Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 326 The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind!

"Is everything you said true?"

There was a long silence!

Chi Hunzi finally couldn't help but asked.

Although he already knew very well that what Lin Wudao said about the birth of the fourth generation Wangchuan messenger from the Tianfeng tribe should be true.

However, he still wanted to confirm...


The stakes are high!

The Chiyue Tribe absolutely does not want the Tianfeng Tribe to give birth to the Forgotten Messenger, which would definitely be a disaster for them.

at this time!

Chi Hunzi's heart felt heavy, and at the same time she was hoping that all this was not true.


Lin Wudao didn't give him that hope!

"of course it's true!"

"To be honest, before coming to the Chiyue Tribe, our brothers had already gone to the Tianfeng Tribe and fought a battle with the Wangchuan envoy."

"The result..."

"How is the result?"

Chihunzi asked impatiently.

"Alas, the result is that the two of us brothers tried our best and used all kinds of tricks and trump cards, but we still couldn't suppress Feng Changqing."

"Under the mysterious power of the Wangchuan Altar, he has been blessed with the power of hundreds of thousands of sentient beings in the Tianfeng Tribe."

"His combat power is comparable to any monk in the Great Perfection of Divine Illumination Realm."

"In addition, Feng Changqing has the backing and support of the entire Tianfeng tribe. His power is endless, and he can recover in time even if he is injured."

"Therefore, it is not easy to deal with him!"

Lin Wudao pretended to sigh.

Hearing this, Chihunzi and the other two people also frowned.

They felt that the matter was more serious than they imagined...

"So, that Feng Changqing is invincible?"

At this time!

Among the three people, an old man in blue named Chi Xinzi frowned.

His old eyes stared closely at Lin Wudao...


"Well, there is a way!"

"As long as the Chiyue tribe joins forces with us, we can entangle Feng Changqing so that he has no time to worry about anything else."

"And you, the Chiyue Tribe, took the opportunity to attack the Tianfeng Tribe and strive to suppress them in the shortest possible time."

"In this way, we can cut off the connection between Feng Changqing and the Tianfeng tribe."

"In addition, you can also go to the River of Forgotten River, find the Forgotten River Water Mansion, and take away the Forgotten River Altar by force."

"As long as the Wangchuan Altar is lost, Feng Changqing will not be able to display his tremendous fighting power..."

"The last way is to start with Feng Changqing himself!"

"As far as I know, as the messenger of Wangchuan, he cannot leave the Tianfeng Tribe. Once he leaves the Tianfeng Tribe, all his strength will be lost."

"Therefore, we can also forcibly abduct Feng Changqing himself, and then imprison him in the Chiyue tribe, and everything will be safe."

Lin Wudao talked eloquently.

These three methods are all feasible!

at the same time!

After hearing Lin Wudao's plan, Chi Hunzi, Chi Xinzi, and Chi Mingzi all secretly pondered.

at last!

They all agreed with these three ideas...

"According to what you said, which method is the best?"

Chi Mingzi, who had been silent all this time, said in a condensed voice.

"My suggestion is to implement all three plans at the same time!"

"As long as your Chi Yue tribe sends troops, we can entangle Feng Changqing first and then forcibly kidnap him."

"Then we will find a way to find the Forgotten River Altar and destroy its foundation."

"Finally, annex the entire Tianfeng tribe!"

"Once all these are completed, even if Feng Changqing has great abilities, he will be unable to save himself..."

"When the time comes, our brothers will have their revenge, and you guys will be able to get rid of the serious troubles in their hearts. So why not get the best of both worlds?"

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chihunzi and the three looked at each other, and finally nodded through gritted teeth.


"In that case, let's do it!"

"Without further delay, I and Chi Xinzi will follow you to the Tianfeng Tribe to test Feng Changqing's authenticity first."

"As for Chi Mingzi, he is leading the tribe's soldiers, following closely behind, waiting for the opportunity..."

