
The moment Yuan Daosheng and Chen Zongtian stepped into the temple, they immediately felt a majestic and majestic aura sweeping over them like a flood.

It almost suffocated them!


Even the soul couldn't help but tremble, as if it was going to die at any moment...


Seeing this scene, Yuan Daosheng felt awe-inspiring.

Although he has always heard the legend about the incense god, he has never really seen it in the world of Shenhuang.


Seeing a living incense god with my own eyes, I felt boundless awe at the vast divine power, even though he, as a descendant of the Tianshi Mansion, had the means to reach the heavens.

If the person in front of him takes action, he will definitely not be able to resist it...

after all!

What is in front of me is a true god!

Moreover, compared to the true gods who achieve enlightenment through self-cultivation in the human world, the true gods who achieve enlightenment through incense are more powerful.

At the same level, it is enough to kill the true god in the world in seconds!


Yuan Daosheng also had to treat it with caution!

"Fortunately, this god has just recovered not long ago, and the incense of the Leishan tribe is not strong enough. Otherwise, the divine power alone would be enough to kill me."

Yuan Daosheng secretly took a deep breath.

at this time!

He couldn't help but feel awe in his heart...


The same goes for Chen Zongtian!

Facing the powerful power of the incense god, he did not dare to make any mistakes. Although he remained calm and collected on the surface, deep inside, he was already terrified.

"Don't you want to worship the great god? You can start now."

"Present your sacrifices and then worship sincerely. If you are lucky enough to be favored by the Qingshan God, it will be your good fortune."


Tu Shannuo's cold voice came.

Hear the words!

Chen Zongtian glanced at Yuan Daosheng beside him, and after getting his signal, he took out the Earth Fire Lotus and enshrined it on the altar.


Together with Yuan Daosheng, he knelt on the ground in an extremely respectful manner...

"Chen Zongtian, pay your respects to the Great God Qingshan!"

"May the great God bless my Chen family with prosperity and immortality for eternity..."

"Chen Daosheng, pay homage to the Great God Qingshan!"

"May the great God bless my Chen family with prosperity and immortality for eternity..."

The two of them pretended to kowtow respectfully.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of Tu Shannuo and others, Yuan Daosheng also deliberately changed his name to Chen Daosheng.


They never expected that their true identities had already been discovered by Tu Shan Cangyue and the others.

all of these.

It's all their acting!

Since he is an uninvited guest from the outside world, how can he not leave something behind when he comes to the temple.


Looking at the two people who were worshiping devoutly, both Tu Shannuo and Tu Shan Cangyue had sneers in their eyes.


At this time, they could not reveal the intentions of Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng. Instead, they cooperated very well and pretended not to know everything.

"The rules of my Tushan clan are that for the first time a clan member sacrifices to the Great God Qingshan, in addition to offering treasures as sacrifices, they must also..."

"Chen Zongtian, I am willing to sacrifice five hundred years of life to show my piety!"

After hearing Tu Shan Cangyue's words, Chen Zongtian suppressed the resentment in his heart, and then knelt down again with gritted teeth.

"Chen Daosheng is also willing to sacrifice five hundred years of life!"

Yuan Daosheng followed closely behind.

Five hundred years of life is not too much for him, but it is not too little either.

All this will be attributed to the family of tomb robbers in Southern Xinjiang.

After this matter is over, he will settle the accounts with the Chen family. With his means and ability, the Chen family will not dare to default on the debt.


Yuan Daosheng was very cooperative!

"Tushan Cangyue is qualified as the high priest of the temple."

"This is how you should treat people from a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang. Anyway, they have a lot of treasures in their hands. It won't hurt their bones to take out one or two."

The idol space.

Watching the performances of Tu Shan Cangyue, Chen Zongtian and others, Lin Wudao showed a bright smile.

He was increasingly satisfied with Tushan Cangyue!

This time!

Not only did he get a 30,000-year-old Earth Fire Lotus in vain, he also gained a thousand years of life.

