With the sky-swallowing peacock opening the way, the army of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom rushed into the Canglan Demon Realm like breaking bamboo.

Wherever it passed, all creatures in the Demon Realm were ruthlessly devoured or crushed.

In just a moment, billions of people of the abyss died.

at this time!

Waves of shrill and painful screams resounded throughout the Canglan Demon Realm.

Faced with the death of hundreds of millions of people, Lin Wudao on the Sin God Mountain saw it all but did not take action.

A small leak will sink a great ship!

Right now, the army of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom has not yet completely entered the Canglan Demon Realm, so it is not the time to take action.


Even if hundreds of millions of people died, Lin Wudao always maintained an indifferent attitude and watched everything quietly.

There are endless species in the abyss, and even if he loses some, it will not have much impact on him.


"The God of Sin is not that good either."

"When I devour all the people in the Canglan Demon Realm, will you still be able to sit still?"

Compared to Lin Wudao's calmness and indifference, the Peacock Demon King far away on the border battlefield laughed coldly.

In his opinion, the God of Sin cannot even protect his own people, and his ability and strength are definitely not very good.

Such a demon is not much of a threat at all!

not to mention!

He also has a forbidden species, the Sky-Eating Peacock, which can swallow the God of Evil in one gulp even if he comes.

Think of this.

The arrogance and arrogance in the eyes of the Peacock Demon King became more and more intense.


With a strong ego, the Great Peacock Demon King led a billion-strong army of the Demon Kingdom and stormed into the hinterland of the Canglan Demon Realm.

"Nie Zhan, have you had enough?"

"To devour all sentient beings in my Canglan Demon Realm at will, do you really think that this god does not exist..."


When all the armies of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom entered the Canglan Demon Realm, a majestic and cold voice suddenly resounded throughout the world.

As the words fell, I saw a terrifying big hand that covered the sky and the sun, and with great power and will, it suddenly caught the sky-swallowing peacock in its hand.


Looking at the big hand that covered the sky that appeared out of thin air, the sky-swallowing peacock's eyes burst out with a fierce light.

It suddenly opened its bloody mouth and turned into a terrifying black hole in the void, trying to swallow Lin Wudao's attack as well.


It had no idea about Lin Wudao's magical powers and power.

Within the Canglan Demon Realm, even if the great lord comes, he will still die...

"Space Confinement!"

A cold voice sounded slightly, and under the power of space divine authority and absolute divine authority, the space where the Sky-Swallowing Peacock was located was directly blocked.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao waved his big hand gently, and directly used his vast divine power and will to divide an independent space and drive the sky-swallowing peacock into it.

This space is blessed with the supreme divine power of dominion and absolute divine power. Even if the sky-swallowing peacock possesses the powerful magical power of swallowing the sky and eating the earth, it cannot display it at this time.

They can only be suppressed ruthlessly and then locked inside.

"My darling!"

"Is this... the God of Sin taking action?"

Everything happens in an instant.

Seeing the Sky-Swallowing Peacock being forced into an alien space, and even cutting off all contact with himself, the Peacock Demon King's pupils suddenly tightened.

At this moment!

In the bottom of his heart, an inexplicable panic suddenly emerged...

"Lord Peacock, be careful. This must be the God of Evil. He can't help but take action."

"Even the Sky-Swallowing Peacock was suppressed and imprisoned by Him. Its ability and strength cannot be underestimated."

"How about we exit the Canglan Demon Realm first and then make plans?"

Just when the Peacock Demon King was in shock, there was a legendary high-ranking lord beside him, who suggested in a deep voice.

Hear this!

Although the Peacock Demon King was extremely heartbroken, he made a decisive decision after thinking for a while.

He also sensed a strong danger...

"Send the order and evacuate the Canglan Demon Realm immediately!"

The Peacock Demon King made a prompt decision and ordered.


"Everyone listens to the order and evacuates the Canglan Demon Realm immediately!"

