"Brother Ren, although your idea is good, the Chiyue Tribe is not stupid. Will they attack the Tianfeng Tribe according to our plan?"

At this time!

Qin Daofu suddenly asked out of curiosity.

"Well, the Chiyue Tribe is indeed not a fool. It is naturally impossible for them to attack the Tianfeng Tribe for no reason."

"Therefore, if we want the plan to succeed, we have to go to the Chiyue Tribe in person."

"I am confident that I can persuade them to take action..."

Lin Wudao said firmly.

Hear this!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu’s eyes lit up!

"Then let's take action now?"


"This time, Qin Daofu and I will just go to the Chiyue Tribe. As for Mad Taoist, you will act alone. As long as the people from the Chiyue Tribe go to attack the Tianfeng Tribe, you can take action."

"Remember, your time is limited, you must fight quickly..."

Lin Wudao reminded.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, brother Ren, I know what to do and I will never make any mistakes."

He assured, patting his chest.

Lin Wudao was relatively reassured about Mad Taoist's character and efficiency.

"Okay, let's split up!"

Say it.

Lin Wudao and his party immediately drove the spirit boat and headed toward the Chiyue tribe at lightning speed.

Red Moon Tribe!

Located under the Chiyue Mountain, its tribe covers hundreds of thousands of miles in radius. Like the Tianfeng tribe, it is a large tribe with more than 100,000 members.

call out!

After a long time, when Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu drove the spirit boat and arrived at the Chiyue Tribe, an ancient city came into view.

Scarlet Moon City!

This is the city built by the Chiyue Tribe!

The layout is not much different from the Tianfeng tribe...


Through careful observation, Lin Wudao found that the temper and nature of the Chiyue tribe were more violent than those of the Tianfeng tribe.

However, none of them are afraid of death!

"Stop, who are you?"


Just as Lin Wudao was sizing up the Chi Yue tribe, suddenly, two burly men with war spears in their hands came in front of them and asked coldly.

The eyes are fierce and the expression is evil!

To this.

Lin Wudao didn't panic at all, he had already thought about how to deal with it...

"We came from outside Leize!"

"Please tell the leader of your tribe that we two brothers have an sworn feud with the Tianfeng tribe."

"I came to the Chiyue Tribe this time because I want to deal with the Tianfeng Tribe together and take revenge."

Lin Wudao said in a deep voice.


Enemies of the Tianfeng tribe?

Upon hearing this, the two men immediately looked at Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu seriously with eyes full of scrutiny.

His eyes were full of doubt...

"Haha, since you are enemies of the Tianfeng Tribe, why don't you go directly to them for revenge? Why do you come to my Chiyue Tribe?"

"That's right! What qualifications and strength do you have to dare to negotiate terms with our Chiyue tribe? Why should we help you?"

The two men sneered coldly.

"Well, to be honest, although our two brothers are not weak, we are outnumbered after all, so we want to unite with your Chiyue tribe to attack the Tianfeng tribe."

"To show our sincerity, we will tell you the secrets of the Tianfeng Tribe."

"Don't you want to know the identity and origin of the mysterious man who helped the Tianfeng tribe before?"

Lin Wudao said with a smile.


Do you know the origin of that person?

Suddenly hearing Lin Wudao's words, the two men looked obviously surprised.

They had also heard about the incident when the Chiyue Tribe attacked the Tianfeng Tribe and encountered a mysterious man at the last moment.

If the mysterious man hadn't stopped them, they would have already annexed the Tianfeng tribe.

Why wait until today?

"What? You don't believe it?"

"If you don't believe it, you can tell this to the leader of your tribe. You can tell him that in addition to the mysterious man, there have been big changes in the Tianfeng tribe recently."

"The Tianfeng Tribe has given birth to the fourth generation of Forgotten Messengers..."

"As long as you tell your leader or ancestors this, I think they will definitely agree to meet our two brothers."

The old god Lin Wudao is here.

Say it!

He folded his arms and stood on the spirit boat and waited.

See this scene!

The two men were also shocked and suspicious.


