As soon as the two people walked out of the tomb, they saw Yuan Daosheng suffering a crazy attack from the Qingshan tribe.

"Bold maniac, dare to peek into my temple!"

"He deserves to be punished for his crime!"


The moment Yuan Daosheng rushed out of the tomb, an extremely ferocious roar suddenly rang out.


He just saw a majestic figure like a wild tyrannosaurus, holding a simple long sword and slashing at him fiercely.

The other party only has the strength of the peak of Shentai Realm!

See this situation.

Yuan Daosheng smiled coldly and did not take it seriously...

"Get away!"

At this moment, he just wanted to escape from this dangerous place, so how could he care about anything else?

Seeing Tu Shanguo coming to kill, Yuan Daosheng was not polite. He raised his hand and used the first move of shaking the sky, and hit him hard.

He wanted to suppress Tu Shanguo in one fell swoop with this powerful fighting force.


Tu Shanruo had been waiting outside for Yuandaosheng for a long time, so how could he be unprepared?


The moment Yuan Dao took action, Tu Shantuo directly took out the undead knight given by Lin Wudao.

Without saying a word, he urged the undead knight and slashed him with his sword...

The terrifying power directly wiped out Yuan Daosheng's attack!

"The Divine Illumination of Dzogchen?"

Thumb thump thump~

After taking more than ten steps back, Yuan Daosheng narrowed his eyes and his expression became solemn.


He had seen the Undead Knight before, and according to his speculation, this puppet had at most the combat power of the peak of the Divine Light Realm.

Who knows, he still underestimated me!


Even so, Yuan Daosheng didn't care.

Although in this mountain world, he was unable to exert his original cultivation strength, and his combat power could only be maintained at the Great Perfection of the Divine Illumination Realm.

However, his methods were enough to suppress Tu Shanguo...

"Shaking the Sky Second Style!"

"The third form of shaking the sky!"


Taking two steps in a row, Yuan Daosheng's aura surged, and his ferocious fist tore through the air, reaching Tushan's front door.

But he was killed by the undead knight with one sword...

"Secret Technique: Ground Subsidence!"

Seeing that the two Heaven-Shaking Techniques could not suppress Tu Shanyu, Yuan Daosheng used the method to deal with Lin Wudao in the tomb.


As a strange force came, suddenly, the ground beneath Tu Shannuo's feet suddenly cracked and turned into a huge black hole.

"not good!"

Tu Shannuo, who was off guard, saw this scene and his expression immediately changed.

The whole person, together with the undead knight in front of him, fell down...


Even so, Yuan Daosheng did not let him go.

"Secret Technique: The sky is falling!"


As Yuan Daosheng raised his hand and pointed at the sky, suddenly, a mysterious force came and evolved into the shadow of a large mountain, falling heavily towards the black hole.

That way!

Obviously, they want to completely kill Tu Shantuo!

See this scene.

The crazy Taoist who was watching all this in the dark couldn't help but smile with gloating.

"Yuan Daosheng, this guy's methods are really extraordinary!"

"That warrior from the Qingshan Tribe is in danger of becoming worse..."

He shook his head secretly.

Yuan Daosheng's series of attacks and methods seemed extremely familiar.


He had already thought about how to deal with Tu Shannuo. All of this was part of his plan.

Faced with such magical and powerful secret techniques as earth subsidence and sky collapse, Tu Shantuo may not be able to resist...


Lin Wudao didn't think so.

after all!

He, the Great Demon God of Qingshan, is still here.

"The man in front of me is the commander-in-chief of the Qingshan Divine Guards of the Qingshan Tribe. His name is Tu Shantuo."

"He is not the strongest among the Qingshan tribe."

"Besides him, there is also a high priest in the tribe, Tu Shan Cang Yue, who is not something ordinary people can compare to."

"Even Yuan Daosheng may not be able to take advantage..."

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

High priest?

Tushan Cangyue?

