Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 212 The ancient spiritual weapon of Jida, the Shangqing Baoding!

"Bold maniac, how dare you challenge my superior..."

Seeing Lin Wudao's sudden move, the gatekeeper disciple became furious.

While talking.

He immediately drew out a simple long sword and slashed it at Lin Wudao crazily to show the majesty of Shangqing Sword Palace.


Although his idea is good, the reality is cruel.


The moment he took action, Lin Wudao blasted out a large five-element sword energy. The unparalleled power directly exploded against his body.

The gatekeeper disciple in front of him only had the cultivation level of Luotian Realm and could not withstand Lin Wudao's attack.


Ended up with no bones left!




At the same time, as Lin Wudao sacrificed the Great Desolate Heaven Prison Tower, the earth-shattering power of the Imperial Dao swept across all directions like a flood in an instant.

For a moment.

Many powerful beings in Shangqing Sword Palace were all alarmed!


I saw sharp sounds breaking through the air. The first ones to appear were the Supreme Elders from the Shangqing Sword Palace, followed closely by Ji Beiming.


They all focused their gazes on the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Tower, their eyes widened in disbelief...

"That's...the Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven Tower?"

Someone let out an incredible exclamation.

The Great Wilderness Prison Tower!

That is the most precious treasure of their Shangqing Sword Palace!

As far as they knew, wasn't this thing taken away by Lu Qinghou and headed to the sinful town to suppress Lin Wudao? Why did it suddenly appear here?

Until, when their eyes swept over Lin Wudao, everyone was even more shocked.

A moment!

They seemed to understand something...

"That person... couldn't be Lin Wudao, right?"

"It should be!"

"Both Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan are dead. They were obviously killed by Lin Wudao, and the Great Wilderness Heaven Prisoner Tower naturally fell into his hands."

"What should I do?"

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Tower is a top-notch imperial ancient spiritual weapon. It can evolve a thousand-foot barrier and imprison monks in the realm of divine power. If we are trapped, wouldn't the Shangqing Sword Palace..."

"Lin Wudao, he wants to bring peace to others..."

Everyone clenched their fists and roared.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao was also swallowed up by countless angry glances.

"What do you mean by this?"

At this time.

As the Lord of the First Palace, Ji Beiming suppressed the anger and shock in his heart and loudly questioned Lin Wudao.

To this!

Lin Wudao looked indifferent, and his eyes were extremely dull.

"What do I mean?"

"Of course I came here to give you a gift from the Shangqing Sword Palace. Lu Qinghou massacred 100,000 people in my sinful city. I have to calculate this account carefully."

"As the saying goes, it's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

"Marquis Lu Qing massacred one hundred thousand people in my sinful city, so I will massacre the entire Shangqing Sword Palace today to comfort the souls of those dead people in heaven..."

The cold and ruthless figure spread all over the place.


Slaughtered the entire Shangqing Sword Palace?

As soon as these words came out, the whole Shangqing Sword Palace was shocked!

Ji Beiming, as well as all the Supreme Elders present, as well as many disciples and disciples of Shangqing Sword Palace, all showed incredulous looks.

This is the first time since the Shangqing Sword Palace was founded that someone dared to threaten them...

"Oh, what a loud tone!"

"Lin Wudao, you alone actually dare to think of killing my entire Shangqing Sword Palace? Is it possible that just with this mere Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven Tower?"

Ji Beiming sneered coldly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

"You're right, it's because of the Great Desolate Heaven Prisoning Tower in my hand!"


The words fell.

Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed. In an instant, the Great Wilderness Prison Tower suspended in the void suddenly shook, and then an even brighter black light fell down.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black barrier visible to the naked eye, covering the entire Shangqing Sword Palace.

See it!

Ji Beiming and others showed disdain.

"Lin Wudao, you think too highly of yourself!"

"Today, I will let you see that the nine thousand years of inheritance of my Shangqing Sword Palace are not yours at all..."


One of the Supreme Elders, who was at the peak of the divine power realm, turned over his hand and took out an ancient sword at the level of the Imperial Ancient Spirit Weapon. He then summoned all his strength and slashed hard towards the barrier.


Suddenly, a huge roar shook the world!


What shocked the black-clothed elder was that his full-strength attack, which seemed to be extremely ferocious with the superior imperial ancient spirit weapon in hand, was unable to break through the barrier of the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Tower.

His attack only caused ripples in the barrier...

"How can this be?"

Seeing this scene, not only the elder in black was dumbfounded, but even Ji Beiming and others who were watching from behind took a deep breath.

Looks horrified!

Especially Ji Beiming's pupils tightened!

Regarding the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Tower, he knew best that it was just a high-quality Imperial Ancient Spirit Soldier, and the barrier it evolved could only imprison monks in the realm of divine power.


