Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1220 The possibility of developing the power of the abyss!


Lin Wudao's mind moved, and the three items he obtained from collecting corpses this time appeared in front of him instantly.

A fist-sized soul essence exuding a strong abyss aura; an ancient and strange teleportation array; and an egg-sized, prismatic crystal-shaped demon seed.

Looking at the three things in front of him, Lin Wudao was both surprised and very surprised.

[Name: Soul of the Abyss]

[Level: Mythology Upper Lord]

[Introduction: Originated from the third layer of the abyss, the soul of the abyss of the mythology upper lord Wu Tian. ]

[Note: It can only be used by abyss species! ]

[Name: Abyss Teleportation Array]

[Level: Great Lord Level]

[Introduction: The teleportation array originated from the third layer of the abyss. After it is established, it can open up a passage between the abyss and the human world. ]

[Note: This teleportation array can only allow mythology-level great lords to pass through at most. Once the tolerance range is exceeded, the teleportation array will collapse. 】

[Name: Abyss Demon Seed]

[Level: Legendary Overlord]

[Introduction: It is a hundred times stronger than the Abyss Demon Seed of Wutian, the third-layer mythical upper lord of the Abyss. After the Abyss species merge with it, it can have the qualifications and potential of the Legendary Overlord level. 】

[Note: It can only be used by Abyss species! 】

All three things look very powerful.


These are items from the Abyss and are only suitable for Abyss species. Human beings can't use them at all.

In Lin Wudao's opinion, the Soul of the Abyss, the Abyss Teleportation Array, and the Abyss Demon Seed don't seem to be of much use to him.

Unless he wants to develop in the Abyss...


When he thought of this, Lin Wudao's eyes lit up instantly. He was still quite interested in the Abyss.

"If you go to the Abyss to develop and lay a foundation, it may not be impossible."

He secretly thought about it.

After a long time!

Lin Wudao felt that this was a rare opportunity and could not be easily let go.


The abyss is strange and terrifying, and it is a completely different world from the human world. If you want to develop there, you have to be fully prepared.

First of all, you must understand the abyss!


[System, if I want to develop power in the abyss, what conditions do I need to meet? ]

Lin Wudao asked curiously.


[The world in the abyss is two opposite extremes from the human world. ]

[If the host wants to develop power in the abyss, the first thing is that the host must transform into an abyss species. ]

[Abyss species are diverse! ]

[But in general, there are only two major categories; one is the abyss creatures, and the other is the abyss demon gods. ]

[The power of the abyss creatures comes from themselves; the power of the abyss demon gods comes from the incense and faith of the abyss species. 】

【At present, the host has two options, either condense a clone and transform into an abyss species; or condense the abyss divine genealogy and transform into an abyss demon god. 】

【The specific method of transforming into an abyss species is that the host can go to the third layer of the abyss through the teleportation array, find an abyss creature under a great lord, and take over the body, and transform the body and soul of the clone into an abyss species. 】

【The specific method of transforming into an abyss demon god is that the host goes to the third layer of the abyss through the teleportation array, and relies on the abyss divine genealogy to establish the abyss belief, so as to condense the demon god's true body. 】

【Whether it is an abyss creature or an abyss demon god, the prerequisite must be an abyss species. 】

【Abyss species are extremely sensitive to the breath of the human world. Once any breath of the human world enters the abyss, it will definitely be detected by the will of the abyss and then completely killed. 】


The system spoke carefully, and Lin Wudao listened carefully.

Through this narration, he also had a clear understanding of the concept of abyss species.

"Abyss creatures are definitely not suitable for me."

"The creatures in the abyss don't have any luck at all. They are all assimilated by the abyss and are not worth much."

"Transforming into an abyss creature is equivalent to not wasting effort, and it is not secretive enough."

"Relatively speaking, it is better to become an abyss demon god..."

Lin Wudao kept calculating the pros and cons between the two.

For him, becoming an abyss demon god is more cost-effective.

After all!

The abyss demon god is a god of incense in the abyss, and is more secretive than the abyss creatures.

The key is that the abyss demon god has incense to absorb, which is also what Lin Wudao urgently needs.

[System, is there any essential difference between the abyss god genealogy and the human god genealogy? ]

[The essential difference is that one collects incense and gods from the human world; the other collects incense and gods from the abyss. ]

[The human god genealogy cannot be used in the abyss! ]

[If you want to collect faith and incense in the abyss, you must have the Abyss God Chart. ]

[The host can use a human god chart, with the Abyss Demon Seed and the Abyss Soul, and put it into the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin to make a third-layer god chart of the Abyss. ]

[However, there is one thing the host needs to pay attention to. The Abyss Demon God and the gods of the human world are not in common. ]

[In other words, the incense gods of the human world and the demon gods in the abyss cannot be connected together and cannot be maintained under the same god position. ]

[This point is absolutely not allowed by both the will of the human world and the will of the abyss. ]

[The abyss and the human world are permanent enemies! ]

[If either party is discovered, they will suffer a catastrophe...]


The faith of the abyss and the faith of the human world cannot be in common?

Hearing this!

Lin Wudao frowned immediately.


He was planning to open a small account in the abyss, hang under the god system of the Great Demon God Qingshan, and use the faith and incense of the abyss to support the Great Demon God Qingshan in the human world.

However, his idea was too beautiful and it would not work at all...

In that case.

Neither the human world nor the abyss would be able to accommodate him.

"Since the human world and the abyss cannot share the same god position, if I want to develop my power in the abyss in the future, I can only create a new account of the Abyss Demon God."

Lin Wudao sighed with regret.

[System, the abyss and the human world cannot share the same god position, so can the incense between them be shared? ]

[In theory, it is not possible! ]

[However, the host's faith and incense are all hung under the system, and through the system, they can be seamlessly connected and converted to each other. ]

[All incense, whether from the human world or the abyss, are unified under the host's name and do not conflict with each other. ]


It's good to share the incense!

Hearing this, Lin Wudao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If even the incense cannot be shared, then there is no point in developing power and faith in the abyss.

[By the way, system, how are the levels of strength of the demon gods in the abyss divided? ]

At this time.

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something and asked again.

Since the realm of the abyss species is different from that of the human world, the abyss demon gods and the incense gods in the human world must be different.

[The strength of the abyss demon gods and the abyss creatures is not much different. ]

[The abyss demon gods are mainly divided into: lower demon gods, middle demon gods, upper demon gods, great demon gods, and forbidden demon gods. ]

[In the third layer of the abyss, the great demon god corresponds to the great lord, the ultimate fairy king in the human world. ]

[The legendary great demon god corresponds to the legendary great lord, the ultimate fairy king of the universe in the human world. 】

【The Mythology Great Demon God corresponds to the Mythology Great Lord, the Great Universe-level Ultimate Immortal King in the human world. 】

【As for the Forbidden Demon God, it is at the level of destiny in the human world, the level of half-step avenue title, and the level of complete avenue title. 】

Forbidden Demon God?

Upon hearing these words, Lin Wudao's heart was suddenly shocked.

At this moment.

The first thing he thought of was the Forbidden Dragon God Mingcang he had met before. (End of this chapter)

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