Shangqing Sword Palace is located in Qingcang Realm!

His sect has been in existence for more than 9,000 years and has been the leading force in the entire Qingcang Realm and even the Qingtian Territory. Its foundation and strength are extremely strong.

at this time!

In the ancient and majestic Shangqing Palace, Palace Master Ji Beiming was convening the Supreme Elders of Shangqing Sword Palace to discuss important matters of the sect. The scene was full of solemnity.

As the master of the first palace of Shangqing Sword Palace, Ji Beiming has cultivated to the realm of divine power, and many of the Supreme Elders present are also above the realm of divine power.

They represent most of the strength and heritage of Shangqing Sword Palace!

When discussing important matters, everyone's face was full of seriousness and they expressed their opinions one after another...




However, just as everyone was discussing in full swing, suddenly, a Nirvana disciple hurriedly arrived in front of the Shangqing Hall.

"Palace Master Qi, something bad has happened!"

"The soul lamps of Lu Qinghou, the wielder of the Wind and Thunder Sword, and Fu Tianshan, the eighth elder, suddenly went out..."

The disciple reported in panic.


Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan are dead?


Upon hearing the news, the elders in the Shangqing Palace and the palace master Ji Beiming suddenly changed their expressions.

Everyone stood up from their seats in shock!

Soul lamp!

It's a very magical thing!

According to the traditional rules of Shangqing Sword Palace, all disciples or disciples who join the sect will have a ray of soul integrated into the soul lamp when they first enter Shangqing Sword Palace.


If an accident occurs, you will be informed as soon as possible.

The extinguishing of the soul lamp means that this person has completely died...

Think of this!

Ji Beiming's face suddenly darkened, and his brows furrowed tightly.

"Palace Master, when Lu Qinghou left, didn't you give him two treasures from our Shangqing Sword Palace? How long has it passed before they died?"

"Is Lin Wudao from Sin City really that powerful?"

One of the Supreme Elders frowned.

To this!

Ji Beiming also shook his head.

"When Marquis Lu Qing left, I not only gave him the Imperial Ancient Spirit Soldiers and the Great Desolate Prison Tower, but also gave him a terrifying life curse."

"With these two things in hand, it is enough to kill any monk in the Divine Palace Realm!"

"Especially, the curse of life is a terrifying existence that even the realm of divine power cannot withstand. Once you are cursed, your lifespan will disappear like running water."

"I thought that when Lu Qing went to the Sin City this time, he would be able to kill Lin Wudao without any effort, but who knew..."


Ji Beiming's brows furrowed even more.

His face gradually became ugly...

"Perhaps we have all underestimated Lin Wudao!"

"Since he dares to kill my true disciple of Shangqing Sword Palace in public, he must be relying on someone. We really shouldn't take action rashly before we figure out the details."

"Now, two masters of the Divine Palace Realm, Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan, have died. This is also a big loss for our Shangqing Sword Palace."

"What's more, he also alerted the enemy!"

"Now, I'm afraid that Lin Wudao has taken precautions, and it will become more difficult to kill him again..."

Another Supreme Elder sighed.

between words.

It seems that he is quite dissatisfied with Ji Beiming's decision!

after all!

It was Ji Beiming who overrode all opinions and sent Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan to suppress and kill Lin Wudao.

But now, the whole army has ended up being wiped out!

This is not a good thing for Shangqing Sword Palace...

Both majesty and strength have been damaged.

"Actually, it would be better to let Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan test it out. Their deaths are not completely meaningless."

"At least, let us know more about Lin Wudao's strength!"

"Lin Wudao was able to kill Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan despite possessing the Great Wilderness Prison Tower and the Curse of Life. This shows that his strength has definitely reached the level of divine power."

"Even the Divine Vein Realm is not impossible..."

At this time.

Among the crowd, a younger Supreme Elder in black clothes spoke.

Hear the words!

Many people were silent, and some sneered secretly.


His words were not recognized by everyone!

"Palace Master, how are you going to deal with this matter next? Are you going to continue sending more powerful people to the sinful town to suppress Lin Wudao?"

"If the speculation is true, then Lin Wudao has strength above the divine vein level. We may have to invite our ancestors out of the Shangqing Sword Palace."

"Palace Master, you don't want to let our ancestors go to Sin City, do you?"

The previous Supreme Elder teased.

To this!

Ji Beiming snorted coldly.

"Let's put this aside for now!"

"I will make a decision after I report it to my ancestors..."

He said solemnly.

Say it.

