"Your Excellency has something to say!"

"I have heard about the grudge between you and Qin Shura. All of this is the fault of my Black Demon Palace. Besides, Qin Shura has been killed. Why don't you come up with a condition and let us discuss it?"

A little silence.

Shangguan Bai looked at the dark night outside the palace and said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao, who was hiding in the darkness, had a cold sneer on his lips...

"Hey, do you have something to say?"

"Before, when you, the Black Demon Palace, came to surround me and others, did you have a good talk? If I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid that my subordinates and friends would have been brutally murdered."

"I must take revenge for this!"

"Today, as long as you can survive until dawn without the magic lantern, I will consider letting you live. Otherwise, just leave it to fate..."


As he spoke, Lin Wudao waved his big hand in the darkness, and a majestic wind suddenly swept through the space in all directions, blowing out large tracts of magic lamps.


He kept flashing his body, collecting the extinguished magic lamps into the system space.

See this scene.

Shangguan Bai was shocked!

"Be careful~"

Seeing many magic lamps suddenly extinguished and then disappearing for no apparent reason, Shangguan Bai suddenly yelled anxiously.


It's too late!




When the magic lamp went out, darkness instantly enveloped the earth, and countless terrifying demons and evil spirits rushed out of the night like a tide, devouring the disciples of the Black Demon Palace with big mouthfuls.


In the cold dark night, the sounds of demons gnawing and the screams of people were heard one after another...

Just a moment!

Most of the disciples of the Black Demon Palace died!

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Bai was furious, but also felt panic and uneasiness.

Lin Wudao's methods were too weird.

He didn't find any clues at all!


In desperation, he ignored the disciples who were devoured by the demon and immediately grabbed a magic lamp tightly in his hand as quickly as possible.

Looks highly alert...


He had no idea how terrifying Lin Wudao was.

"Hmph, do you think that with the magic lantern in hand, you will be safe?"

"You are too naive~"


A cold sneer came from the darkness.


The moment the voice fell, accompanied by the powerful murderous intent of the ancient wilderness, a tall undead knight appeared in front of him riding a wild war horse.

Lin Wudao spent two thousand years of life and directly raised its combat power to the Shentai realm.

The purpose is to deal with Shangguan Bai!


Without any hesitation, the undead knight directly waved the sword in his hand and killed him fiercely...

The terrifying Baizhang Sword Qi directly tore the air apart!


"Shentai realm?"

Looking at the undead knight who suddenly burst out of the darkness, Shangguan Bai frowned.

He couldn't figure out what Lin Wudao was doing.

Just want to kill a puppet in the divine stage?

It’s too much to underestimate him!

Thinking of this.

Shangguan Bai snorted coldly, raised his hand and struck out with a palm, and the powerful force directly wiped out the sword energy that was struck.


Just as he shattered the sword energy, another cold voice came out from the darkness...

"Pure Land of All Heavens!"


The moment the words fell, Shangguan Bai suddenly felt a mysterious power envelope him. Then, he was shocked to find that his cultivation had forcibly dropped to a great level.

From the early stage of Shenlun realm, I fell directly to the early stage of Shentai realm...

"How can this be?"

The sudden change frightened Shangguan Bai to death.

He didn't understand what was happening at all!

call out!

Just when he was shocked, suddenly, the undead knight in front of him slashed out with a sword. In an instant, a sharp sword energy swept through the air and fell on him.


Screams full of pain echoed inside and outside the Black Demon Palace.


Under the powerful power of the undead knight, Shangguan Bai flew backwards instantly.

at the same time.

The magic lantern in his hand was also forcibly knocked away...


For a moment, he clearly felt that boundless darkness enveloped him.


From the cold darkness, there was a scarlet and bloodthirsty light.

That's a bunch of extremely ferocious demons...

See this scene!

Even though Shangguan Bai had a powerful cultivation level in the Divine Wheel Realm, his scalp was numb with fear at this time.

Among those demons, there is a terrifying existence in the Divine Wheel Realm. With his current seriously injured state, once he is besieged by the demons, he will definitely die without a burial place.

Think of this!

In panic, Shangguan Bai immediately wanted to pick up the magic lamp on the ground to resist the demon's attack.


Lin Wudao did not let him get his wish.


Just when Shangguan Bai's palm touched the magic lamp, Lin Wudao was one step ahead of him and grabbed the magic lamp in his hand.

"damn it!"


Seeing the only remaining magic lamp being forcibly taken away by Lin Wudao, Shangguan Bai immediately roared at the top of his lungs, and endless panic and despair emerged in his eyes.

at the same time!

There is also boundless anger and hatred!

