Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1221 The Nineteenth Layer of the Abyss, Searching for Ancestor Hun Tian!

"If nothing unexpected happens, the forbidden dragon god Mingcang is definitely a forbidden demon god in the upper abyss."

"I just don't know whether he is a legendary forbidden demon god or a mythical forbidden demon god?"

"What level is he in..."

Lin Wudao felt a strong curiosity.

The absolute divine power in his hand was originally obtained from Mingcang. The other party was able to access the subordinate divine power of the supreme level, which was definitely a giant in the abyss.


He and the forbidden dragon god Mingcang also had a deep hatred. If they met in the future, it would definitely not be settled peacefully.

[System, how many levels are there in the abyss? Can species in the upper abyss enter the lower abyss? ]

After a few silences, Lin Wudao continued to ask.

[The abyss has many levels, and the species and situations in each level of the abyss are different. ]

[Only the third level of the abyss has abyss species at the level of Immortal King, but on the fourth level, there are species at the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor. ]

[For the general situation, the host can refer to the City of All Heavens! ]

[However, the City of All Heavens has only twelve layers, but the Abyss has far more than twelve layers. ]

[In the past, the Abyss had a total of eighteen layers, but now there are nineteen layers, and the twentieth layer may appear in the future. ]

[The Abyss is not constant, but full of variables and uncertainties. ]

[As for high-level Abyss species, under normal circumstances, they can enter the lower Abyss, but in the lower Abyss, the power level will be constrained and limited by the will of the Abyss. ]

[At the highest, they can only exert the power of the corresponding Abyss. ]

[For example, the mythical lord-level species in the fourth layer, when entering the third layer of the Abyss, can only exert the ultimate power of the Immortal King. ]

[As for the low-level Abyss species entering the high-level Abyss, there is no such restriction. ]

Listening to the system's narration, Lin Wudao also showed a thoughtful look.

He didn't expect that there were actually nineteen layers of the Abyss!

In the future, there may even be a twentieth floor...

Everything seems to be full of variables!

[By the way, system, if I go to the abyss to develop faith and harvest incense, how can I obtain the divine power and divine law in the abyss? ]

[Does it mean that I have to hunt down an abyss demon before that? ]

At this time!

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something important and asked hurriedly.

The gods in the human world are fundamentally different from the demons in the abyss, so the divine power and divine law they exercise must be different.

The divine power and divine law of the human world are not applicable to the demons in the abyss.

If you just go with the panel bare, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve great things...

Lin Wudao frowned secretly.

For his concerns, the system also gave an answer.

[The divine power and divine law of the gods in the human world are indeed not applicable to the demons in the abyss. ]

[Not only the divine power, divine law, and divine art, but also the artifacts are different. ]

[If the host really wants to go to the abyss to develop faith and harvest incense, he must prepare the divine power, divine law, divine genealogy, and divine artifacts. ]

[The fastest way is to replicate the divine power, divine law, and divine art of the Great Demon God Qingshan in the human world. ]

[Specific operation method, the host can print the divine power and divine law of the Great Demon God Qingshan on a divine genealogy, and then put them together in the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin. ]

[With the breath and power of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, it can be transformed into the divine power and divine law in the abyss. ]

[With the power of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, it can transform the divine power and divine law in the human world into the divine power in the abyss in as fast as one month and as slow as three to five months. ]

[However, once transformed into the divine power of the abyss, the divine power and divine law may have some variables. ]

[Maybe some characteristics will be lost, some characteristics may be increased, some characteristics may be weakened, and some characteristics may be enhanced. 】

【No one knows what will happen...】


Magic transformation of divine power, magical transformation of divine law?

Listening to the system's narration, Lin Wudao seemed to understand the meaning.

In the end, what will happen to divine power and divine law depends on the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin.

Even the system cannot predict it!

"It seems that the level of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin is quite high."

Lin Wudao thought secretly in his heart.

Regarding the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, the information he knows now is what Kunlun Immortal Emperor brought back from the end of the world of the Great Dao.

He doesn't know where it came from and how it was produced...