Ignoring everyone's reactions, Ji Beiming dodged and disappeared directly into the Shangqing Hall.

Shangqing Sword Palace has been passed down for more than nine thousand years!

Among such a large force, there must be intrigues and various schemes. Although these old people in front of them are Supreme Elders and the pillars of the Sword Palace, they still inevitably compete for power.

For Ji Beiming, the palace owner.

In fact, many people are quite critical.


At the beginning, he did not ascend to the position of palace lord by relying on his own ability and strength; rather, he was able to ascend to the position of palace lord because he gained the favor of his ancestor Lu Daoting.


In the Sword Palace, many disciples with both ability and political integrity were unsuccessful.

Only Ji Beiming, relying on the strong recommendation of his ancestor Lu Daoting, succeeded as the Lord of the First Palace.

Many people are not convinced about this matter!


For a long time, the relationship between Ji Beiming and the Supreme Elders was not as harmonious as the outside world imagined. It was not uncommon for them to fight openly and secretly among themselves.

If their ancestor Lu Daoting hadn't still been there, I'm afraid they would have rebelled long ago...


The deaths of Lu Qinghou and Fu Tianshan finally gave them an opportunity, so many people began to confront him tit for tat.

And Ji Beiming, who knew he was not convinced, would naturally not argue with them.

In this Shangqing Sword Palace, his biggest supporter is Lu Daoting!

After this happened, he could only ask Lu Daoting to make up his mind...

after all!

The death of two people in the Divine Palace Realm is no small matter!


Lu Daoting is currently in seclusion to reach a higher realm without seeing anyone.

This is exactly what Ji Beiming wished for.

He also took the opportunity to delay this matter...

He believed that even Lu Daoting would definitely support his approach.


Although Ji Beiming's idea is good, the reality is cruel.

call out!

Two days later, accompanied by a bright stream of light, a spiritual boat arrived at Shangqing Sword Palace.

On top of it, stood a cold young man.

Astonishingly, it was Lin Wudao!

Revenge does not last overnight!

Shangqing Sword Palace killed 100,000 of his subjects, this grudge cannot be settled like this...

"It is indeed a treasure!"

Standing in the void.

Lin Wudao raised his eyes and looked at it for a few times, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The sect's residence at Shangqing Sword Palace is one of the most treasured places in the entire Qingtian Territory. There is actually a very high-grade spiritual vein hidden under the ground.

If you practice here, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

"There is some truth in the saying that where the soil and water support the people, it is no wonder that the big forces choose Yuxiu as their sect."

"Only when the land is good can people be outstanding..."

He nodded secretly.


Just when he looked up, he saw two figures suddenly appearing in front of him.

Lin Wudao knew one of them.

Astonishingly, it was his internal correspondent in Shangqing Sword Palace, Murong Shan, the master of Ziyang Cave!

It turns out that he is guarding the gate of Shangqing Sword Palace?

Lin Wudao frowned slightly.

at the same time!

When he saw Lin Wudao's familiar figure, Murong Shan across from him was also startled.

He did not expect that Lin Wudao would appear in Shangqing Sword Palace...


"Who are you and why did you break into my Shangqing Sword Palace without permission?"

Just when Murong Shan was about to say hello, suddenly, a disciple next to him took the lead in questioning him.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

"I was entrusted by someone to give you a gift from Shangqing Sword Palace..."

Giving gifts?

Hearing this, the disciple was obviously stunned.

He has been guarding the gate for many years and has never met such a strange person.


Since the other party was here to give a gift, he didn't dare to offend him.

"I wonder who you are entrusted by to come to my Shangqing Sword Palace to give a gift to someone?"

he asked carefully.

"Of course it was entrusted by Marquis Lu Qing and Fu Tianshan. He asked me to give you all the Shangqing Sword Palace a huge gift..."

What a great gift?

The gatekeeper disciple was shocked!


When he heard this, Murong Shan on the side was already trembling with fear.

According to his knowledge, Lin Wudao could not be so kind.


Just as he finished speaking, the gatekeeper's curiosity was piqued.

"I wonder what kind of gift you are sending me? Can it actually benefit my entire Shangqing Sword Palace?"

"Of course, I will send you to death..."

Lin Wudao said with a smile.


Send us to death?


Just when the gatekeeper didn't react, Lin Wudao waved his hand and took out the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Tower that had been strengthened ten times.

In an instant, thousands of black lights fell down, covering an area of ​​10,000 feet.

Covering the entire Shangqing Sword Palace...

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