Hearing this name, the mad Taoist's eyes showed a trace of curiosity. He really wanted to see the capabilities of the Qingshan High Priest.

call out!

Just when the mad Taoist was shocked and suspicious, suddenly, a ray of green light suddenly fell from the void, directly destroying the shadow of the mountain condensed by Yuan Daosheng.


A big hand as white as jade suddenly penetrated into the black hole and pulled Tu Shanguo out.

all of these!

It all happens in an instant!

When the mad Taoist came back to his senses, he saw a beautiful woman wearing sacrificial attire opposite Yuan Daosheng.

Her temperament is as cold as the moon goddess, her eyes are indifferent to all living beings, and her whole body exudes a strong divine aura.

At a glance, it looks like a god descending into the world!

"High Priest!"

The moment she appeared, Tu Shanzuo immediately bowed to see her.

Is she the High Priest Qingshan?

The crazy Taoist looked at Tushan Cangyue with curiosity...

To this!

As if feeling the peeping gaze from the crazy Taoist, Tushan Cangyue's cold eyes swept over him instantly.

The crazy Taoist shrank in fear!


"She seems...can see me?"

The crazy Taoist couldn't believe it.

after all!

His invisibility is something even demigods can't detect.

"The Qingshan Tribe has a god of incense. As the high priest of the temple, he upholds the will and authority of the god and possesses divine power."

"Is it strange that she can see you?"

"This is the God's Domain, the territory of the Great Demon God Qingshan. As long as you are in the God's Domain, no ghosts or ghosts can hide."

Lin Wudao explained lightly.

As the high priest of the temple, Tushan Cangyue naturally has a certain amount of divine power and power.

These are all given by him!

This is to make it easier for Tushan Cangyue to manage the human world...

"Now what?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I'm saying is that the high priest discovered our traces. If he takes action against us, then..."

The crazy Taoist showed fear in his eyes.

He didn't want to mess with a living human god!

Seeing his reaction, Lin Wudao couldn't help but smile.

"Look first and then talk!"

"Right now, Tu Shan Cang Yue is focused on Yuan Daosheng and has no other thoughts about us."

"If she really wants to attack us later, I can find a way to leave safely. Everything will be fine..."

"Well, that's good."

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, the crazy Taoist was immediately relieved.


He continued to look in the direction of Yuan Daosheng.

at this time!

After seeing Tu Shan Cang Yue's figure, Yuan Daosheng couldn't help but frown slightly. He felt a strong sense of crisis from Tu Shan Cang Yue.


"Yuan Daosheng, this is the place of the Great God Qingshan, and the people living here are also the people of the Great God Qingshan. We cannot allow an outsider like you to be presumptuous."

"Anyone who blasphemes the Great God will be punished by God!"

A cold and calm voice slowly came out.

Without any emotion!

Say it.

In Yuan Daosheng's surprised eyes, Tushan Cangyue waved his sleeves lightly, and the black hole on the ground in front of him instantly returned to its original state.

No trace can be seen...

"The power of mountains and rivers?"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Daosheng's eyes were filled with surprise.

He did not expect that in the Qingshan tribe of Leize, he would meet practitioners who also mastered the power of mountains and rivers.


The other party's attainments, as well as the use and control of the power of mountains and rivers, seem to be even higher than his?

Think of this!

The fear in Yuan Daosheng's heart became more intense.

"I didn't expect that in this mountain world, I can actually see people with the same path."

"If we meet before this, I would like to learn the methods of the high priest."

"It's a pity that today is not the time!"

"High Priest, if we are destined to meet one day, let's meet again..."


Yuan Daosheng was ready to use the forbidden magic of mountains and rivers to leave this place.


How could Tushan Cangyue let him get his wish?

"Don't wait for another day, just do it today!"


The moment the words rang out, Tu Shan Cangyue gently put his hands together, and a mysterious force swept over him, directly turning into an invisible cage.

at the same time!

Yuan Daosheng, who was eager to leave, couldn't help but bumped into him...

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