Good things like this can never come to you if you ask for them!

"As a family of tomb robbers that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, the Chen family must have a very strong foundation. This is a big fat sheep."

"We must not let it go so easily!"

"And that Yuan Daosheng is also a scheming person. He is willing to make such selfless sacrifices, and he must also be playing tricks on the Chen family."

"Moreover, this person is also of great value. If there is a chance, we must find a way to squeeze out the oil and water..."

Lin Wudao kept thinking.

at this time!

He has regarded Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng as two big fat sheep.

for all this.

The two of them don’t know!

Taking advantage of the opportunity for sacrifices, they looked at the environment and layout of the temple while using secret techniques to search for traces of Chen Changqing and others.


Chen Zongtian made a discovery, and his eyes fell under the statue...

"Sir, I searched using the Chen family's bloodline secrets, and found that Chen Changqing and the others were hiding under the ground of this temple."

"And, they're all still alive!"

"I've pretty much figured out the situation around this temple. Now is not a good time to take action."

"How about we leave temporarily and wait until we are ready before we take action?"

"After all, this Leishan tribe is not easy to mess with..."

Chen Zongtian said in a message.

To this!

Yuan Daosheng nodded calmly.

Seeing that he agreed, Chen Zongtian was immediately reassured!


The two of them made a pretense of offering sacrifices and then prepared to leave.

"Are you... leaving?"


Tushan Cangyue's cold voice came slowly.


"This time, we came to the tribe to worship the Qingshan God. Now that we have achieved what we wanted, it is time to leave."

Chen Zongtian responded.

"That's it~"

"It's getting dark now, and this Lei Ze is full of crisis and terror. If you leave rashly, your lives may be in danger."

"How about resting here for a night and leaving tomorrow?"

"Besides, you have finally returned to the tribe, so you have to get familiar with the environment here so that you don't understand everything when you come next time."

"We, the Tushan clan, are very humane..."


Would you be so kind?

Listening to Tu Shan Cang Yue's words, Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng were startled. They did not expect such a good thing.


They didn't believe that Tushan Cangyue would be so kind.

Maybe she has other plans?

Chen Zongtian was secretly suspicious.

"Let's stay here for one night first. It just so happens that I also need to take a closer look at the situation of Lei Ming Mountain and the temple."

“It’s always better to be prepared!”

"Sir, I'm worried that this bitch has no good intentions..."

"There's nothing to worry about. As long as we don't act rashly, nothing will happen. Once the situation is clear, it won't be too late for us to take action."


"That's all according to what Mr. said..."

The two communicated secretly, and then agreed to Tushan Cangyue's invitation to stay in the Leishan tribe temporarily.


Tushan Cangyue sent two divine attendants to take them to familiarize themselves with the environment.

"High Priest, these two are extremely vicious tomb robbers. Why do you want to keep them in the tribe?"

"If you do something daring, wouldn't you get into trouble?"

After the two left.

Tu Shanguo immediately asked in confusion.

According to his idea, just drive Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng away to save unnecessary trouble.

"These two people don't care about my tribe!"

"Their real goal is the big tomb under the temple, where there are people they need to rescue."

"The reason why I kept them in the tribe and even gave them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the environment was to let them dig graves."

"As long as they dare to take action, when the time comes, we will catch the thieves and collect the stolen goods, and we will legitimately suppress them."

"Then, take the opportunity to squeeze out all the value from them!"

"In addition, I also want to see what is special about the methods of these tomb robbers..."

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Tu Shannuo's eyes lit up!

"The high priest is so tall!"

"Now, I really hope those people take action earlier, hehe..."

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng had so much oil and water that he had already coveted it.


He was naturally looking forward to it if there was a suitable opportunity to take action.

"They are all drama queens!"

"This time, let's see who plots against whom, haha~"

The idol space.

Lin Wudao, who had a panoramic view of everything, also had a smile on his lips.


He is also looking forward to the actions of Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng.

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