The attack of the black-clothed Supreme Elder was far beyond the range of the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Tower. Logically speaking, with this sword strike, the barrier should be destroyed.

However, now it is intact!

This result shocked Ji Beiming, but at the same time, an inexplicable panic arose in his heart...

"No! There's something wrong with this Great Wilderness Prison Tower!"

he growled.

In fact, he didn't need to speak, everyone present also noticed it at this time.

The Great Wilderness Prison Tower in front of us seems to have become more powerful...

"Is it possible that Lin Wudao improved its quality?"

Some people doubted.

"This should be!"

"Unexpectedly, the treasures of my Shangqing Sword Palace are now being used against ourselves. It's really the most ridiculous thing in the world..."

"This is all the result of the palace master's wise leadership..."

Everyone was talking about it.

That way!

It seems that he is not panicked or afraid of being imprisoned in the barrier.

"It seems that they have a stronger trump card?"

Lin Wudao sneered.


With a raise of his hand, the undead knight who had been promoted to the divine vein realm by him instantly passed through the barrier and came to Ji Beiming and others.

"Kill everyone here!"


With an order, the silent undead knight woke up in an instant, and then directly swung the giant sword in his hand and slashed towards Ji Beiming and others.


The first one to bear the brunt is Ji Beiming.

He had no idea how terrifying the undead knight was. Just when he was about to resist, the terrifying sword energy had already fallen on him.


In the extremely horrified eyes of everyone, Ji Beiming was cut in half with a sword...


"A puppet in the divine vein realm?"

"Hurry up and report to our ancestors, please bring out extreme weapons to suppress this thief Lin Wudao..."

Everyone panicked.

A moment!

They were completely confused!


The Undead Knight didn't care about that much, it only knew how to execute Lin Wudao's orders.




As the terrifying sword energy was swung out, another supreme elder in the realm of divine power, as well as many disciples and disciples, were forcibly killed.

This scene scared everyone out of their wits.

"The little thief is rampant!"

Just as the undead knight was going on a killing spree, suddenly, a low and hoarse voice came from the deepest part of Shangqing Sword Palace.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao saw an ancient black cauldron cut through the void and hit the barrier hard.


Accompanied by the ear-piercing explosion, the barrier formed by the Great Wilderness Heaven Prison Tower shattered.


The ancient spiritual weapon of Ji Dao?

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

His eyes fell on the ancient black cauldron...

Name: Shangqing Baoding

Level: Jidao Ancient Spirit Weapon

Quality: lowest quality

Introduction: The above-mentioned Qingxuan gold is used as the main material, mixed with thirty-six kinds of rare extreme materials, and it took three hundred years to refine. It contains nine innate extreme restrictions.

Function: 1. Absorb the power of heaven and earth and destroy all things!

2. Suppress an area with a radius of thousands of miles and gather the spiritual power of heaven and earth. A great spiritual energy tide can be gathered every ten years. By then, the speed of cultivation will be increased a hundred times!

3. Break through the realm. Any creature under the realm of divine veins that enters it can use the extreme power of the treasure tripod to wash away the body and break through the shackles of the original great realm.

4. Standing above the head, it can defend against attacks from all monks in the divine vein realm!

The eyes of the gods scanned it, and a lot of information was immediately fed back.

After reading this!

Even Lin Wudao, who had seen many treasures and divine objects, could not help but feel a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"It's really a good baby!"

"There is only one word difference between the Jidao Ancient Spirit Armament and the Jidao Spirit Armament, but the difference is immeasurable. No wonder the Shangqing Sword Palace has been able to stand for nine thousand years. This Shangqing Baoding is probably taking the most of the credit. Great.”

Lin Wudao praised.

call out!

Just when he was looking at the Shangqing Treasure Cauldron, suddenly, a powerful rainbow light rushed out from the deepest part of Shangqing Sword Palace, and finally transformed into an old man in green, standing in the mid-air.

The whole body exudes powerful power...

"Greetings to our ancestors!"

"Please ask our ancestors to make the decision for me, Shangqing Sword Palace, to kill Lin Wudao!"

"The ancestors are here, we are saved..."

Many disciples and disciples knelt down to pray.

The appearance of the old man in green brings them hope of survival!

Lu Daoting?

Early stage of Divine Vein Realm?

Looking at the imposing old man in green in front of him, Lin Wudao had a cold smile on his lips.

"Keep killing, leave no one behind!"

He ordered towards the Undead Knight.


He didn't take Lu Daoting seriously!

"The child is extremely arrogant~"

Seeing Lin Wudao's gestures and actions, Lu Daoting's eyes flashed with ferocity. Without any hesitation, he raised his hand to activate the Shangqing Baoding and suppressed the undead knight...

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