The magic lantern is the life-saving straw in the dark night of the land of sin; without the magic lantern, all creatures under the true God will be buried in the mouth of the demon.

Although Shangguan Bai was conceited, he did not have any courage to face the demons and evil spirits in the dark night.

That's something he can't resist at all!


"What do you want? I can promise you anything..."

Seeing the demon getting closer and closer, Shangguan Bai finally couldn't restrain the panic and fear in his heart and yelled crazily.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao smiled coldly.

"I want you to be my slave and be driven by me..."

A voice without any emotion came out slowly.


As your slave?

Shangguan Bai's eyes burst out with intense humiliation and resentment.

"What, you don't want to?"

"Since you are not satisfied with this condition, then you have no choice but to die..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

"No, no, no, I do!"

"As long as you can save me, I, Shangguan Bai, am willing to be your slave. From now on, I will be driven by you and recognize you as my master forever..."

Under the threat of death, Shangguan Bai roared anxiously.

Rather than die, he chose to continue living!


"In that case, I will give you a chance..."


As the sound rang out, suddenly, a magic lamp suddenly lit up from beside Shangguan Bai, driving away the demons in the coldness and darkness.

at the same time!

A mark of the slave contract also flew out of Lin Wudao's hand and landed between Shangguan Bai's eyebrows.

at last.

It was deeply imprinted on his soul...

A rebellious villain like him can only be tamed by first breaking all his pride and then trampling all his dignity and face.

Otherwise, one day you will disobey discipline!

Lin Wudao's strategy was to first let Shangguan Bai experience the fear of death, and then pull him back from the brink of death, so that he would be in awe of himself.

“How does it feel to face death?”


"I, the sinful city lord Lin Wudao, from now on, you are my slave. As long as you serve me faithfully, you will only have your chance and good fortune in the future."

A calm voice came out slowly.

Say it.

Lin Wudao flicked his fingers, lit up the nearby magic lamp, and then strode to the Black Demon Hall.

Under the main hall, Shangguan Bai knelt down on the ground with a complicated heart...

His expression was both frightened and full of sadness and helplessness.

To this.

Lin Wudao ignored it!

"Go and get all the resources that your Black Demon Palace has collected over the years for me."


Shangguan Bai bowed in response.


He went to the treasure house as quickly as possible and retrieved all the resources from the Black Demon Palace.

A total of 120,000 magic stones!

Looking at these things, Lin Wudao frowned slightly.

"The only resources in the Black Demon Palace are magic stones?"


"Where are the treasures? Where are the treasures of heaven and earth? Are there...none of these?"


Shangguan Bai shook his head.

"The land of sin has been eroded by endless evil and demonic energy. It cannot produce any heavenly material or earthly treasure at all. Apart from magic stones, there is nothing left."

"Because, as long as those who are exiled to the land of sin, there is no intention to let them live..."

Shangguan Bai explained.

After hearing this, Lin Wudao was a little disappointed, but he could only accept it.

"Okay, go down!"

"By the way, you go to the Kuangren Pavilion and the God of Death Inn, invite the real leaders of their two families, and bring all their resources with them."


Shangguan Bai felt awe-struck in his heart.

Lin Wudao's move was obviously not prepared to let go of any force in the Land of Sin.

To this!

Although he felt helpless, he did not dare to disobey.


He respectfully exited the Black Demon Palace and quickly headed towards the Madman Pavilion and the God of Death Inn...

After he left, Lin Wudao immediately focused on the magic stone in front of him.

The quality of these magic stones varies greatly!

Although it contains power, it is mixed with strong demonic nature and cannot be directly refined and absorbed.

[System, after a magic stone is sacrificed, how much luck is it worth? 】

[First-order magic stone, worth one hundred! 】

[Second-level magic stone, worth three hundred! 】

[Level 3 magic stone, worth five hundred! 】

The system gives the recycling price.


Lin Wudao frowned.

[First-order magic stone, which can only be bred by monsters in the Divine Palace realm, is only worth a hundred luck points? 】

[The magic stone is useless! 】

[If it weren’t for the small amount of spiritual power contained in it, it wouldn’t even be worth a hundred luck points...]

The system responded.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao frowned even more tightly.

[Oh, let’s sacrifice them all! 】

Although I feel very disappointed, it is useless to keep so many magic stones. It is always good to exchange for some luck value.

Plus he won it from Qin Shura before.

A total of 150,000 magic stones!


[You sacrificed 148,536 first-level magic stones and 2,348 second-level magic stones, earning a total of 15,558,000 luck points! 】

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Middle stage of Nirvana realm

Lifespan: 4214

Luck value: 40008000

New information is presented.

After reading.

Lin Wudao shook his head...

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