"Big clan elder, why do you want to stop me?"

"The dog thief Wu Huan killed that day set up a trap to kill my son A Zhan and ruined the hope of my Leishan tribe. This hatred and hatred are irreconcilable."

"I must cut him into pieces and then crush his bones into ashes to relieve the hatred in my heart..."

Wu Tianjue's face was full of ferocity.

His eyes were filled with boundless anger and hatred!

He obviously couldn't understand Wu Xun's stop...

To this!

Wu Xun sighed helplessly.

"I know that Wu Huan killed A Zhan, and I can understand how you feel now."

"However, you cannot leave the Thunder Mountain Tribe!"


Wu Tianjue clenched his fists and said angrily.

"Because, if you go to the Qingshan tribe, you will definitely die without a burial place."

Wu Xun said calmly.


Will you die if you go to the Qingshan tribe?

Hearing this, Wu Tianjue felt awe-inspiring and couldn't help but froze on the spot.

at this time!

The anger and hatred in his heart were suppressed.

"Old man of the rich clan, why is this?"

"The Qingshan Tribe is just a small tribe with less than a hundred people. It has strength but no power, and no foundation. How can it threaten me?"

Wu Tianjue frowned.

Hear the words!

Wu Xuan sighed and shook his head.

"You are talking about the former Qingshan Tribe!"

"Today, the Qingshan tribe is no longer the same as before. I received the exact message from the God of Thunder in the ancestral temple. The God of Qingshan worshiped by the Qingshan tribe has completely revived."

"Moreover, the Qingshan Tribe has already unified the 8,000-mile area of ​​Da Qingshan. There are hundreds of masters in the Divine Vein Realm among the tribe."

"Moreover, the Qingshan Tribe is also protected by the God of Qingshan!"

"If you go there, I'm afraid you'll die but not come back..."

Wu Xuan said in a deep voice.


The God of Green Mountain has also revived?

Wu Tianjue was shocked when he suddenly heard the news!

The anger and hatred in his eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by intense shock and disbelief.


He thought that it was just the Thunder God of his own tribe who had resurrected; who knew that the Qingshan God of the Qingshan Tribe had also resurrected at this time.

Moreover, from Wu Xuan's words, it is obvious that he is extremely afraid of the Qingshan Tribe...

This shows that the God of Qingshan is more powerful than the God of Thunder worshiped by the Leishan tribe.

"Old man from a wealthy clan, the Qingshan tribe is just a weak tribe with less than a hundred people. How can it be possible to have enough incense and sacrifices to resurrect the God of Qingshan?"

Wu Tianjue said in surprise.

To this!

Wu Xuan didn't know what was going on.

"There should be a mystery in this that we don't know about!"

"However, no matter how the Green Mountain God revives, as long as it revives, it will pose a huge threat."

"Fortunately, the God of Qingshan has just revived, and his strength should not be very strong. Otherwise, I am afraid that he would have launched a war against our Thunder Mountain Tribe."

"It is precisely because of this that I stopped you from going to the Qingshan Tribe."

"Now, that's a dead place!"

"Who comes, who dies~"

Wu Xuan said in a condensed voice.

After hearing this, Wu Tianjue was silent for a while.

"Big clan elder, if this is the case, with the continuous resurgence of the Green Mountain God, sooner or later it will threaten our Thunder Mountain Tribe. How should we deal with it?"

"I don't know either!"

"For the current plan, we can only wait and see what happens. Let's go to the temple and ask the God of Thunder first. Maybe he has a way..."

God of Thunder?

Wu Tianjue perked up!

This is their last hope...


The two of them headed towards the Thunder Temple in Lei Ming Mountain as quickly as possible.

See this.

Lin Wudao, who was hiding deep in the void, pondered for a while and then followed...

Thunder Temple!


When they arrived here, Wu Xun and Wu Tianjue immediately knelt down in front of the statue with extremely respectful and pious gestures.

"Meet the God of Thunder!"

"Meet the God of Thunder!"

The two of them bowed to the ground.


After a while, a faint divine light suddenly bloomed from the statue.


Along with an ancient and majestic aura, an illusory figure slowly appeared.

It is the so-called God of Thunder, Wu Qiong!

"What are you doing here?"

Disembodied voices sounded in the temple.

Hear the words!

The two of them were in awe!

Gods and mortals have essential differences in life levels.