The Heaven Burial Copper Coffin seems to be shrouded in countless secrets. Even Lin Wudao only uses it to collect corpses.

And this is definitely not its only use!


Collecting corpses is not the real use of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin.

"Perhaps, inside the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, there really is a vast world buried."

"Or perhaps, it is the coffin of a certain supreme being..."

Lin Wudao secretly guessed in his heart.

Thinking of this!

He took a deep breath and did not continue to dwell on this issue. Instead, he set his eyes on the abyss soul.

[System, this is Lord Wu Tian's abyss soul. Does it contain Lord Wu Tian's memory? ]

Lin Wudao suddenly asked curiously.

[Yes! ]

[One trillion flowers of luck, the system can help the host extract Lord Wu Tian's memory. ]

One trillion?

Lin Wudao's face darkened.

Dog system, just want money!

He cursed in his heart.

However, although he was extremely unhappy with the system's face of asking for money, Lin Wudao, who was under the eaves, had to bow his head.

In the end!

He compromised!

After consuming one trillion flowers of luck, he successfully obtained one-tenth of Lord Wu Tian's memory.

When integrating Lord Wu Tian's memory, Lin Wu Dao not only learned the details of the abyss, but also learned the real purpose of Lord Wu Tian and others' invasion of Tian Xiao World.

"Is the matter actually related to the ancient country of Hun Tian?"

"Even the Lord of the Abyss wants to get the abyss demon seeds, does it involve the mythical Lord?"

"In the third layer of the abyss, only the mythical-level abyss demon seeds can make the three legendary Lords so crazy."

"Did the ancestor of the ancient country of Hun Tian come down from the Hong Tian World?"

"In addition, how did he steal the abyss demon seeds from under the nose of the Lord of the Abyss?"

A series of questions emerged from Lin Wu Dao's mind.

He felt that things were becoming more and more complicated...

To solve this series of mysteries, either find the prince Yin Bubai of the ancient country of Hun Tian, ​​or find the ancestor of Hun Tian himself.

"According to the information Lord Wu Tian and his men have, Yin Bubai seems to be no longer in the Tian Xiao World."

"It's not easy to find his trace!"

"It seems that the only person left to find is the old ancestor Hun Tian..."

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

After that!

He placed a wisp of divinity and true spirit on the statue of Xuantian Immortal Realm.


At this moment.

Relying on the powerful divine power of Taichu Divine Mountain, Tushan Cangyue has cleared most of the abyss materials in the twenty-four immortal realms of the forbidden land.

On the other side!

Shang Qi also collected the bodies of the ancient immortals, true immortals and others who died in the battle and buried them in the land of the gods.


After a brief inspection of the general situation in the forbidden land, Lin Wudao moved Tushan Cangyue and others to the temple through divine power and will.

"You did a good job this time!"

"At present, the army of the third layer of the abyss has been suppressed and wiped out, and the forbidden land is gradually returning to its original state."

"Next, it is time to bring the entire Tianxiao world under the rule of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"Chong Gao, I order you to lead the remaining immortal kings and ancient immortals to conquer the remaining nine immortal realms, and make sure to bring them under the rule of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom in the shortest possible time."

"In addition, I will give you another task, which is to find out the old people of the former Huntian Ancient Kingdom. The location of the ancestor's tomb."

"It was the old ancestor Huntian who brought back the soul seed from outside the domain."

"This time, the abyss army invaded the Tianxiao world, and the fundamental reason was for the old ancestor Huntian."

"This threat must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, the abyss army will definitely come back again."

"As for the high priest, he is responsible for continuing to clear the abyss materials in the Tianxiao world, and at the same time, establish the belief of this god in this world..."

Lin Wudao ordered in an orderly manner.


He ignored the reactions of the crowd, directly restrained his divine power and will, and returned to the land of the gods.

[System, cultivate the "Dao Supreme Sutra" and "Dao Gu Supreme Sutra" to the extreme Dao Tiandi realm for me.]

The first thing Lin Wudao did after returning was to improve his cultivation.

The tenth level of Tiandi is still too weak! (End of this chapter)

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