"Jie Wuyou, this time you arrived three days later than the time promised by this god..."

A cold voice came from the statue.


As soon as these words came out, Jie Wuyou, who was kneeling below, was immediately frightened. With infinite panic and fear, he started to kowtow crazily.

"God forgive me!"

"The villain's strength is really low, and it is too difficult to obtain treasures from those secret realms. Even if I try my best, I can only find these three things in three months."

"The villain must work harder next time and offer more and better sacrifices to the great god..."

Jie Wuyou is extremely frightened!

Upon hearing this, the God of Darkness above snorted coldly.


When his eyes glanced at the three treasures on the altar, his brows wrinkled again.

"Just three spiritual things?"

"Jie Wuyou, you have disappointed me so much. In three months, you have only brought me such inferior things. How can I give you such powerful power?"

The God of Darkness is becoming increasingly dissatisfied.

Hear the words!

Jie Wuyou was kneeling on the ground. Although he was terrified on the surface, his heart was full of helplessness and bitterness.

To know.

These three treasures in front of him were all obtained by his hard work and life.


The God of Darkness is not satisfied yet!

"Great God, but the villain is really weak and can't get a better sacrifice."

Jie Wuyou kowtowed heavily.

To this!

The God of Darkness snorted coldly, but had no intention of continuing to blame.

"That's all~"

"Your current cultivation level is only at the late stage of the divine power realm. It is indeed difficult for you to go to those dangerous places to find treasures and sacrifices for this god."

"It seems that it's time for me to improve your strength..."


The words fell!

A ray of bright divine light suddenly descended from the statue and penetrated into Wuyou's body.




The divine light entered the body and instantly transformed into waves of majestic power.

In an instant.

Jie Wuyou's cultivation level began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Late stage of divine power realm!

Peak of divine power!

The great perfection of divine power!

Divine pulse realm!

One realm after another has been crossed.


After a while, when the last trace of power was exhausted, Jie Wuyou's cultivation level increased by a large level, from the previous late stage of divine power realm to the late stage of divine vein realm.

at the same time!

The divine light above the statue also dimmed a bit.


In order to improve Wuyou's cultivation, a lot of the God of Darkness's power was consumed...

"Thank you God for your mercy!"

"The villain will do his best to serve the Great God from now on, go through fire and water, and offer more and better sacrifices to the Great God at all costs, in order to repay the Great God for his kindness of reincarnation."

Jie Wuyou bowed excitedly.

at this time!

Feeling the surging power in his body, his eyes showed strong joy and excitement.

I am even more in awe of the God of Darkness!

"So good!"

"Remember! Next time, what I need is a sacrifice above the god level. If you dare to use these inferior things to fool me again, I will definitely kill you without a burial place."

"Yes, thank you God for your mercy!"

The solution to worry-free piety should be.

The God of Darkness is quite satisfied with his attitude.


At this moment, he seemed to have discovered something, and his indifferent eyes instantly looked to the corner outside the temple...

"Who is out there spying on me?"


As soon as the words fell, a terrifying divine power suddenly descended, making Wu Tianjue, who was hiding outside the temple, feel torn.

"God, have mercy!"

"The villain is Wu Tianjue, the leader of the Thunder Mountain Tribe. This time he came to the Ancient Sacred Well not to peep unintentionally, but because he wanted to become the messenger of the great god."

"I hope God will make it happen!"


Wu Tianjue knelt down heavily on the ground and knelt down crazily.

His eyes were filled with unprecedented panic and fear...

Although the God of Darkness in front of him only revived a ray of God's true spirit, it was many times more powerful than the God of Thunder enshrined by their Leishan tribe.

The moment the divine power arose, he felt as if his soul would be extinguished.

that moment!

He truly felt what it was like to die!

Wu Tianjue of Leishan Tribe?

Want to become a servant of this god?

Hearing this suddenly, the God of Darkness couldn't help but be startled. This kind of situation was already common for him when the Night Demon clan was prosperous.


