"Old man of the rich clan, where is the ancient divine well?"

After a while.

Wu Tianjue took a deep breath and asked Wu Xuan beside him.

Hear this!

A heavy sigh also appeared in Wu Xuan's old eyes...

"The Ancient Sacred Well, that is a magical place!"

"According to the inheritance records of our Leishan tribe, the ancient sacred well is located in the mysterious spirit ruins. No one knows when it appeared."

"It seems that it has existed since the birth of the Shanling Realm."

"The ancient sacred well is said to be magical because every thousand years, many divine objects, treasures, heavenly materials, earthly treasures, etc. will spew out from it."

"At that time, it will attract cultivators from around Leize and even the Shanling Realm to come and compete for it!"

"Every time the Ancient Sacred Well erupts, it is an earth-shattering battle. Many powerful practitioners fight crazily in order to compete for the treasure."

"Besides, the Ancient Sacred Well is also extremely weird!"

"It seems to be connected to an indescribable mysterious place, which contains great terror. Throughout the ages, countless creatures have sneaked into it, looking for treasures."

"But in the end, very few of them survive..."

Wu Xuan said with a sigh on his face.

Hearing this, Wu Tianjue was shocked in his heart and secretly clenched his palms.

"Since it's so terrifying, then if I enter the ancient divine well, wouldn't I have to..."

He is full of worries!

"This...should be fine."

"Didn't the God of Thunder say that as long as you enter the Ancient Sacred Well, the map will lead you to the temple of the evil god?"

"This thing should be a guide or a key."

Wu Xuan said thoughtfully.

"Oh, I wish it were so!"

"For the sake of the tribe, no matter how dangerous it is, I will give it a try..."

Wu Tianjue's eyes showed determination.

at this time!

He has already considered death!

"Old man of the rich clan, shall I go to the ancient divine well next?"

"Well, okay."

"Based on the time, it will take more than half a month to reach the thousand-year period, when the ancient divine well will erupt again."

"At that time, many practitioners will gather."

"While no one is paying attention now, we can go to the ancient sacred well in Lingxu and find the lost temple."

"If we can obtain the artifact left by the evil god in the human world, it may be able to help my Leishan tribe survive the disaster..."

Wu Xun's eyes showed hope.

Hear this!

Wu Tianjue nodded solemnly!

"In this case, I will leave all matters concerning the tribe to you, the clan leader."


"We will wait for your return in the tribe..."

"Well, I'll be back~"

A smile appeared on Wu Tianjue's resolute face.


He took a deep look at the Leishan tribe, then drove a spirit boat and headed straight towards the Lingxu.

See it!

Lin Wudao, who was peeping in the darkness, also followed closely.

the other side!

Just as Lin Wudao chased Wu Tianjue to the ancient sacred well in Lingxu, Wu Huan also stumbled towards the Qingshan tribe with Zhu Qingyue.


As soon as they arrived outside Daqing Mountain, the spirit boat driven by Wu Huan staggered and fell from the sky. Fortunately, Zhu Qingyue had quick eyesight and quick hands, so the two of them survived.


Due to the strong suppression by Wu Tianjue in the Leishan tribe before, although Wu Huan finally escaped with the help of secret methods, he himself also suffered serious injuries.


After the spirit boat landed, he half-knelt on the ground, coughing up blood.

His face was pale and he looked depressed!

Seeing this scene, Zhu Qingyue couldn't help but frown...

"How about...?"

He hesitated for a moment.

She came to Wu Huan and asked gently.

Talking time!

He turned over his hand and took out a bottle of healing elixir and handed it to Wu Huan.

"Thank you~"

Looking at the pills handed over by Zhu Qingyue, Wu Huan did not refuse. After staring at her for a few times, he took out a few pills and swallowed them.


With the help of the medicine, Wu Huan's complexion improved a lot.


The injury is still serious!

If not treated in time, it may be life-threatening...

"You... why did you save me?"

"You know, I set up a trap to kill your husband. Logically speaking, you should take this opportunity to kill me and avenge Wu Zhan."

"If you do this, the Thunder Mountain Tribe will know about it, and I'm afraid they won't be able to tolerate you..."

Wu Huan joked with a smile.

To this!

Zhu Qingyue was silent for a while, then sighed and shook her head.

"That won't happen."

"According to the traditions and rules of our Lieyang tribe, as long as the marriage ceremony is held in public under the witness of the elders, they will be partners for life."

"The person who accepts the witness of the elders and holds the wedding ceremony with me is you Wu Huan."

"Therefore, you are my husband!"

"In this life, I will only recognize you..."

