Black Demon Palace!

One of the three giants in the Land of Sin, since its creation, it has gathered nearly 100,000 murderers. It is extremely powerful both in terms of power and background.

at this time!

In the ancient palace at the deepest part of the Black Demon Palace, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes was sitting cross-legged on a square of bluestone, with an ancient sword on his knees.

The whole person exudes a cold and sharp aura...

Like a peerless sword god!

He was clearly the strongest man in the Black Demon Palace, Shangguan Bai, known as the Sword Demon.

His cultivation has reached the Divine Wheel Realm!

Looking at the entire land of sin, it is also the most peak existence, and there are no more than three people who can compare with it.




Just when Shangguan Bai was meditating quietly, suddenly, a disciple of the Black Demon Palace came to him in a hurry, and prostrated on the ground with infinite awe.

"Report to the Sword Master, the Palace Master was killed..."


Qin Shura is dead?

Upon hearing the news suddenly, Shangguan Bai, who was practicing, suddenly opened his cold eyes and frowned instantly.

"what happened?"

"Qin Shura was so good, how could he be killed?"

He raised his eyes.

Waves of ferocious momentum surged out like a violent storm, shrouding the disciple and frightening him to the point of despair.

"Reporting to the sword master, the palace master was killed by a newcomer!"

"Before, the palace master had bet against that man in the arena. As a result, the palace master lost. In anger, he wanted to suppress the man to vent his hatred."

"I didn't know that the newcomer was so terrifying that he stood still and resisted the palace master's full blow with his body, but there was no damage at all."

"Later, the newcomer took someone to the Demon Prison, so the palace master wanted to take someone to take revenge."

"The result...the result was that he was buried outside the devil's prison..."

The disciples reported the news anxiously.


Killed Qin Shura?

Upon hearing the news, Shangguan Bai frowned even more tightly and his eyes looked a little gloomy.

He was very clear about Qin Shura's strength.

Qin Shura has cultivated to the level of the divine platform. With such strength, he can be regarded as the strongest person even in the entire land of sin.


He was killed by a newcomer?

This result made Shangguan Bai a little incredible...

"Do you know who the newcomer is?"

"This... I don't know."

"What about his specific cultivation strength?"

"The villain doesn't know..."

The disciple replied tremblingly.

They really couldn't see through Lin Wudao's identity and strength!

"Then where are they now?"

"Reporting to the sword master, the newcomer is still in the Demon Prison. It seems that he is not threatened by the curse of the Demon Prison. In addition, he also has a scary big dog under his hands."

"The palace master was bitten by it, and as a result, his cultivation level dropped by a huge level..."


After being bitten by a dog, your cultivation level dropped?

Shangguan Bai felt awe-struck in his heart.

This was the first time he heard such strange and strange things.

"It looks like the person who came here is evil!"

a long time.

He sighed softly, his eyes a little heavy.

"You go down first. Always pay attention to that person's every move. If there is any situation, report it to me in a timely manner."

"Besides, it's going to be dark soon, so light up all the magic lanterns around the Black Demon Palace..."


The man bowed in response.

Say it.

Then he exited the Black Demon Palace.

After he left, Shangguan Bai frowned and began to think deeply. As time passed, the expression between his eyebrows became serious.

at this time!

He felt a threat in the dark, approaching...

"That person was able to withstand Qin Shura's full blow without suffering any damage. Either his body is extremely powerful, or his strength far exceeds that of Qin Shura."

"At least, you can achieve the Divine Wheel Realm!"

"Having not been born for hundreds of years, are all the creatures in the Mountain Realm so powerful now?"

Shangguan Bai was secretly surprised.

Although he was very curious about the newcomer's identity and specific strength, he did not act rashly for the time being.

If that person is really targeting the Black Demon Palace, he will naturally come to him.

By the time!

Everything will become clear naturally!

Think of this.

Shangguan Bai immediately abandoned many distracting thoughts in his heart and continued to sink into cultivation...


Darkness once again covers the land of sin!

at this time.

In the decayed and dilapidated City of Sin, a large number of magic lamps have already been lit, and the orange lights illuminate half of the sky, driving away all darkness and evil.

at the same time!

The Black Demon Palace's sphere of influence is also filled with a tense atmosphere...

Every time darkness falls, it is a huge challenge related to life and death for the creatures in the land of sin.

Once you fail, you will die without a burial place!


They relied on the mountain of Black Demon Palace and were not in danger of their lives for the time being.


They didn't know that a huge crisis had quietly arrived...


When night fell, a strange figure shuttled through the deepest part of the endless void, quietly entering the City of Sin.


Arrive at the Black Demon Palace!

"The demons and evil spirits in this sinful land are too poor. If they want to make a fortune, they have to rely on human cultivators."

"Since Qin Shura is dead, let's collect some mental damage fees from your Black Demon Palace..."

The person who came was suddenly Lin Wudao.

In this land of sin, the resources are too barren!

Through his understanding, the resources and treasures possessed by the creatures here are simply pitiful, and they are not much better than those demons and evil spirits.

Since he is burdened with many sins, he will definitely not be able to squeeze out his luck value.

The only advantage is that they have richer experience. Compared with demons, they have many more opportunities to come into contact with treasures...

According to Lin Wudao's plan, he had to make a fortune before leaving.


He first aimed at the Black Demon Palace!

This is a big fat sheep...


Naturally, it won't work just by relying on him alone.

You still need some help!

To this!

Lin Wudao already had a plan in mind...


After some observation, he set his sights on those bright magic lanterns, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.


Lin Wudao relied on his clone to continuously shuttle through the void. Without anyone noticing, he blew out the magic lamps one after another and then put them away.


As the magic lamp went out and disappeared, large tracts of darkness began to sweep across the Black Demon Palace, and many terrifying demons and evil spirits also grew from the darkness.

One by one, they bared their teeth and claws, revealing their scarlet, bloodthirsty eyes in the darkness...


"There are demons, there are demons invading!"

"What's going on? Where's the magic lantern?"

"Go and report to the sword master, something big has happened..."

Panic-stricken roars sounded from all over the Black Demon Palace.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also searched all the way, blew out the magic lamps one after another, and then put them into the system space.

Following his actions, large swathes of darkness began to sweep across the Black Demon Palace, and many of the fanatics under his sect became the blood prey of demons and evil spirits.

In just a moment, darkness has already eroded one-third of the Black Demon Palace...

At this time!

Hearing the noise from the outside world, Shangguan Bai was also alarmed!

The Black Demon's Hall.

He held an ancient sword in both hands, his cold eyes sweeping across the void in all directions, his gaze fixed.




As time passed, Shangguan Bai saw with his own eyes that the bright magic lamps were inexplicably blown out and then disappeared completely.

As soon as the magic lamp disappeared, it was replaced by the crazy killing of monsters.

More and more disciples became the blood food of the demon one after another...


Seeing this scene, Shangguan Bai couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. His big hand holding the sword also clenched tightly, and the expression on his face was extremely solemn.

"Someone is harming me in the Black Demon Palace."

His eyes showed resentment!


The first thing he thought of was the newcomer who killed Qin Shura.

The other party is here to take revenge...

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