One of them quickly went to report the news...

"Brother Ren, can you believe this Chiyue tribe?"


"Ordinary tribesmen may not know what the fourth generation Wangchuan Messenger means, but those old guys from the Chiyue Tribe must know it."

"The Forgotten Messenger, for the Chiyue Tribe, that is the biggest unknown. They will definitely come out..."

Lin Wudao looked confident.

As the sworn enemies of the Tianfeng Tribe, no one knows the terror of the Forgotten Messenger better than they do.


As long as there is information about the Forgotten Messenger, the Chiyue Tribe does not dare to ignore it...


After waiting for about half a quarter of an hour, suddenly, with a sharp sound breaking through the air, a middle-aged man with a strong physique and a majestic air came in front of him.

This person.

It is the leader of the Chiyue tribe, Chiyan!

He was holding a war spear in his hand, exuding a strong ferocious aura, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu.

Judging from his cultivation, he has reached the Great Perfection of the Divine Stage!

"Do you think there is any news about the Forgotten Messenger?"


"According to the exact information I got, the current Tianfeng tribe has given birth to the fourth generation of Wangchuan messengers."

"If you want to know more detailed information, you have to show sincerity."

"After all, we have a common enemy..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Hear the words!

Chi Yan stared at him for a long time and finally nodded.

"In that case, please follow me to the ancestral temple."

"My three ancestors from the Chiyue Tribe have been waiting for a long time..."


Chi Yan immediately led Lin Wudao and the others into the Chi Yue tribe.

After a while!

An ancient and magnificent ancestral temple came into view.

at the same time.

Within the ancestral temple, three old men with powerful auras were sitting upright, each of them having reached the Divine Wheel Realm.


When Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu stepped into the ancestral temple, the sharp eyes of the three Chi Hunzi fell on them.

As if to see through them...


They examined Lin Wudao for a long time, but could not get any useful information from Lin Wudao. Even Qin Daofu on the side could not see through it.

See this scene!

Chihunzi and the others put away their contempt, and there was a hint of solemnity and inexplicable wariness in their eyes.

"I heard from Chi Yan that the fourth generation messenger of Wangchuan was born in the Tianfeng tribe? You two want to unite with our Chiyue tribe to deal with the Tianfeng tribe?"

There was a long silence.

Chihunzi finally broke the silence and spoke.


"My two brothers came here this time for revenge."

"If the Chiyue Tribe agrees to send troops to attack the Tianfeng Tribe, we are willing to tell all the secrets of the Tianfeng Tribe."

"Including the mysterious man who helped the Tianfeng tribe before, as well as the identity, strength, and methods of the Wangchuan envoy, etc."

"I think, as the sworn enemies of the Tianfeng Tribe, you should know how terrifying the Forgotten Messenger is, right?"

"If it is allowed to develop, it will be impossible for your Chiyue Tribe to defeat the Tianfeng Tribe, and you may even be annexed by them."

"Just in time, I have a way to deal with the Tianfeng tribe!"

"As long as the Chiyue Tribe cooperates with our two brothers, we will have our revenge and you will also eradicate the threat of the Tianfeng Tribe."

"This way, everyone is happy!"

"I wonder what the three ancestors think?"

Lin Wudao talked eloquently.

Hearing this, Chihunzi and the other three looked at each other, and then remained silent for a long time before nodding.

"If what you say is true and the plan is reliable, I, the Chiyue Tribe, are willing to join forces with you to destroy the Tianfeng Tribe."

Chi Hunzi said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wudao suddenly laughed.

This is the result he wants!


"In that case, let's swear an oath to the Heavenly Alliance to learn from its intentions!"

Say it.

Lin Wudao greeted Qin Daofu, and the two of them swore to God together.

See it!

Chihunzi and the other three frowned, and after some hesitation, they agreed...

After the oath was over, Lin Wudao selected part of the general information he knew and informed Chihunzi and others.

After hearing his words, the ancestral temple was filled with solemnity!

Chihunzi and the other three were silent for a long time...

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