"what happened?"

"Reporting to the high priest, these two people don't know their identities and origins. They said they were once members of my Tushan clan. In the past, their ancestors fled the tribe and left the tribe."

"Now, I want to come back to worship God Qingshan!"

"I think they are talking nonsense and I plan to kill them..."

Tu Shanjie replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Tushan Cangyue looked indifferent!

"Perhaps, they are really my former clan members of the Tushan clan, maybe."

"After all, when our Tushan clan encountered a catastrophe, many clan members indeed left the tribe and went to the outside world to survive."

"In addition, apart from me, the Tushan clan, I don't rule out that there are other places that also believe in the great god Qingshan..."

A dull voice sounded slowly.

Hear the words!

Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng both had surprised smiles on their faces.

"Yes, yes, the high priest said yes!"

"We are really members of the Tushan clan who fled in the past. Now we have received guidance from our ancestors and want to return to the tribe to worship the great god Qingshan."

"Although we have been living outside the tribe for a long time, our faith in the Great God Qingshan has never been interrupted."

"We came here to express our feelings and strengthen our beliefs."

"I also ask the high priest to make it happen..."

Chen Zongtian said sincerely.

That way!

It seems that he really regards himself as a devout believer in Qingshan God.

Naturally, Tushan Cangyue didn't believe his nonsense.


She also has her own plan!


Be very cooperative.


"Since you are also members of my Tushan clan who are living abroad, it is not unreasonable to come to worship the great god Qingshan."

"It's just that, according to the rules and traditions of my Tushan clan, whenever our clan members offer sacrifices to gods, they must offer precious treasures as sacrifices."

"Since you are here specifically to offer sacrifices to the Great God Qingshan, you must be well prepared to take out your sacrifices and take a look."

"If you can get my approval, you can naturally go to the temple to worship the Qingshan God..."

"If the sacrifice does not meet the requirements, it would be a blasphemy against the great god. At that time, even I will not be able to bear the responsibility."

"Do you understand this?"

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.



Chen Zongtian was slightly startled when he suddenly heard this.

He just said it casually and made an excuse to go to the temple. How could he sincerely offer sacrifices to the great god Qingshan?


Now facing Tushan Cangyue's obstruction, if you want to go to the temple in Leiming Mountain, you must offer treasures.

Think of this!

In desperation, Chen Zongtian had no choice but to grit his teeth and take out a jade box.

As a tomb robber, there is no shortage of treasures!


When he opened the jade box, in an instant, a stream of hot breath like the sun surged out crazily.

And there are bursts of brilliant brilliance blooming...

Take a closer look!

In the jade box, there was a lotus that was completely red and glowing with light.

"Earth Fire Lotus?"

Just as Tu Shan Cang Yue was looking at it intently, suddenly, a surprised voice sounded from behind.

But it was Jie Wuyou who came here looking for the scent of the treasure.


His eyes stared closely at the red lotus in the jade box, with strong desire in his eyes.

Jie Wuyou is very sensitive to treasures!


The moment Chen Zongtian took out the Earth Core Fire Lotus, he knew the specific origin of this object.

"What is the Earth Fire Lotus?"

On the side, Tu Shannuo asked curiously.

"Well, the so-called Earth Core Fire Lotus is a kind of spiritual essence of heaven and earth that grows deep underground, bred from the essence of the Earth Core Fire."

"It is a rare sub-god-level treasure in the world. It is especially helpful for cultivators of the fire attribute."

"In addition, it is said that this earth-centered fire lotus can also help living beings create fire-attributed spirits, which is very rare."

"Things like this can only be obtained if the earth shakes or if you go deep into the underground magma."

"Only one inch grows every thousand years..."

Jie Wuyou explained patiently.


So rare?

Listening to Jie Wuyou's words, Tu Shannuo was shocked.

The Earth Core Fire Lotus in front of me is at least 30,000 years old, according to the saying that it grows one inch per thousand years.

It is definitely a rare treasure that can only be found but not found!

"If it is used for worship, I'm afraid God Qingshan will also like it..."

Tu Shanguo murmured in a low voice.

The eyes are full of yearning!

Seeing their expressions, Chen Zongtian was very proud.

This Earth Core Fire Lotus is considered precious even among the many treasures he possesses.

If it wasn't for the purpose of entering the temple and rescuing Chen Changqing, he would never have been able to take it out.

"High Priest, I wonder if I can meet the requirements of offering sacrifices to the Great God by using this Earth Core Fire Lotus as a sacrifice?"

"Of course you can!"

"Then we can go to the temple now to worship God Qingshan?"


Chen Zongtian was ready to step into the tribe.


