Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 243 Those who are born with great luck will be their servants for thirty thousand years!

call out!

Following Lin Wudao's thought, in an instant, a bright divine light flew out from the ancient statue, covering Tu Shannuo's entire body.




They saw deep sounds of wind and thunder coming from Tu Shannuo's body. Then, everyone was surprised to find that Tu Shannuo's aura became stronger and stronger.


About a quarter of an hour later, under the power of the realm-breaking magic, he forcibly broke the shackles of the divine palace realm and entered the realm of divine power.


"Ah, he actually broke through?"

"Great God Qingshan really has the unparalleled ability to turn decay into something magical..."

Seeing this magical scene in front of them, everyone in the Qingshan tribe was shocked, and the awe and respect for the Great Demon God of Qingshan became stronger and stronger in their hearts.


Even though she had already seen the methods of Qingshan Great Demon God, Tushan Cangyue was still very shocked, and a strange light floated in the depths of her cold eyes.

"Believer +1!"

"Believer +1!"

"Believer +1!"

System prompts sounded one after another.

Just for a moment.

Lin Wudao discovered that his followers had actually increased by thirty-three...

Shockingly coming from the Qingshan Tribe in front of me!

"The magic of Qingshan Great Demon God is really easy to use, and it is also very magical."

"It seems that the system is not wrong. A true god who becomes enlightened through incense is much more powerful than a true god who relies on his own strength, both in terms of strength and means."

"However, gods who become enlightened by incense also have huge flaws. They are completely dependent on their own believers. Once their faith declines, their power will be greatly reduced."

"There is even the danger of falling..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

Incense Shinto is truly wonderful!


Just when Lin Wudao was sighing at the magic of Incense Divine Way, at this moment, Tu Shannuo, who had returned to his original state and had broken through the realm of divine power, also completely woke up.

The moment he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the extremely surprised Tushan Ruoruo.


There are many members of the Qingshan tribe around...

"Brother, you finally woke up~"

Tushan Ruoruo's eyes showed infinite joy, and his young face was covered with a bright smile.

at the same time!

The same is true for Tu Shan Cang Yue and others.

Seeing this scene, Tu Shannuo couldn't help but froze on the spot.

at this time.

He had no idea what was going on.

"Ruoruo? Cangyue?"

"I wasn't injured by a wild tiger. I'm already... Hey, the injuries on my body... I'm not dead?"

"Also, my cultivation level...the realm of divine power?"


Tu Shanruo's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it!

He clearly remembered that he went hunting in Daqing Mountain and was unfortunately injured by a wild tiger. According to the serious injury, he would definitely not survive.


Now, not only is he not dead, but his cultivation has also broken through to the realm of divine power.

The shocking changes before and after made Tu Shannuo unable to react for a while...

To this!

Tushan Ruoruo on the side was laughing non-stop.

"Brother, you are fine. It was the Great God Qingshan who saved you. Moreover, the eldest sister also sacrificed her animal bone necklace, and finally asked the Great God Qingshan to help you break through the shackles."

"All of this is the grace of God Qingshan!"

"Let me just say that the Great God Qingshan did not die. He really exists in the world. You just don't believe it. Now you know that I didn't lie to you, right?"

Tushan Ruoruo pouted and said.


Great God Qingshan?

After listening to Tu Shan Ruoruo's words, Tu Shanruo stood up from the ground in shock and looked around in confusion.

at this time!

Only then did he realize that he was in the Qingshan Temple...


The people around him had unprecedented awe and reverence in their eyes.

"How can this be?"

"Isn't the Great God Qingshan a god made up by my ancestors of the Tushan clan? How could he really exist in the world? Moreover, this so-called Great God Qingshan is actually a demon god."

"Now, it has come to life from nothingness and become reality?"

Tu Shannuo was extremely shocked.

The amount of information was a bit large, and for a while, he couldn't accept it!

"Cang Yue, it's really..."


"If I didn't lie to you, it was indeed the God of Qingshan who saved you. The God of Qingshan that our Tushan clan has always worshiped does indeed exist..."

Tushan Cangyue nodded solemnly.


Tu Shannuo couldn't help but take a deep breath, his heart was shaken.

Until much later!

He is gradually accepting this reality!

"Brother, quickly kneel down and thank God Qingshan, hurry up..."

At this time.

Tushan Ruoruo pulled Tu Shanguo's sleeves and whispered.

Hear the words!

Tu Shannuo immediately suppressed the shock in his heart and fell to his knees heavily on the ground.