Chi Hunzi said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao naturally had no objection.

All he wants is for the Chiyue Tribe to send troops to attack the Tianfeng Tribe. As for whether they take action or not, it actually doesn't matter much.


Once he got to the Tianfeng tribe, Lin Wudao had many ways to force them to take action.

The Chiyue tribe works vigorously and resolutely!

After the two sides discussed the established plan, Lin Wudao, Chi Hunzi and others took the first step and headed to the Tianfeng tribe fully armed.


Then Chi Mingzi commanded the clan soldiers to follow...

"Ancestor, can these two people really be trusted?"

"Could this be a trap? Or is it a trap set by them and the Tianfeng tribe? To make them fall into the trap?"

Outside the ancestral temple!

Looking at the backs of Lin Wudao and others leaving, leader Chi Yan asked worriedly.

To this!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chi Mingzi's mouth.

"Don't worry, I, the Chiyue Tribe, are not fools. How could we be fooled like that?"

"If we are not very sure, will we take action?"

"Let those two people take the lead first and test the truth and details of the Tianfeng tribe and the Wangchuan envoy."

"If we can really destroy the Tianfeng tribe in one fell swoop, then of course we can take action; but if not, we can only sit back and watch."

"In short, we don't have to take action unless it is absolutely necessary. We can just watch the show..."

Chi Mingzi said calmly.

Hear this!

Chi Yan nodded thoughtfully.

He seems to understand...

"Ancestor, do we still need to lead the clan soldiers there?"


"Since we have sworn an oath to each other, we still have to do something about it."

"You immediately gather the clan soldiers from the tribe and head to the Tianfeng Tribe. Once you arrive, you will obey our orders."


Upon hearing the order, Chi Yan bowed and left immediately.


A moment later, accompanied by the sound of an ancient and deep horn, suddenly, majestic and fierce figures soared into the sky from the Scarlet Moon City.

Not long!

They gathered together and formed an army of ten thousand people who were not afraid of death.

"My dear men, the time has come!"

"Now, come with me to attack the Tianfeng tribe and avenge the dead ancestors..."

In mid-air, Chi Yan held a war spear in his hand and roared loudly.

The whole body is full of fighting spirit!

"Revenge, vow to destroy the Tianfeng tribe!"

"Revenge, vow to destroy the Tianfeng tribe!"

The army of ten thousand people roared in unison.

The sound shook the world!

"Let's go~"

When everyone's fighting spirit reached its peak, Chi Yan waved his big hand and immediately drove the spirit boat, leading the clan's army and storming away.

This scene!

Just in time to be seen by the crazy Taoist hiding in the darkness!

"Tsk, tsk, the strength and foundation of the Red Moon Tribe is really very powerful. It can be said that all the people are soldiers."

"Now, I'm afraid there will be something good for the Tianfeng tribe."

"Besides, after you leave, it will be easier for me to take action. We are also a tribe that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. I hope that the ancestral graves of the Chiyue tribe can dig up good things..."

in the dark.

The mad Taoist showed an evil smile.


He disappeared into the dark void, and then relied on the precise positioning of his magic eyes to quickly move towards the ancestral graves of the Chiyue tribe.


What he didn't know was that just as his front foot left, another strange figure appeared on the spot.

Looking at the figure of the crazy Taoist, I felt thoughtful...

This person!

He is also hidden in the darkness, wearing a mysterious black cloak, and his whole person exudes a dark aura.

That way, it's like being with the darkness!

"This person should be the tomb robber who went to my tribe's temple to dig graves before. Are they also interested in the Chiyue tribe?"

"If that's the case, you can't keep the benefits to yourself."

"After all, as the dragon-seeking envoy, I also need treasures to deliver..."

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of the mysterious man's mouth.


He condensed the aura around him to the extreme, and then hid his entire body in the darkness, quietly following behind the mad Taoist.

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