A group of legendary high-ranking lords looked up to the sky and roared.

Say it.

Under the leadership of the Peacock Demon King, they began to exit the Canglan Demon Realm as quickly as possible.


Lin Wudao finally managed to introduce them to the Demonic Realm, and he lost billions of people to this end. How could he let them escape so easily?


"You're thinking of leaving now? It's too late!"


Along with the cold and loud sound, in an instant, the Peacock Demon King and others felt that the world was spinning.

Under the mighty power of the ruling divine power, their cultivation was forcibly suppressed by one level, and they fell from the original legendary high-ranking lords to ordinary high-ranking lords.

Immediately afterwards.

The void in front of them suddenly had ripples that were visible to the naked eye. They were not allowed to resist at all, and everyone was forced into the cracks in the void.

Dragged into an independent space...


After cutting the space, Lin Wudao showed no sympathy or pity. With a gentle squeeze of his big hand, he directly crushed the Peacock Demon King and others to death.


Accompanied by extremely shrill screams, the bodies of the eighteen high-ranking lords and the army of one billion Demon Kingdoms all exploded.

In an instant, it turned into dust!

As for the abyss essence and abyss demon species in their bodies, they were separated by Lin Wudao alone.


Stretching out his big hand, Lin Wudao's palm penetrated the void, and at the same time spanned hundreds of millions of miles, and captured the demon seeds of the Peacock Demon King and others.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly put his five fingers together and crushed all the abyss demon seeds into pieces.

All of a sudden!

Waves of majestic abyss essence poured into Su Wugou's body like the vast Milky Way.


Feeling the sudden surge of majestic essence from the abyss, Su Wugou, who was receiving the baptism of God, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Great God, this is..."

"Don't be distracted, stay focused!"

"You run the "I Only Sovereign Dafa" with all your strength, and I will help you cleanse your muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and reshape your foundation and heritage."

"This is a rare opportunity to transform all the three thousand demon species in the body into legendary demon species."

"Lay a solid foundation for future impact on mythology..."

Lin Wudao's majestic voice suddenly sounded in Su Wugou's soul.


Hearing this, Su Wugou also knew that this was an unprecedented opportunity and good fortune. Just relying on her own words, she wanted to transform all the three thousand demon species in her body into the legendary level. The time and energy required were simply incredible. Unthinkable.

If she had the help of the God of Sin, the difficulty of practicing the law of self-reliance would be greatly reduced.

Thinking about this!

She immediately abandoned all distracting thoughts, concentrated all her mind and attention, and immersed herself in practicing the Dharma of Self-reliance.

at the same time.

Lin Wudao was not idle either.

After powerfully killing the Peacock Demon King and others, he blessed the hundreds of millions of people in the Canglan Demon Realm with the power of absolute war, absolute defense, absolute killing, and absolute destruction.

"The army of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom has been completely suppressed by this god."

"Everyone, attack the Tianyou Demon Realm immediately. I will protect you..."


Following Lin Wudao's order, in an instant, the originally decadent people of Canglan Demon Realm immediately cheered up again.


Under the leadership of a group of high-ranking lords, hundreds of millions of people formed a vast army of the Demon Realm and marched into the Tianyou Demon Realm in a mighty manner.

At this moment.

After receiving the blessing of Lin Wudao's divine power, their combat power has completely crushed all living beings in the Tianyou Demon Realm.


After rushing into the Tianyou Demon Realm, the evil army rushed towards the Great Sun Demon City like a broken bamboo.

Wherever the army passed, all the creatures in the demon kingdom were suppressed, and the essence of the abyss was devoured.

Look at this scene!

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

After dealing with the threat of the Great Peacock Demon, he came back to his senses and turned his attention to the Great Sun Dragon Demon.

call out!

At this time, the Great Sun Dragon Demon has led twenty-two legendary high-ranking lords and arrived at the Sinful Mountain with great momentum... (End of this chapter)

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