"Thank you, God Qingshan, for saving my life!"




Under the gaze of everyone, Tu Shanguo kept kowtowing with an extremely respectful and pious attitude.

To this.

Lin Wudao kept watching with cold eyes.

"If there is nothing else, please leave!"


A majestic and majestic voice sounded in the temple.

After hearing this, no one dared to disobey!


After some devout worship, he exited Qingshan Temple one after another...


What surprised Lin Wudao was that Tushan Cangyue actually stayed.

"Tushan Cangyue, why don't you leave?"

Divine power!

Sweeping the entire Qingshan Temple.


As Lin Wudao's voice sounded, Tushan Cangyue hesitated for a while and knelt on the ground again.

"Great God Qingshan, this little girl still has something to ask for..."

She bowed devoutly.


Still have a wish?

A smile bloomed at the corner of Lin Wudao's mouth.

It’s good to have wishes!

As long as she has needs, Lin Wudao can get benefits.

"What do you want to ask God to help you with?"

"Reporting to the Great God, I would like to sacrifice my own life to ask the Great God to help me go to Leize in Daqing Mountain and obtain a Seal of the Great World..."

Tushan Cangyue said respectfully.

at this time!

In the depths of her eyes, there was unprecedented longing and expectation...

Lei Ze?

The seal of the big world?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's heart moved slightly.

According to the records in the "Qingshan Divine Code", Leize is a rather peculiar place. Because it is often baptized by thunder from the sky, it is named Leize.

Among them, there live many powerful thunder beasts!


The Great World Seal mentioned by Tushan Cangyue is definitely not a mortal thing...

Think of this.

Lin Wudao immediately checked Tu Shan Cang Yue's information with his divine eyes.

Name: Tushan Cangyue

Identity: Tushan clan member

Cultivation: Early stage of becoming a god

Qualification: Excellent

Talent: Eye of Destiny

Kung Fu: "The Great Wilderness Sutra"

Skill: Wrath of the Eight Gods

Destiny: Immortality

Item: Yagami Picture Scroll

Lifespan: 10364

Notes: 1. People who are born with great luck!

2. On the day of birth, due to the erosion of dark matter, one's own qualifications and roots were polluted, and 99% of the qualifications were cut off, reducing him to 'excellent'.

3. The Eye of Destiny can be opened nine times in a lifetime. Each time it is opened, you can observe how you can change your destiny.

4. Lei Ze, contains the method of changing one’s life!

5. Longevity, one year of life can be added every day!

6. Once the life change is successful, you will have the qualifications of the Immortal King!

A lot of information is presented in front of you!

After reading.

Lin Wudao was also shocked!

Tushan Cangyue's panel information was too gorgeous, even compared to Ji Ruyue, Ye Banxian and others he had seen before.

Especially the talent of 'Eye of Destiny', which is too heaven-defying and miraculous; in addition, she also has longevity, which can increase her lifespan by one year every day.

As for the "Great Wilderness Sutra" and the Picture Scroll of the Eight Gods, they are also coveted by countless people...

These, all in one!

It can be seen from this.

Tu Shan Cang Yue’s heaven-defying power!

"As expected of a person born with great luck!"

"When she was born, her aptitude and bones were eroded by dark matter, and ninety-nine percent of it was cut off, but she still maintained an 'excellent' state. If she had not been contaminated by dark matter, how evil would her aptitude be? ?”

Lin Wudao couldn't imagine it.

This Tushan Cangyue is simply the darling of heaven!


The Li Heishui he met was also a son of luck who had fallen from the altar, but compared to Tu Shan Cang Yue, he was slightly inferior.

"Please help me, God!"

Dong Dong Dong~

Tushan Cangyue worshiped devoutly.

See it!

Lin Wudao began to think deeply...

"If you want me to help you go to Leize to obtain the Seal of the Great World, you have to pay a corresponding price. I don't want your lifespan, only your soul."


A cold and ruthless voice sounded.


Want my soul?

Hearing these words suddenly, Tushan Cangyue was shocked and her body trembled involuntarily.

"My requirements are not high. If you want this god to help you obtain the seal of the great world, you only need to offer your soul and be my servant for thirty thousand years."

"Thirty thousand years later, I will give you your freedom!"

A majestic and indifferent voice slowly sounded.

Served as a servant for thirty thousand years?

As soon as these words came out, Tushan Cangyue couldn't help but clenched her fists, and her heart was filled with struggle...

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