Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 275: First grab the treasures, then the believers, and finally kill them!

"Thank you, God, for giving me this treasure!"

Feeling the ancient and powerful killing formation in front of him, Wu Tianjue felt infinite surprise and excitement in his heart.


He knelt down crazily with great respect.

That way!

It seems that he really regards himself as a devout believer of the God of Darkness...

"Everyone, get up~"

"Wu Tianjue, I have given you a divine weapon. On the one hand, it will enhance your strength. On the other hand, it will also enable you to do things better for me."

"Jie Wuyou's main responsibility is to find various treasures as sacrifices for me. Since you have a killing array, you naturally need to provide sacrifices to this god."

"This killing formation contains the mark of my god. Whenever I kill a creature with it, I will also gain part of the blood essence and soul."

"Therefore, your sacrifice is the essence, blood and soul of all living beings!"

"In addition, you also have an important task, which is to spread the faith of this god in your Leishan tribe as soon as possible."

"I'll give you one month. After one month, I want to see that everyone in your Leishan tribe believes in the God of Darkness..."

"If you can't do it, then there will be no need for you to continue living in the world."

The cold voice resounded through the temple!


Upon hearing this, Wu Tianjue's body trembled slightly.

this moment!

An unprecedented fear and awe emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"He is indeed an evil god..."

He sighed secretly.

"Don't worry, God, my subordinates will definitely complete their mission!"

To stay alive.

Wu Tianjue did not dare to disobey the God of Darkness' will, so he had to temporarily agree.

As for the future.

Let’s take a step at a time...

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can just step back."

The Dark God waved his hand.

Hear the words!

Wu Tianjue and Wuyou bowed down and exited the Dark Temple along the original route with infinite respect and piety.

When the two people left, the God of Darkness immediately prepared to enjoy the sacrifices offered by Jie Wuyou...

Although the three treasures on the altar are only spiritual objects, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still flesh. If it is eaten, it can revive his divinity a little.


With this thought, the God of Darkness immediately used his divine power to form a big hand and grabbed the three treasures on the altar.


He is not the only one who wants these things!


Just when the big hand of the God of Darkness was about to touch the treasure.


A mysterious palm suddenly pierced out from the depths of the void and snatched away treasures such as the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Essence, the Star Treasure Tree, and the Ten Thousand Soul Banner before the God of Darkness.


"Who dares to rob this god's sacrifice? Who is it!!!"

Seeing the treasure being robbed, the God of Darkness was startled at first, but then he roared crazily, and the illusory human face that appeared was full of ferocity.

A pair of extremely cold eyes swept across the surroundings of the temple...


No matter how much he roared and roared, he could not find the person who snatched his sacrifice.

"Damn it!!!"

"Damn plunderer, don't let me know who you are, otherwise, I will crush you to ashes and prevent you from reincarnation forever."

In the huge temple, the crazy roar of the God of Darkness rang out.

To this!

Lin Wudao, who was hiding deep in the void, ignored it.

at this time.

The corners of his mouth were full of smiles...

"Be angry, be as angry as you want!"

"When I go to deal with Jie Wuyou, I will come back to take care of you. By then, not only the three treasures, but also the divine objects on your body will all belong to me."

"Your time is running out, haha..."

Lin Wudao sneered again and again.

While talking.

He put the ten-thousand-year spiritual essence and other treasures into the system space, and then chased Wu Tianjue and reconciled with Wuyou.

These two people are of great use value to him!

Especially Jie Wuyou!

Lin Wudao valued his ability to find treasures...

If he becomes his vassal, he will definitely bring him a steady stream of treasures and sacrifices, allowing him to gain a lot of luck.


Lin Wudao would never let go of top talents like this.

Outside the ancient divine well!

Wu Tianjue and Xie Wuyou were looking at each other intently.

"My name is Wu Tianjue, and I am the leader of the Leishan tribe. Nice to meet you."

"From now on, we will work together under the God of Darkness. I hope you will take good care of me..."

There was silence for a while.

Wu Tianjue was the first to break the calm!

Hear the words!

Jie Wuyou nodded lightly.

"You should live for a month first before we talk..."


Jie Wuyou ignored Wu Tianjue's shock and dissatisfaction, and immediately disappeared from the spot.


"You are the messenger of the God of Darkness, and so am I!"

"It won't be long before I will surpass you..."

Wu Tianjue clenched his fists.


When he thought of the mission assigned by the God of Darkness, he felt a strong sense of panic and uneasiness. He wanted to make the Leishan tribe believe in the God of Darkness within a month.

This is simply impossible to do!

If he dared to promote the God of Darkness in the Leishan tribe, Wu Qiong would not be able to pass the test first.

Gods compete with believers!

If there are no believers, there will be no incense and sacrifices, and the god's own strength cannot be improved...


As long as Wu Tianjue dares to promote the God of Darkness in the Leishan tribe, Wu Qiong will be the first to destroy him.

Even the tribe members would never agree!


This seemingly simple task is basically impossible to complete...

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time."

"There is still a month left. During this period, it is best to eliminate the threat from the Qingshan Tribe. Otherwise, I will not be able to survive without the God of Darkness taking action."

Think of this.

Wu Tianjue sighed again in his heart.


He did not stay too long at the ancient sacred well, and immediately drove a spiritual boat towards the tribe.

the other side!

Lin Wudao also caught up with Wuyou.

"Pure Land of All Heavens!"

"The Heaven-fixing Spell!"


With the arrival of two unparalleled methods, Jie Wuyou first felt that his cultivation had been forcibly suppressed to a great level.


His whole body was forcibly imprisoned by the mysterious power!


"Who wants to harm me?"

at this time.

Unprecedented panic and fear welled up in Jie Wuyou's heart. The feeling of being out of control made him extremely desperate.

No matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail...

See it!

Lin Wudao didn't have any ink marks, so he came directly behind Xie Wuyou and knocked him out with one blow.

"You should be honored!"

"Working with me is better than following the God of Darkness. I can give you everything he can give you; I can also give you what he can't give you."

Say it.

Lin Wudao immediately lifted Jie Wuyou off the ground, and then returned to the Dark Temple again.

at this time!

The God of Darkness is still angry.

However, his statue has completely fallen silent...

"I'm here to put an end to the God of Darkness!"


After the words fell, Lin Wudao turned over his hand and took out the Great Desolate Cauldron, carrying the terrifying power of the extreme, and smashed it hard on the statue of the God of Darkness.

"Ah, who wants to kill me?"

Yiding suppresses it.

The frightened roar of the God of Darkness was immediately heard from the statue.


In an instant, a bright divine light burst out, trying to resist the ultimate power of the Great Desolate Cauldron; however, the power of the five divine kings blessed on the Great Desolate Cauldron, how could it be compared to a mere statue of a god?


Ignoring the roar and roar of the God of Darkness, Lin Wudao activated the Great Desolate Cauldron and smashed it down crazily.

In just three attacks, the resurrected weak divinity of the God of Darkness was wiped out.


With an angry and unwilling scream, the God of Darkness completely fell.

A moment!

There are many items falling from the inner space of the statue.

Among them, include: Dark Divine Code, Dark Night Codex, Dark Treasure Chest, and Wanfa Scepter...

"Get rich~"

Looking at the dazzling array of items on the ground, Lin Wudao had a smile on his face.

[The system sacrificed the statue of the God of Darkness! 】


Following his order, the ancient statue on the altar disappeared into thin air in an instant.

at the same time!

A cold reminder also sounded in my mind...

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