surging energy and blood, and their muscles and bones are trembling crazily.

That way.

It seems like it will collapse at any moment...


"Is this the power of the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapon? It's too scary!"

"Quickly go! There's a lot of danger here!"

"Fuck, I wasn't killed by the undead, but I was shocked to death by the ultimate weapon..."

"Run away!"

Everyone was frightened and terrified.

Facing such a ferocious Jida weapon, how could they dare to stay any longer?


A large number of monks began to retreat crazily...


At the same time, he saw Lu Bingtian pierce through his undead army with just one blow, destroying most of it.

this moment!

Qin Daofu also narrowed his eyes, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

"The Ji Dao false divine weapon is indeed terrifying!"

"However, it's not that easy for you to get past me..."

"Hell's Scourge!"


As Qin Daofu pointed out, in an instant, a strange black hole suddenly appeared above Lu Bingtian's head.


A large amount of black light spurted out from the black hole, like a huge black sun, shining in all directions.

The black light that spewed out contained boundless sin, boundless evil, boundless darkness, and boundless death...

Anyone touched by the black light will be instantly corroded and turned into fly ash.

"What is this?"

The third prince Ying Wuque's pupils shrank.

"Be careful, this is the evil spirit of hell!"

The evil spirit of hell?

Hearing this, Ying Wuque felt awe-struck.

Just when he was shocked, Lu Bingtian did not panic at all. He only saw his body trembling slightly, and a golden picture appeared above his head.

Exuding a majestic aura...

"Haoran Tiangang, suppress!"


As the words fell, the golden scroll above his head shook slightly, and then thousands of golden lights bloomed, colliding with the surging evil energy of hell.


On one side is the evil energy of hell that symbolizes sin and evil, and on the other side is the aura of awe that represents justice in the world. The two are entangled with each other, erupting with a loud noise that shakes the sky.

At a glance!

I saw the two qi of black and white entangled in the void, constantly collapsing and becoming disillusioned...


Taking this opportunity, Lu Bingtian landed on the Black Sky Cauldron with a palm in the air, and the extreme power that exploded swept through the entire first floor of the God's Tomb, wiping out all the undead army and abyss demons present.


He walked recklessly towards the door on the second floor.

See this scene.

Qin Daofu seemed to be offended.

"The Dark Realm!"


The moment the words fell, Qin Daofu's whole demeanor changed drastically, as if the ancient undead king had descended into the world.

Take charge of darkness and death!

As he raised his hand and pointed, the space where Lu Bingtian was suddenly collapsed, and in an instant, it evolved into a dark world.


Under Qin Daofu's control, the evil energy of hell, containing boundless sin and death, began to crazily fill the realm of darkness.

"Third Prince, be careful!"

Feeling the huge crisis surging in the surrounding space, at this moment, Lu Bingtian also felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He felt that his perception and six senses were blinded!

In front of you!

All is darkness...


As one of the five dragon kings of the ancient Tianlong Kingdom, Lu Bingtian has also experienced many storms, although he has inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

But he still stayed calm!




Although he was unable to perceive the external situation, he relied on instinct and intuition to control the Black Sky Cauldron, frantically bombarding the void in front of him.

All of a sudden.

The mighty extreme power exploded, causing the entire tomb of the gods to tremble...

Look at this scene!

The mad Taoist who was watching the battle in the dark also narrowed his eyes.

"Qin Daofu really has two brushes!"

"This realm of darkness can blind the perception and six senses of living beings, and at the same time, it must withstand the erosion of boundless evil."

"Once you fall into it, if you don't have extremely strong power, you may not be able to escape..."

The crazy Taoist praised.

He did not expect that Qin Daofu, who was usually a secretive person, also hid such a powerful weapon.

Even if he enters the realm of darkness, he will probably shed a layer of his skin.

Compared to the crazy Taoist, Lin Wudao saw more.

Qin Daofu's world of darkness is truly terrifying!


Just like the crazy Taoist's Heaven Burial Technique, it is very life-consuming.

at this time!

Through the eyes of the gods, he could clearly see that Qin Daofu's lifespan was rapidly draining away like running water.

Just a few breaths, and tens of thousands of years...

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