At this time, the Sin Demon Mountain has attracted countless abyss creatures because the Sin Tree bloomed three thousand years in advance.

Look up!

With the Sin Demon Mountain as the center, hundreds of millions of abyss species gathered in the ten-dimensional space. Everyone stared at the blooming Sin Flower with fiery eyes.

In their eyes, there was a strong yearning and greed...

After all!

This is a supreme divine object that can improve qualifications, strengthen foundations and background, enough to change their lives and destiny.

Such a good thing, naturally everyone wants it.


There are only 3,600 Sin Flowers each time, but the abyss creatures that peek at it are countless.


It is not so easy to get the Sin Flower. They can't get past the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan.


Just as Yingshan and others from the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan were confronting hundreds of millions of abyss creatures, suddenly, a burst of extremely loud dragon roars came from the distant void.

At the same time!

It was accompanied by a monstrous demonic power and a fierce aura...

After a while, under the gaze of countless people, a 30,000-foot-long, hideous abyss demon dragon appeared in the Sin Demon Mountain.

Behind it, there were 22 legendary upper lords.

"The Great Sun Dragon Demon!"

Seeing the arrival, Yingshan and others' expressions suddenly changed, and they all tightened their hands on the immortal weapons and treasures, with a strong fear in their eyes.

The Great Sun Dragon Demon is the most powerful existence in the Great Sun Demon Kingdom except for the king Yamatian.

It is said!

It is about to reach the level of mythology

Now, it is coming with a monstrous demonic power, which makes Yingshan and others feel an enormous pressure.


This time, in addition to the Great Sun Dragon Demon, there are billions of abyss species in the surrounding space who are eyeing it covetously.

Facing the Great Sun Dragon Demon, they are already very difficult. If they are distracted to deal with the surrounding peepers, they will definitely not be able to defend the Tree of Sin.


The expressions of Yingshan and others suddenly became extremely solemn.

At the same time.

After seeing the Great Sun Dragon Demon, Lin Wudao also set his eyes on it. With just a light glance, he understood all the secrets of the Great Sun Dragon Demon.

"It turned out that he got a broken mythical upper demon seed, and with the help of the powerful abyss magic, he was able to transform himself and become a top legendary upper lord."

"In addition, this Great Sun Dragon Demon has some skills and abilities, and can even repair the broken mythical demon seed."

"At this rate, in a few thousand years, it will be able to repair the broken mythical demon seed to a perfect state."

"At that time, it will be the time for it to be promoted to a myth."

"There is even a great possibility that it will break the shackles of the upper lord and become a mythical great lord."

"Based on this point, the Great Sun Dragon Demon cannot be underestimated. It is an abyss species with extraordinary talent."

"Although it cannot be compared with Su Wugou, it is also very evil, and it is a good material for cultivation."

"After training, it still has a great future..."

After seeing through everything about the Great Sun Dragon Demon, Lin Wudao couldn't help but reveal a hint of admiration in his eyes.

He always likes geniuses and evildoers!

He admired people like Wu Daotian and Su Wugui, who were gifted and talented, and was willing to spend a lot of money to make friends and cultivate them.


Monsters of Wu Daotian and Su Wugui's level were rare in the world and the abyss. It was a great fortune to meet one.

Lin Wudao was able to meet two, which was definitely unprecedented.

Although the Great Sun Dragon Demon was not as talented and talented as Su Wugui, it was much stronger than other abyss species.

If it was brought under his command and then trained, it would definitely become a general in the future.


It would be a pity to kill it...

The Great Sun Dragon Demon was obviously unaware of Lin Wudao's favor.

"Come on, kill it!"

After arriving at the Sin Demon Mountain, the Great Sun Dragon Demon took a look at the blooming flower of sin, then waved his hand and issued an order to attack.

There is no so much nonsense in the struggle in the abyss, everything is said with fists and strength.

Swish, swish, swish!

Following the order of the Great Sun Dragon Demon, the twenty-two legendary upper lords behind him moved in unison, rushing towards the Tree of Sin like wolves and tigers.

At the same time.

Seeing the Great Sun Dragon Demon and others take action, the abyss creatures around the Sin Demon Mountain, who were eyeing them covetously, seemed to realize that the time had come.

Taking advantage of the Great Sun Dragon Demon's action, the surrounding abyss strongmen also took action and rushed over regardless of everything.

"Stop them!"

Seeing that everyone rushed forward and the situation was out of control in an instant, Yingshan and others were shocked.


After a thunderous roar, Yingshan took the lead in drawing out his Red Moon Demon Sword and took the lead in blocking the front.

He raised his hand and slashed with a knife, and a sharp blood-red knife light tore through the sky, directly killing hundreds of thousands of abyss creatures in the front.

The fierce and incomparable sword light forcibly opened up a wide passage among the billions of creatures in the abyss.

"Big Sun Dragon Demon, die!"

After slashing the abyss creatures in the front with one sword, Yingshan fixed his fierce eyes on the Sun Dragon Demon.


With a loud slap, the sword light, which was more fierce than before, seemed to cut through the void and fell on the head of the Sun Dragon Demon.

The momentum and power it showed far exceeded the average legendary upper lord.

"Legendary extreme?"

Feeling the powerful power released by Yingshan, the Sun Dragon Demon's eyes suddenly narrowed.

At this moment.

It could sense that Yingshan's strength had reached the extreme of the legendary upper lord and was close to the mythical level.

Even compared to itself, it was not weaker at all...

"Why did the creatures in the Canglan Demon Realm transform so quickly? It seems that all this is because of the God of Sin."

The Sun Dragon Demon thought secretly in his heart.

"The Dragon Demon is coming!"

Seeing that Yingshan's strength was not weaker than his own, the Sun Dragon Demon did not dare to underestimate or despise him.

At this moment!

It also showed all its strength.


With the roar of the Great Sun Dragon Demon, in the millions of dazzling magic lights, a grand vision of the dragon demon descending into the abyss suddenly appeared behind it.

In an instant.

With the blessing of the dragon demon vision, the momentum and power around the Great Sun Dragon Demon suddenly increased by more than a hundred times in an instant.

Originally, it had a legendary and extremely powerful combat power, and one foot had already stepped into the mythical level.

Now, after showing the dragon demon vision, the power exerted by the Great Sun Dragon Demon is even more powerful.

At this moment, its dragon body also transformed into an extremely powerful...


With a light claw slap, the Great Sun Dragon Demon directly wiped out the knife light that Yingshan chopped, and then it suddenly opened its terrifying dragon mouth.

"Demon Way Killing Sword!"

A dazzling magic light spurted out, and instantly evolved into a dark magic sword, with the power of destroying the world, slashing towards Yingshan.

This attack has already had a trace of the power and strength of a myth.

"The Great Sun Dragon Demon is indeed extraordinary!"

"According to Yingshan's current strength, he can't stop it at all..."

Looking at the powerful attack of the Great Sun Dragon Demon, Lin Wudao, who was secretly paying attention, admired it more and more.

At this time, he no longer hid, and gently pointed his finger at the void, and the attack of the Great Sun Dragon Demon instantly dissipated into nothingness.


Looking at this sudden scene, the Great Sun Dragon Demon was stunned at first, but then it seemed to realize something, and its expression suddenly changed.


Without any hesitation, it decisively abandoned everything, instantly turned into a magic light, and escaped into the deepest part of the void.

"Haha, you act decisively!"

"But in front of this god, it's still impossible for you to escape..."

A playful voice sounded in the ears of the Great Sun Dragon Demon.


Just as he was shocked, a big hand easily reached into the endless void and grabbed it out. (End of this chapter)

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