"Great Heavenly Master, the high priest knows that you are coming to Daqingshan, and specially asked me to come and greet you. She is waiting for you at the temple..."

Wu Huan, the most eloquent among the crowd, said respectfully.


He invited Yin Siming into the tribe.

"Thank you~"

Yin Siming smiled and nodded, and under the leadership of Wu Huan, he stepped into the Qingshan tribe and headed straight towards the temple.

As a believer of the God of Green Mountain, the first thing you do when you come here is to go to the temple to worship...

"By the way, Great Master, you are new here. Let me introduce you to the general situation of our Qingshan tribe and the temple."

"Our Qingshan tribe is the descendant of the Tushan clan in the past. Fortunately, thanks to the protection of the Qingshan God, we have been able to gradually prosper."

"Now, we have changed back to the Tushan clan!"

"In addition, in the temple, in addition to the high priest, there are four human messengers conferred by the great gods."

"My name is Wu Huan, and I am the Dark Night Messenger. I am responsible for collecting intelligence and various information. This is the Dragon-Seeking Messenger Jie Wuyou. I am mainly responsible for finding treasures as sacrifices for the great gods."

"And this is the messenger of Wangchuan who has just received the decree from the great god. He is responsible for patrolling the river of Wangchuan. He is also one of the guardians of the tribe."

"In addition, there is an envoy from Qingshan who comes from the Tianshi Mansion outside the Shanling boundary. His name is Yuan Daosheng."

"He is now sent by the high priest to work outside Leize. I don't know when he will be able to come back."

"As for this last one, he is one of the guardians of our Tushan clan and the chief leader of the temple, Tushanjie."

"He has a hundred-strong Qingshan Divine Guard Army under his command..."

All the way!

Wu Huan kept introducing various things about the Tushan clan and the Qingshan Temple. Through his description, Yin Siming also had a general understanding.

After a while.

A group of people came to Qingshan Temple!


After stepping into the temple, Yin Siming looked at it calmly for a few times, and then his eyes fell on Tushan Cangyue under the altar.


When his eyes touched Tushan Cangyue, Yin Siming couldn't help but feel a slight shock in his heart, and a light of surprise flashed across his eyes.


His eyes of sentient beings could not completely see through Tushan Cangyue, and could only obtain a small part of the information.

Apart from the name and cultivation level, the rest is all vague...

That way!

Just like he saw Lin Wudao before!


Compared to Lin Wudao, although Tushan Cangyue is mysterious, she can get a glimpse of information.

"Is this the high priest Tushan Cangyue?"

"No wonder he was entrusted with such an important task by the city lord. He is really not an ordinary person..."

Yin Si Ming secretly praised.

Somewhere in the dark!

He could feel that the Tushan Cangyue in front of him was even more terrifying than he imagined.


Just when Yin Siming was looking at him, Tushan Cangyue, who was in the dormant cultivator, suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant!

Yin Siming felt a vast majestic and sacred aura sweeping across like a tide, illuminating the entire temple in an instant.

Even he felt some great pressure...

"Meet the high priest!"

Yin Si Ming bowed and saluted.

As the high priest of the temple, Tushan Cangyue is the spokesperson of the God of Qingshan in the world, representing the majesty and will of the God.

Although he is also a high-ranking official and the second-largest figure in the temple as the Grand Manager and the Grand Master, he still has to remain respectful when facing Tushan Cangyue.

after all!

The temple is a place with strict levels of hierarchy!

"Welcome the Great Heavenly Master to Daqingshan!"

"The great god has sent down the oracle. From today on, you are the great manager and great master of the temple. You are responsible for coordinating and dividing all resources, as well as supervising everyone and the people. You have a heavy responsibility."

"In addition, you will also be responsible for the planning of the 1.2 million-mile divine domain in Daqing Mountain and the construction of the divine city."

A cold and indifferent voice slowly sounded.

To this!

Yin Si Ming is naturally respectful and should be so.

"By the way, in seven days, the great god Qingshan will be promoted to the throne. At that time, a grand sacrificial ceremony will be held."

"Before that, we must build an altar and build a better statue of the god for worship in seven days."

"In addition, various treasures must be collected as sacrifices."

"Since the Great Heavenly Master is here, I will leave you in charge of the construction of the altar and the statue. It will be a good time to familiarize yourself with the situation in Daqingshan."

"Tu Shansuo, Wu Huan, Jie Wuyou, Feng Changqing, as envoys of the temple, you must obey the orders of the Great Heavenly Master."

"If something goes wrong in the sacrificial ceremony seven days later, I will not be lenient..."

Tushan Cangyue's words continued to ring out.

Hear the words!

Everyone was shocked, and they all knelt down quickly in response.

They were very afraid of the majesty of the high priest!

"In addition to the sacrificial ceremony seven days later, there is one more thing that needs to be prepared in advance."

"Now, our divine domain in Daqingshan has reached 1.2 million miles, and our people exceed 200,000. In the future, our divine domain will only be bigger, and our people will be even more."

"In order to maintain the stability of the Tushan clan, I have decided to add three additional positions in the temple: inspector, judge, and adjudicator."


Tushan Cangyue dropped a big news!




Hearing this, the people present couldn't help but feel shocked.

"May I ask the high priest, what are the specific responsibilities of these three positions?"

Tu Shannuo asked cautiously.

"The supervisor is responsible for patrolling the entire divine domain, and at the same time supervising the priests in the temple to assess their merits and demerits."

"The judge mainly judges criminals and measures the divine punishment they should bear."

"The judge is responsible for executing divine punishment!"

"These three priesthoods are independent of the other priesthoods in the temple. They are only responsible to God Qingshan and me."

"From now on, all clergy members of the temple, under me and the Great Heavenly Master, will be rewarded for their merits and punished for their mistakes."

“Besides, there is no balance of merit and demerit!”

"No matter how great your achievements are, if you violate the divine laws of the temple, you will still have to bear the due divine punishment..."


As soon as Tu Shan Cang Yue said these words, the expressions of Tu Shan Guo and others below all changed, and a sense of awe rose in their hearts.

This is equivalent to putting a set of locks on them from now on, and there is a sword of divine punishment hanging above everyone's head.

Work is work, mistakes are mistakes!

Once you violate it, you will be punished by God!

"Great Heavenly Master, I would also like to ask you to formulate a set of divine laws to regulate and restrict the behavior of the temple's clergy and the people."

"Otherwise, there will definitely be chaos if this continues..."

Tushan Cangyue said.

"Well, it should be so!"

"Leave it to me now~"

Yin Si Ming bowed to accept the order.

He also fully agreed with Tushan Cangyue's decision.

The divine domain is so big, and it will be even bigger in the future, and there will be hundreds of millions of people by then. If there is no divine law to restrain it, will there be chaos?

Take advantage of this time and set the tone early so that it will be easier to manage in the future.

"By the way, the high priest, regarding the candidates for the supervisors, judges, and judges, I wonder if they are chosen among the people of the tribe? Or..."

At this time!

Tu Shannuo asked curiously.

Hear the words.

Tushan Cangyue's cold eyes swept over all of them.

"Wu Huan will serve as the inspector for the time being; the Great Heavenly Master will serve as the judge for the time being; as for the judge, leave it to him."

While talking.

Tushan Cangyue raised her hand and pointed at Li Zangtian, who had been forgotten by everyone...

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