"Okay, I agree!"

"Ask the Great God to help me and go to Leize to obtain the Seal of the Great World. I am willing to be your servant for 30,000 years and serve the Great God devoutly..."


After being silent for a while, Tushan Cangyue bowed her head and paid homage.

She is a decisive person!

The Great Demon God of Qingshan in front of her was the only person she could rely on. As long as she could change her fate against the will of heaven, she would not hesitate to be his servant for thirty thousand years.

Lin Wudao was not surprised by this result.

Everything was as he expected...

Tushan Cangyue was born with great luck. Being a servant for thirty thousand years was enough for him to accomplish many things. In exchange for a Great World Seal, he would definitely make a lot of money.

"In this case, you come to my temple tomorrow, and I will help you go to Leize and obtain the Seal of the Great World."

The majestic voice filled the temple!

Say it.

Lin Wudao relied on the sacrificial power of the Great Demon God of Qingshan. With a slight thought, a trace of Tushan Cangyue's soul mark flew out automatically and fell into his hands.

Mastering this soul imprint will control Tushan Cangyue's life and death.

For the first time, Lin Wudao had a personal experience of the magic of divine power...

It is indeed more powerful than other true gods!

"Thank you, God!"

After receiving Lin Wudao's affirmative answer, Tushan Cangyue's eyes also filled with unprecedented expectations.


She bowed devoutly and left Qingshan Temple respectfully.


Just as Tu Shan Cang Yue left, Lin Wudao's clone appeared in the temple. Looking at Tu Shan Cang Yue's soul mark on his hand, a smile appeared on his lips.

From today on, he also has a divine servant!


Tushan Cangyue's value and potential are far greater than those of Li Heishui and others under his command. The only one who can compare with her is probably Yin Siming.

"Three hundred million luck points in exchange for one month's right to exercise the power of the Great Demon God of Qingshan. This deal is indeed a huge profit..."

Lin Wudao sighed softly.

Say it.

He disappeared in a flash, and when he appeared again, he was back on the other side of the sea of ​​suffering.

at this time!

Yin Siming and Li Zangtian were both waiting for news about him.

"City Lord, this forbidden road..."

"Well, I used my clone to test it out. As of now, it does require a lot of lifespan as support to reach the end safely."

"Right now, I will go to the outside world first, and you will stay here for the time being."

"When the time is right, I will come back to pick you up..."

Lin Wudao ordered.

Hear the words!

Yin Siming nodded.


Lin Wudao explained again and left the place of sin in the form of a clone.

Qingshan tribe!

After leaving the temple, Tu Shanming, the old man of the Gray Clothes tribe, called all the tribe members together, and then informed everyone about everything that happened in the Qingshan Temple.

When they heard that the God of Qingshan really existed in the world, the rest of the clansmen all widened their eyes with expressions of disbelief...

This news had a huge impact on them!

For a while.

Many people didn’t react...


After seeing with their own eyes what happened to Tu Shannuo, they had no choice but to believe it.

after all.

That is beyond human power!

Only gods have the heaven-defying ability to bring the dead back to life...

"Now, the great god of Qingshan has appeared. This is undoubtedly a great blessing for our Qingshan tribe. From now on, our Qingshan tribe also has a powerful ancestral sacrificial spirit."

"The existence of the Qingshan Great God will definitely bring glory and glory to our Qingshan Tribe."

"Therefore, I have decided to resume worshiping the Great God Qingshan from now on. All members of the tribe must strictly abide by the rules of the temple and must not desecrate the Great God Qingshan."

"Anyone who violates this rule will be expelled from the Tushan clan!"

Tu Shanming said sternly.

Hear the words!

Many tribesmen naturally responded.

"Elder of the clan, now that the existence of the Great God Qingshan has been confirmed, should we hold a grand sacrificial event to honor the Great God?"

At this time.

Tu Shanguo said.

Hearing this, Tu Shanming immediately cast an appreciative look.

"Ah Guo is right!"

"Since we want to resume worshiping the Qingshan God, we naturally have to hold a grand sacrifice to pray to the God to protect our Qingshan tribe and make it prosperous and free from disasters."

"Tu Shantuo, I'll leave this matter to you!"

"Next, you will lead the tribe's hunting team to Daqingshan to hunt monsters and use them as sacrifices to worship the Qingshan God..."

Tu Shanming ordered.


For this task, Tu Shanjie happily accepted it.

His eyes were full of excitement!


He has broken through to the realm of divine power, so he can show off his skills!

"As for the rest of the tribe, they are preparing the spiritual grains and livestock for sacrifice, and at the same time building the altar according to the methods passed down by my Tushan clan ancestors."

"Sacrifice to the gods, solemn and sacred!"

"This is a major event for our Qingshan Tribe, and it is even more related to the life, death and glory of our Qingshan Tribe. Everyone must go all out and make no mistakes."

Tu Shanming warned in a condensed voice.

To this!

Everyone immediately shouted yes!


Tu Shanming explained some other precautions, and everyone retreated...


"Big clan elder, a mysterious man came from outside the tribe. He said he came to get something that was deposited with my Tushan clan 36,000 years ago."


A tall tribesman came in a hurry and reported.


Thirty-six thousand years of stuff?

Hearing these words suddenly, Tu Shanming was startled at first, but then as if he remembered something, his old face suddenly changed.

"It's finally here..."

He sighed heavily.

The voice was full of bitterness and helplessness!

"Where is that man now?"

"Just outside the tribe!"

"Elder of the clan, do you want me to bring him in?"

"No need, I'll go in person..."


Tu Shanming walked out of the Qingshan tribe step by step with a heavy and anxious mood.

After a while!

When he came outside the tribe, he saw a mysterious man shrouded in a black cloak, with an ancient mask on his face.

The whole person is extremely unpredictable!

"This old man is Tu Shanming, the current rich man of the Qingshan tribe of the Tushan clan. I heard that you are here to get something?"

Tu Shanming asked carefully.


The mysterious man nodded.

While talking.

He flipped his hand, took out an ancient token, and handed it to Tu Shanming.

This person!

It was Lin Wudao!

After leaving the Land of Sin, he came to the Qingshan Tribe as a clone and wanted to take away the corpse of the true god that Xiao Tianyi had stored in the Tushan clan 36,000 years ago.

after all!

This was a gift left to him by the other party!

For Lin Wudao, the corpse of a true god was naturally something he could never find...

do not miss it!

at the same time.

When he saw the ancient token that Lin Wudao took out, Tu Shanming's heart suddenly trembled. He first looked at it, and then took out an ancient picture scroll.

There is also a pattern engraved on it!

This was a rubbing made by the ancestors of the Tushan clan in the past, as a proof of taking things...

"Yes, that's right!"

After careful comparison, Tu Shanming did not find any traces of fraud.

This token is indeed real!

"In that case, can the rich man take me to get that thing?"


"Your Excellency, please come with me..."


Tu Shanming sighed secretly, and then walked towards the back mountain ancestral land of the Qingshan tribe.

Not long!

Lin Wudao caught his eye when he saw an ancient stone palace made of huge stones.


What made him frown was that the stone temple in front of him had obviously been severely damaged. Currently, there was only a simple stone house left to worship the ancestors of the Qingshan tribe.

With the stone house as the center, they are all ruins...

"Elder, where are the things?"

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Lin Wudao had a bad feeling in his heart.


When facing his inquiry, Tu Shanming showed a bitter expression.

"Distinguished guest, I will tell you the truth. The thing that was stored in my Tushan family for thirty-six thousand years was already snatched away ten thousand years ago."


My true god's body was robbed?

After hearing this result, Lin Wudao suddenly became unhappy...

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