
At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the temple were focused on Li Zangtian.

"Let me introduce him, his name is Li Zangtian!"

"I have been serving the Great God Qingshan a long time ago, and I have always followed the great God's power and will."

"His cultivation is at the level of divine illumination!"

"However, when it comes to combat power, no practitioner of the Great Perfection of Divine Illumination Realm can be his opponent."

"If Li Yantian is appointed as the temple judge, I think it would be very suitable..."

Yin Siming introduced with a smile.


A servant of a great god?

Invincible in the Divine Light Realm?

Listening to Yin Siming's words, everyone was shocked!

None of them expected that Li Zhantian had such an important identity and background, and his combat power was even more terrifying.

"If that's the case, then it's decided like this!"

"From today on, the supervisors, judges, and adjudicators will begin to perform their clerical duties."

"In addition, all the merits and demerits of the clergy of the temple will be recorded in the divine books."

"From now on, meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and delinquencies will be punished!"

"Okay, if there is nothing else, you all can go back and prepare for the sacrifice ceremony in seven days..."

Tushan Cangyue said majestically.

Say it!

She closed her eyes and studied the magic.


"Follow the law!"

Everyone bowed in response.

Afterwards, they exited the temple and went about their business.

"Great Heavenly Master, you are new here and are not familiar with Daqingshan yet. How about I show you around first?"

Wu Huan came to Yin Siming and said respectfully.


Zheng was worried that no one would lead the way. After hearing Wu Huan's recommendation, Yin Siming immediately agreed.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the leadership of Wu Huan, he began to wander around.

After mastering the basic information of Tushan clan and Qingshan Temple, Yin Siming gathered people and began to build altars and statues...

With the order, the entire Tushan clan became busy.


It’s only been seven days!

Seven days later.

Under the overall arrangement of Yin Siming, an extremely huge square was opened under Daqingshan.

It can accommodate millions of people gathering!


In the center of the square, a majestic altar was built, on which stood a majestic statue of a hundred feet high.

With the altar as the center, all the people from the Qingshan Tribe, Leishan Tribe, Tianfeng Tribe, and Chiyue Tribe gathered on the square.

The number of people exceeds 200,000!

this moment!

Everyone stood in the square, looking towards the altar in the center, waiting for the sacrifice ceremony to begin.

"I heard that the Great God Qingshan will come to the world later, and then send down divine grace and perform the baptism of God for the third time?"

Someone from the Tianfeng tribe asked cautiously.

Next to him was a member of the Qingshan Tribe...


"It's a good time for you. My eldest brother was on duty at the temple before. I heard from the high priest that today is the big day for God Qingshan to be promoted to the throne."

"At that time, great fortune will come!"

"All the people of my Tushan clan can receive divine grace from the great god. When the time comes, their cultivation and strength will be increased."

"After this divine baptism, I heard that the Qingshan Divine Guards will be expanded..."

The man said with a proud look on his face.

"So, we all have a chance to join the Qingshan Divine Guards?"

"Hey, stop dreaming!"

"The Qingshan Divine Guards of the temple require strong strength. If you want to be selected, you must be ranked at least five hundred before you have a chance."

"Moreover, the minimum cultivation level of the Qingshan Divine Guards is now at the Divine Vein Realm. After this baptism of God, I am afraid that the minimum cultivation level will be above the Divine Platform Realm."

"If you don't have the strength to reach the late stage of Shentai realm or above, don't even think about it..."


Is the competition so cruel?

Everyone around him gasped.


They were all shocked by the harsh conditions of the Qingshan Divine Guards.

"Brother, do you know how many places the Qingshan Divine Guards will expand this time?"

"How do I know this?"

"Even the commander-in-chief doesn't know about this matter. The high priest has to speak out. However, according to the current scope of the divine domain, the Qingshan Divine Guards must have more than a thousand people, right?"

"It seems like I still have a chance, hehe..."

Everyone was talking about it.

at this time!

Everyone is waiting for the sacrifice ceremony to begin.

In addition to the people of the Tushan clan, many other tribes around Leize who heard the news also came to pay homage to the God of Qingshan.

Among the crowd outside the square, there was a man dressed as a Taoist priest and a burly man, who were also watching silently.

"Crazy Taoist, how dare you come to the Qingshan Tribe? Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the high priest later?"

Qin Daofu whispered.

His expression was full of alertness and vigilance!

Compared to him, the crazy Taoist is much calmer...

"Why panic!"

"We are just here to watch the fun, we are not here to cause trouble. Besides, today is their most important sacrificial ceremony. There are so many people here, how can they have the energy to care about us?"

"But what if..."

"Don't be afraid, just watch the fun. I heard that the God of Qingshan will come to the world today, but I don't know what the god is like?"

"I have never seen the incense god in my life..."

The mad Taoist's eyes showed anticipation.

Seeing that he was so bold and stubborn, Qin Daofu had no choice but to take courage and look cautiously towards the square in the distance.




At this moment, the divine attendant on the altar seemed to have received some instructions and immediately beat the drum.

All of a sudden!

A series of majestic and solemn drum sounds shook the world!

And as the drums sounded, the originally noisy square fell silent in an instant...

"The sacrificial ceremony is about to begin!"

The crazy Taoist said excitedly.


When his voice fell, he saw bright streams of light cutting through the void, and then, under the gaze of countless people, a huge team came into view.

The leader is a woman wearing sacrificial attire!

She is cold and aloof, like the moon goddess!

While walking, it exudes divine power; at a glance, it feels extremely sacred, as if a priesthood has come to the world.

Inviolable! No blasphemy!

at the same time!

Behind her, there were also a number of priests from the temple...

Each one is extremely powerful!


There are also Qingshan Divine Guards stationed in all directions to protect the altar.

"This woman is even more powerful and terrifying than before..."

The crazy Taoist took a deep breath.

Deep in the eyes, there was a strong fear!


He felt a great threat from Tushan Cangyue.


This is still her territory!

"Crazy Taoist, I heard that the God of Qingshan will send down the third divine baptism later. By then, their strength will become even stronger."


"This is one of the great powers of the incense gods, which cannot be compared with the gods on earth..."

The mad Taoist sighed quietly.

He didn't know much about the incense gods.

In fact!

Except for the gods of incense and fire, outsiders have no idea of ​​their methods and power. The information circulated in the world is mostly speculation.

"Crazy Taoist, if we are discovered later..."

"Shh! Don't talk!"

Qin Daofu was about to say something.


However, at this moment, the mad Taoist on the side covered his mouth tightly, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.


Tushan Cangyue's cold eyes swept across the void and landed on them.

"No, I was discovered..."

this moment.

A group of crazy Taoists panicked!

He wanted to escape, but he didn't dare to move at all.

Just as he was frantically thinking about countermeasures, Tushan Cangyue looked away from them...

See this scene!

Both Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Crazy Taoist, who is she?"

"never mind!"

"As long as we don't mess around and make trouble, nothing will happen. She has acquiesced to our existence..."

The crazy Taoist grinned.

Hear the words!

Qin Daofu's hanging heart finally fell.

Although Tushan Cangyue was surprised by the arrival of the crazy Taoist Qin Daofu, he did not pursue it too much.

After giving the warning, she focused her attention on the sacrificial ceremony.

"To the high priest, the time has come!"

A godly servant said respectfully.


"Now that the time has come, let's start the sacrificial ceremony!"

Say it.

Under the gaze of everyone, she stepped onto the altar step by step...

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