Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 312: A hundred generations of slave seal, cut off the Chen family’s leeks!


Seeing the crazy Taoist's eyes that were indifferent to everything and treating the common people as if they were nothing, Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu couldn't help but feel their hearts sink.


They all could see that the crazy Taoist was affected by the incarnation of Zangtian, and his whole temperament changed drastically. He was not what they knew before.

"That... crazy Taoist, are you okay?"

There was a long silence.

Qin Daofu finally plucked up the courage and asked cautiously.

The crazy Taoist's look scared even him!

"I'm fine~"


Under the nervous gazes of Lin Wudao and Lin Wudao, the incarnation of Zangtian behind the mad Taoist began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After the incarnation of Zang Tian dissipated, the mad Taoist returned to his original mad state, but his face turned a little pale.


There was still a trace of heart palpitations in his eyes...

"Crazy Taoist, was that the incarnation you cultivated just now?"

"No, it's from the burial book!"

"Although this incarnation is very ferocious and powerful, it is relatively life-consuming. I only activated it for a short period of time, but it destroyed my 13,000-year lifespan."

"We really suffered a big loss this time!"

"We must get back all the lost lifespan later..."

Speaking of which.

The mad Taoist raised his eyes and looked at Chen Changqing and others not far away, with a strong fierce light flowing in his eyes.

"This incarnation of yours is indeed more life-consuming!"

"Thirteen thousand years were lost just now, but relying on the Great Burial Technique, and from Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng, I gained a lifespan of almost three thousand years."

"Calculated this way, you have only lost ten thousand years of life. If you dig a few more large tombs in the future, you will be able to make up for it soon..."

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

This time, the crazy Taoist really suffered a big loss!


Currently, there are Chen Changqing and others in the tomb. If the life span from them is absorbed, it will be enough to make up for it.

To this!

No need for Lin Wudao to remind him, the crazy Taoist knew what to do.


He immediately used the secret technique to disperse the fog in the Tomb of the Void, revealing Chen Zongtian and others who had been severely injured inside.

at this time!

Each of them was filled with unprecedented panic and fear.

Even Chen Zongtian is like this...

"Brother Ren, just now you said that keeping Chen Zongtian is still useful? Do you have any plans?"

At this time.

The crazy Taoist asked with interest.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded.


"Chen Zongtian is a direct descendant of a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang. He has some status and status among the Chen family."

"Besides, his own strength is also pretty good!"

"If we keep him and make him one of ours, then won't we be able to know every move of the tomb-robber family in Southern Xinjiang?"

"If they go to rob the tomb, we can even reap the benefits..."

Lin Wudao expressed his thoughts.

Hear this!

The crazy Taoist immediately clapped his hands and praised.

"Wonderful! It is indeed wonderful!"

"Brother Ren, your idea is really good. Not to mention other places, even in the mountain world, there are people from the southern Xinjiang tomb robber family."

"Now, they're digging graves everywhere!"

"If Chen Zongtian is infiltrated into them, we can obtain their information and prepare in advance."

"In that case, it would be equivalent to the entire Chen family being used by us, hehe..."

As if he thought of some beautiful scene, an evil smile bloomed on the crazy Taoist's face.


Their plan fell into Chen Zongtian's ears, but it made him furious.

"Bah, you can't even hope to succeed!"

"I, Chen Zongtian, would rather die than surrender~"

He yelled wildly.

Say it.

Without any hesitation, he directly raised his hand towards his Tianling Cap and slapped it hard.


I want to take my own life early!


Lin Wudao had already been on guard against him.


Just when Chen Zongtian was about to commit suicide, he directly used the power of the Great Demon God of Qingshan to imprison Chen Zongtian's body.

at the same time!

The mad Taoist also dodged and came to Chen Zongtian.

With an evil smile on his face...

"Hehe, do you think you can solve the problem just by wanting to die? You are underestimating my methods."

"It just so happens that when I was digging a grave in Two Worlds Mountain, I got a magical talisman of a hundred-generation slave seal. It is said that this thing can make the creatures in the demigod realm become one's slaves."

"Once you are marked by the Seal of Eternal Slavery, you will never be able to get rid of it for the rest of your life!"

"And I will only obey my master's orders!"

"I don't know if this Hundred-Eternity Slave Seal is as magical as the legend says? Today, I'll use you to verify it..."


The crazy Taoist ignored Chen Zongtian's frightened and hateful eyes, and immediately put the Baishi Slave Seal Talisman in his hand on his forehead.


He pinched the seal with both hands and began to activate the power of the Baishi Slave Seal, forming a contract with Chen Zongtian.


As the mad Taoist cast the spell, the mysterious spell immediately emitted a strange black light.

After a while.

Under the gazes of Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, the Baishi Slave Seal turned into a mark and blended into Chen Zongtian's eyebrows.


It was deeply imprinted on his soul...


Following the imprint of the Hundred Generations Slave Seal, Chen Zongtian immediately let out a shrill scream.

It was obvious that he was resisting!

To this.

The mad Taoist had a sneer on his face.

"Chen Zongtian, I advise you not to resist."

"You cannot resist the power of this hundred-life slave seal. The more you resist, the more painful it will be."

"Moreover, it will also erode and change your will!"

"You don't obey now, but the Hundred-Eternity Slave Seal will always change you, and even forcibly tamper with your will so that you can't disobey my orders."

"You will be able to experience all this soon, hehe..."

The mad Taoist looked evil.

Seeing his actions, Lin Wudao on the side was also extremely surprised.

He did not expect that in the hands of the crazy Taoist, there was such a magical thing as the Hundred-Eternity Slave Seal.

"It seems that he gained a huge harvest from digging graves in Liangjie Mountain this time!"

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.


Just as he secretly sighed, the crazy Taoist had entered the Tomb of the Void and began to frantically absorb the life span from Chen Changqing and others.




Accompanied by shrill screams, under the watchful eyes of Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, the crazy Taoist kept walking among the Chen family.


He used the supreme method of the Great Tomb to absorb all the life span from those people.


Through the eyes of the gods, Lin Wudao discovered that after absorbing the lifespans of Chen Changqing and others, the lifespan of the crazy Taoist could not help but make up for the previous loss.

It even increased by ten thousand years!


His lifespan is close to 30,000 years...

Naturally, the mad Taoist was extremely satisfied with this harvest.

"Okay, now it's our turn to work."

"Qin Daofu, go and save these people first, and then just leave the bodies to me..."


Say it.

Qin Daofu rubbed his hands and walked happily towards Chen Changqing and others.


With a wave of his hand, he placed the altar of the undead, and then began to follow the established procedures to achieve salvation.

While he was passing Chen Changqing and others, Lin Wudao looked outside the tomb...


At this time, Yuan Daosheng, who had escaped from the tomb, was surrounded by Tu Shan Cang Yue and others who had been waiting for a long time.

It can be said that just after leaving the wolf's den, he entered the tiger's den again.

"Crazy Taoist, let's go outside and watch a show."

"Yuan Daosheng is surrounded by people from the Qingshan tribe. A fierce fight is bound to begin..."

Lin Wudao smiled.


Yuan Daosheng and the Qingshan tribe fight?

Hear this!

The crazy Taoist's eyes suddenly showed strong interest.


Together with Lin Wudao, he quickly walked out of the tomb with the help of the invisibility jade talisman...

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