At present, the faith of the Night Demon clan has long since declined, and ordinary people cannot enter the temple through the ancient sacred well.

How did he find this place?


Just as he was thinking about it, the God of Darkness' eyes narrowed, and the broken map in Wu Tianjue's hand caught his eye.

"Is this... painted by the Night Demon clan?"

Scanning with his divine eyes, he understood the origin of the map.

"You said you are from the Thunder Mountain Tribe?"

"Yes, it is."

"Then do you know the Night Demon clan?"


Night demon clan?

Upon hearing this name, Wu Tianjue looked confused.

He has no idea what the Night Demon clan is...

Looking at him, the God of Darkness couldn't help but snorted, and his eyes became cold.

"You don't know the Night Demon clan, so where did you get the map in your hand?"

"This... was passed down from my ancestors of the Leishan Tribe."

Wu Tianjue replied respectfully.

"My ancestors from the Leishan Tribe once said that if you hold this map and enter the ancient divine well, you can obtain blessings from the true God as long as you find the temple."

"Nowadays, our Leishan tribe is declining day by day, so the little people want to come to the temple, want to become the people of the great god, and save the tribe from danger."

As he spoke, Wu Tianjue knelt down respectfully.

I didn’t dare to raise my head at all!

After listening to his words and looking at his posture, the God of Darkness stared at him for a long time before taking back his terrifying power.

"How many people are there in your Leishan tribe now?"

"More than five thousand people!"

Wu Tianjue replied respectfully.

A tribe of five thousand people?

Hearing this, a hint of joy rose in the eyes of the God of Darkness.

If he can take the Leishan tribe for his own use and believe in him, then, with the help of the incense and sacrifices from the Leishan tribe, his recovery speed will be faster.

Thinking about this!

The eyes of the God of Darkness looking at Wu Tianjue also became much softer...

"Since you can come here, you are destined to be with this god."

"In this way, this god will help you!"

"From now on, you are the second messenger of this god in the human world."

call out!

While talking.

A ray of divine light descended and turned into a mysterious mark, imprinted on Wu Tianjue's soul.

"It is your honor to be a believer of this god!"

"Because, as long as this god is a messenger in the human world, this god will give him a great opportunity."

"Just like Jie Wuyou, he is the first messenger of this god, so this god gave him a treasure map of the Great Zhoutian. He can follow the map to find treasures in the world."

"Wu Tianjue, you are lucky enough to become the second human messenger of this god, and this god will also grant you a great blessing..."


The words fell.

The God of Darkness waved his big hand gently, and an extremely ancient mysterious magic circle appeared in front of Wu Tianjue.

Exuding unparalleled murderous aura!

"This is the divine weapon that I have used before, the killing array!"

"Sacrifice it, you can kill all living beings, absorb their blood and souls, and strengthen yourself. It is a shortcut to gain powerful power."

An indifferent voice sounded in the temple.


Killing array?

Upon hearing this, both Wu Tianjue and Jie Wuyou looked shocked, and their eyes fell firmly on the killing formation.

My heart was shocked!

Even Lin Wudao, who was peeping secretly, became interested...

Name: Killing Formation

Level: False Artifact

Quality: Superior

Introduction: 1. A long time ago, the pseudo-artifact refined by the God of Slaughter could gather the evil power in the world, but all creatures trapped in the formation would be suppressed and killed.

2. Killing range: The strength does not exceed one level of oneself!

Notes: 1. It can only kill creatures below the realm of true gods!

2. The murderous and evil energy gathered in the killing array can erode the mind. Once unable to resist, the person will become a killing maniac and fall into endless killing.

3. Has been refined by the God of Darkness!

The eyes of the gods swept over, and the information about the killing array appeared in front of them.

After reading this!

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

This thing was a hole dug by the God of Darkness for Wu Tianjue.

at the same time!

It is also an artifact used by the God of Darkness to cut leeks...

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