Zhu Qingyue said seriously.


After hearing this and looking at Zhu Qingyue's extremely serious look, Wu Huan couldn't help but froze on the spot.

He didn't expect that Zhu Qingyue would say such words.

"are you serious?"

He stared closely into Zhu Qingyue's eyes.


"We, the women of the Lieyang Tribe, will only marry one person in their lives. No matter what that person is, he will be his only partner."

"What's more, didn't you say before that you would be responsible for me?"

Zhu Qingyue chuckled.

See it!

Wu Huan also smiled.

"Well, I will be responsible for you!"

"I am also a traditional person. Since you are marrying me, you will be my Wu Huan's wife. As long as you are willing to stay with me, I will never leave you."

Wu Huan said with great solemnity.

That way, it seemed like he was making some kind of promise to Zhu Qingyue.

"By the way, we have to leave quickly!"

"I kidnapped you from the wedding ceremony. Not only were your father and others extremely angry, but the people from the Thunder Mountain Tribe also hated me to the core."

"Once they catch up, I will definitely die without a burial place..."


Wu Huan immediately took out another spiritual boat and sat on it with Zhu Qingyue's help.

"Where are we going?"

"Qingshan Tribe!"

"Now, we are not far from Daqingshan. As long as we step into the Qingshan Tribe, everything will be safe. Neither your father or the Leishan Tribe can do anything to us."

Wu Huan said in a deep voice.

Great God Qingshan is his biggest supporter!

As long as we return to the Qingshan Tribe, all crises will naturally be resolved.

"Is the Qingshan Tribe that strong?"

Zhu Qingyue looked surprised.


"The Qingshan Tribe has the protection of the Great God of Qingshan. Whether it is strength or foundation, it is far from what it was before."

"Now, in the Qingshan tribe..."

Wu Huan began to introduce the situation of the Qingshan tribe to Zhu Qingyue.

that's all!

The two chatted while driving the spirit boat, heading towards Daqing Mountain at lightning speed...


Because the level of the spirit boat in Wu Huan's hands was too low, its speed could not match that of the Lieyang Tribe.


As time went by, Zhu Huang's fierce figure got closer and closer.

"Bold Wu Huan, keep my daughter, I will spare your life..."


Zhu Huang yelled loudly!

The whole person exudes a fierce and evil aura.


Wu Huan ignored his threat and continued to drive the spirit boat frantically.

See this scene.

Zhu Huang behind him was extremely angry!

"The little thief will be fined if you don't eat the toast, I will send you to death..."

Say it.

Zhu Huang raised his hand.

call out!

Suddenly, a simple war spear pierced the void, coming fiercely with overwhelming murderous intent.

"Be careful~"

At the critical moment, Zhu Qingyue took out an ancient green bell, and a bright green light fell down, covering the two of them.

Avoided Zhu Huang's terrifying attack!


Even with the protection of the big green bell, Zhu Huang's powerful attack from the peak of the Divine Vein Realm was still not something that Wu Huan and the others could withstand today.


With a violent impact, the spirit boat beneath the two men was shattered.


The two fell heavily to the ground...

At this time, Zhu Huang also came to the front with a group of strong men from the Lieyang tribe.

A pair of cold eyes stared at Wu Huan viciously.

"You bold thief who dares to kidnap my daughter and ruin the affairs of my tribe, you must die..."

While talking.

Zhu Huang held the ancient black war spear in his hand and came fiercely towards Wu Huan to kill him.

"Father, please be merciful, please spare Wu Huan's life..."

"Get away!"

Zhu Qingyue wanted to ask for mercy, but was slapped away by Zhu Huang who was extremely angry.

"Today, even if God comes, he will die!"

Zhu Huang looked ferocious.

The war spear in his hand was thrown with all his strength, and instantly turned into a terrifying black light, approaching Wu Huan's face.

"Be careful~"

Not far away, Zhu Qingyue roared loudly.


Zhu Huang's power was so powerful that he was in front of Wu Huan in just an instant.

Less than three feet away from him!

Seeing that Wu Huan was about to be killed with a spear, Zhu Qingyue in the distance couldn't help but close her eyes, as if she couldn't bear to see his miserable end.


Just when Wu Huan and Zhu Qingyue were in despair, suddenly, an extremely powerful fist tore through the air.


One blow fell, and the war spear thrown by Zhu Huang was accurately shattered into pieces.

"Hmph, you dare to come to my Daqingshan to run wild, are you tired of living?"




As the cold voice sounded, in an instant, a series of mighty and majestic figures suddenly arrived on the rainbow.

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