Although the current God of Thunder only gave birth to a ray of divinity, the pressure it brought to them was also very terrifying, making both of their souls tremble.

"Reporting to the great god, today was originally the wedding day of my son Wu Zhan, but who would have thought that he would be killed by the traitor Wu Huan."

"In addition, the Qingshan tribe is getting stronger day by day. If it continues to develop at this rate, it may pose an existential threat to our Leishan tribe. Therefore, we boldly come to ask the great god for instructions."

"Please ask the great god to guide the Leishan tribe on what to do next..."

Wu Tianjue reported in a trembling voice.

Hear this!

Wu Qiong among the statues could not help but frown.

In fact!

He also felt a huge threat from the Qingshan tribe!

The God of the Green Mountains had already proven the terrifying existence of the True God many years ago. Once he recovers, he will be wiped out soon. "

At that time, tens of thousands of years of hard work and efforts will be in vain...


In order to save the tribe and save himself at the same time, Wu Qiong has thought of a way to deal with it.

"About this matter, I have a plan to deal with it!"

"Wu Tianjue, as the leader of the Leishan Tribe, it's time for you to contribute to the tribe..."

"Please give me your instructions!"

"I will not hesitate to die for the glory of the tribe!"

Wu Tianjue kowtowed heavily.

Hear this!

Wu Qiong nodded with satisfaction.

"There is only one way to deal with the threat from the Qingshan Tribe, and that is to improve the tribe's strength and make it more powerful than the Qingshan Tribe."

"This god knows a shortcut to quickly improve your strength, but it just requires you to make sacrifices..."

Sacrifice for the tribe?

Wu Tianjue was in awe!

"Please tell me, God, that I am willing to sacrifice everything for the tribe!"

Take a deep breath.

Wu Tianjue kowtowed heavily.


"I am very pleased that you are willing to sacrifice your life for the tribe."

call out!

As he spoke, a faint divine light bloomed.


It turned into an ancient and mysterious broken picture scroll and fell into Wu Tianjue's hands...

That, is a map!

"This map records the location of the temple of an ancient evil god. There is a great opportunity hidden in that lost temple."

"According to ancient legends, as long as you find that temple and pray devoutly to the evil god, you will be able to use the artifacts left by the evil god in the world after becoming his servant."

"It is said that it is a terrifying killing array!"

"As long as you master the killing formation, you will definitely gain terrifying power. In this way, you can protect the Thunder Mountain Tribe and resist the invasion of the Qingshan Tribe."

"It's just that the killing array is too evil and can easily make living beings lose their minds."

"Once you can't control it, or are eroded by its evil power, you will definitely become a killing maniac and fall into a situation that is beyond redemption..."

"Therefore, you must be prepared to sacrifice!"

A majestic voice slowly sounded.

Killing array?

An artifact of an ancient evil god?

Hearing this, Wu Tianjue was shocked!


Lin Wudao, who was peeping in the darkness, also showed a surprised look.

"Evil God?"

"This old guy Wu Qiong is really a big fat sheep. He knows a lot of ancient secrets..."

He secretly narrowed his eyes.

The artifact left by an evil god in the human world should be of great value.

I just don’t know where it is…

"What, are you scared?"

Seeing that Wu Tianjue remained silent, Wu Qiong's majestic voice sounded again.


"Great God, I said that I am willing to dedicate everything to the tribe and sacrifice everything. As long as I can protect the tribe, I am willing to do anything."

Wu Tianjue made a series of decisive decisions.

at this time!

He seems to have put life and death aside!


"I admire your courage and courage very much. You are worthy of being the leader of the Leishan Tribe. All the people in the tribe will be proud of you..."

Wu Qiong praised.

"May I ask the great god, where is the temple of the evil god?"

"Lingxu! Ancient Divine Well!"

"As long as you enter the ancient sacred well, this map will naturally lead you to the location of the temple..."

Say it.

The shadow transformed by Wu Qiong instantly dissipated.

The temple has returned to peace~

Spiritual ruins?

Hearing this name, Lin Wudao was thoughtful.


The ancient Azure Dragon's Spine picked up by Tushan Cangyue was passed down from the Ling Ruins.

This time.

Mentioned the Lingxu again!

"It seems that it is necessary to go to Lingxu to have a look..."

He thought to himself.

at the same time!

Wu Tianjue and Wu Xun also fell into silence.

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