Just when he took a step forward, Tu Shannuo, who was standing beside him, raised his hand and slashed at his feet with a sword.

The powerful force caused a huge ravine to appear on the ground.

Chen Zongtian was so frightened that he immediately stopped walking!

at the same time.

His face also darkened.

"High Priest, we have offered the treasures as sacrifices as required, and we have received your approval."

"Are you doing this intentionally to obstruct me?"

Chen Zongtian snorted coldly.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue shook her head.

"Not really!"

"As long as we are members of the Tushan clan and have devout faith in the Qingshan God, we will treat them equally and there will never be any obstruction."

"Then what do you mean?"

He pointed at the ravine at his feet, and then at Tu Shanguo who was standing opposite with a sword.

A look of dissatisfaction!

"That's it~"

"I forgot to tell you just now. According to the rules and traditions of my Tushan clan, this is the first time for our clan to sacrifice to the great god Qingshan. In addition to offering treasures, we must also offer our life span."

"I, the Tushan clan, have an extremely firm and devout belief in the Great God Qingshan. The tribesmen who offer sacrifices to the Great God for the first time will usually sacrifice their lifespans of five hundred years to show their devout faith in the Great God Qingshan."

"Therefore, if you insist on offering sacrifices to the Great God Qingshan, in addition to using this Earth Fire Lotus as a sacrifice, you must also sacrifice at least five hundred years of life."

"If you agree, you can go to worship the great god..."

Tushan Cangyue said indifferently.


Still have to dedicate five hundred years of life?

When he suddenly heard this, Chen Zongtian's face instantly turned gloomy to the extreme, and he clenched his fists tightly.

His deep eyes were filled with anger!

he knows!

This is definitely Tushan Cangyue deliberately making things difficult!

It's not just him.

Even Yuan Daosheng on the side frowned at this time, and there was a faint fierce light in the depths of his eyes...

"High Priest, we are all from the Tushan clan, so there is no need to be so ruthless, right?"

He said solemnly.


Regarding the fierceness revealed in Yuan Daosheng's words, Tushan Cangyue's expression did not change at all, remaining as indifferent as ever.

"This is the tradition of my Tushan clan and the rules of the temple. It doesn't matter who comes."

"If you are not worshiping Qingshan God sincerely, then please leave."

"By the way, don't even think about making trouble in my Tushan clan. Even if you are really my former clan members, you must abide by the rules."

"Anyone who does not abide by the rules will be punished by God..."

Tushan Cangyue's tone became more and more indifferent.

"Tu Shanjie, you stay here to guard!"

"If they dare to mess around, they will be killed directly. I, the Tushan clan, do not want people without faith..."



Tushan Cangyue ignored the reactions of Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng and walked straight into the tribe.

at the same time!

In order to warn the two of them, Tu Shannuo waved his hand and took out the undead knight given by Lin Wudao.

Placed heavily in front of the tribal gate...

"A puppet from the Divine Light Realm?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the undead knight and feeling the overwhelming murderous aura emanating from it, Yuan Daosheng's expression changed slightly.


He felt a threat from the undead knight.

"Be careful, this is a puppet from the Divine Light Realm."

"According to my perception, the combat power of this puppet is not weaker than the peak of the Divine Light Realm, and is even comparable to the Great Perfection of the Divine Light Realm."

"This mountain world is very weird. The best we can do is show the perfect strength of the Divine Illumination Realm. If it really gets too big, it may not end well."

"Besides, I guess there is definitely more than one puppet like this in the Thunder Mountain Tribe, so it's better to be careful..."

Yuan Daosheng sent a message to Chen Zongtian.


A puppet comparable to the Great Perfection of Divine Illumination Realm?

Chen Zongtian was in awe!

"Sir, do we still want to go to the temple?"

"It depends on you!"

"If you want to save Chen Changqing and the others, then go; if you don't want to save them, then you can turn around and leave."


Hearing this, Chen Zongtian fell into a dilemma.

According to Tushan Cangyue's rules, if you want to go to the temple, you must dedicate five hundred years of life, which makes him feel extremely unwilling.

He didn't want to sacrifice his life to a demon god in vain without getting any benefits.


Chen Changqing must be saved too!

After some struggle, he finally compromised...

"Sir, since we're all here, let's go to the temple to see it."

"This earth-centered fire lotus and its five-hundred-year lifespan are just like feeding dogs..."

Chen Zongtian clenched his fists and sighed.

To this!

Yuan Daosheng did not speak, but quietly followed him and stepped into the Leishan tribe together.

at last.

Under the leadership of Tu Shanguo, they came to the temple on Lei Ming Mountain...

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